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September 19, 2000 / le 19 septembre 2000

CMAJ 2000; 163(6)

Highlights of this issue

The location of postgraduate training in family medicine in Ontario is shifting to community practice in rural settings. Robert McKendry and colleagues compared the performance of trainees in traditional programs based in medical schools with that of trainees in programs in remote communities (page 708).

(Canapress/Adam Pike Riesner)
Postgraduate training in family medicine shifting to practice in rural settings

Wax poetic, wax reflective, or wax wacky.
Submit now for our annual Holiday Review.

  Editorial • Éditorial
689 Time for a new Canada Health Act
691 Une nouvelle Loi canadienne sur la santé s'impose

696 Letters • Correspondance [PDF]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
701 Comparison of human papillomavirus DNA testing and repeat Papanicolaou test in women with low-grade cervical cytologic abnormalities: a randomized trial
A. Lytwyn, J.W. Sellors, J.B. Mahony, D. Daya, W. Chapman, N. Ellis, P. Roth, A.T. Lorincz, A. Gafni, for the HPV Effectiveness in Lowgrade Paps (HELP) Study No. 1 Group
708 Does the site of postgraduate family medicine training predict performance on summative examinations? A comparison of urban and remote programs
R.J. McKendry, N. Busing, D.W. Dauphinee, C.A. Brailovsky, A.-P. Boulais
  Research Letter • Exposé de recherche
714 Incidence of major depression in Canada
S.B. Patten

  Commentary • Commentaire
716 Who wrote this paper anyway?
J. Hoey

  Review • Synthèse
721 Rheumatology: 8. Advanced therapy
D. Lacaille
729 Environment and health: 2. Global climate change and health
A. Haines, A.J. McMichael, P.R. Epstein
735 The wellness program for medical faculty at the University of Ottawa: a work in progress
N.E. MacDonald, S. Davidson
739 Tomato lycopene and its role in human health and chronic diseases
S. Agarwal, A. Venketeshwer Rao

745 The Left Atrium • De l'Oreille Gauche
  • Ideology and epidemics J.F. Anderson
  • Under Cézanne's shadow R. Ruskin
  • The existential art of Alex Coville A.M. Todkill

749 News and analysis • Nouvelles et analyses [PDF]

795 Deaths • Nécrologie

  Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
796 A passion takes wing in Saskatoon
A.J. Ehman

CMA Policy
The Future of Medicine  [PDF format]

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