Vol 5, No 1 (2004)

Special Issue: Low Cost Distance Education Strategies

Table of Contents


Low Cost Distance Education Strategies: the use of appropriate information and communication technologies HTML PDF
Thomas Hülsmann

Research Articles

Tutoring Large Numbers: An Unmet Challenge HTML PDF
Helen Lentell, Jennifer O'Rourke
Open-Distance Education as a Mechanism for Sustainable Development: Reflections on the Nigerian Experience HTML PDF
Rashid Aderinoye, Kester Ojokheta
Broadband: A Solution for Rural e-Learning? HTML PDF
Robin Mason, Frank Rennie
Distance Learning for Teacher Training in Brazil HTML PDF
Alvana Maria Bof

Research Notes

Interim Report: A Case Study of Internet-Based Distance Education Program Development in Vietnam HTML PDF
Ramona R. Materi, Patrick J. Fahy

Book Notes

Reusing Online Resources: A sustainable approach to e-learning HTML PDF
Sanjaya Mishra
The future of learning: From eLearning to mLearning HTML PDF
Murugan Krishnapillai
Reflections on Teaching and Learning in an Online Master Program: A Case Study HTML PDF
Dianne Conrad

Technical Notes

Best Practices in Online Conference Moderation HTML PDF
Adrienne De Schutter, Patricia Fahrni, Jim Rudolph
Educational Wikis: features and selection criteria HTML PDF
Linda Schwartz, Sharon Clark, Mary Cossarin, Jim Rudolph
Speak2Me: Using Synchronous Audio for ESL Teaching in Taiwan HTML PDF
Deborah K. LaPointe, Katherine R.B. Greysen, Kerrin A. Barrett
Integrated Learning Management Systems HTML PDF
Sharon Clark, Mary Cossarin, Harry Doxsee, Linda Schwartz
Vendor-Assisted Evaluation of a Learning Management System HTML PDF
Patricia Fahrni, Jim Rudolph, Adrienne De Schutter

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 5, Number 1 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831