Welcome Book Review Editor

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September – 2009

Book Review Editor

Terry Anderson

IRRODL is very pleased to welcome Dr. Peter Cookson as book review editor. Long time IRRODL readers will remember Peter as the founding editor of IRRODL. Since leaving Athabasca, Peter has been working at universities in Costa Rica and Mexico. Most recently, he has accepted a position as director of Distance Education & Learning Technologies at Delaware State University. Peter has an extensive, international background in all aspects of distance education and brings a wealth of experience and skills to the book review editor position.

As always, we are interested in both reviewers and books to review. If you wish to be considered as a reviewer, you are invited to register on the IRRODL OJS system as a reviewer. Please include the word book as well as your particular distance education interests. This will allow the book review editor to find interested reviewers. If you are selected and agree to review, a free copy of the book you review will be sent to you. If you are already a loyal IRRODL article reviewer, perhaps the arrival of a new book review editor will serve as a good excuse for you to update your profile in the IRRODL Open Journal System, including research interests and competencies.

Finally, if you are aware of a recently published book that you would like to see reviewed, please email Peter at peterscookson@gmail.com with the title, author and publisher’s name. We also encourage publishers to mail copies of books they would like to see reviewed to Brigette McConkey, IRRODL managing editor at brigettem@athabascau.ca.

ISSN: 1492-3831