Vol 6, No 1 (2005)

Special Issue: Strategic Enterprises Down Under

Table of Contents


Guest Editors' Introduction to Special Theme Issue: Strategic Enterprises Down Under HTML PDF
Jeanne McConachie, Patrick Alan Danaher

Research Articles

Middle-Out Approaches to Reform of University Teaching and Learning: Champions striding between the top-down and bottom-up approaches HTML PDF
Rick Cummings, Rob Phillips, Rhondda Tilbrook, Kate Lowe
Markets, Distance Education, and Australian Higher Education HTML PDF
Ted Nunan
Quality Assurance, Open and Distance Learning, and Australian Universities HTML PDF
Ian C. Reid
Quality Improvement, Quality Assurance, and Benchmarking: Comparing two frameworks for managing quality processes in open and distance learning HTML PDF
Alistair Inglis
Using Integrated Enterprise Systems to Achieve Strategic Goals: A case study of a dual mode university HTML PDF
Alan Smith
Central Queensland University's Course Management Systems: Accelerator or brake in engaging change? HTML PDF
Jeanne McConachie, Patrick Alan Danaher, Jo Luck, David Jones
Globalizing Flexible Work in Universities: Socio-technical dilemmas in internationalizing education HTML PDF
Michael Singh, Jinghe Han

Research Notes

Elements of Effective e-Learning Design HTML PDF
Andrew R. Brown, Bradley D. Voltz

Book Notes

Vocational Education and Training through Open and Distance Learning HTML PDF
Zane L. Berge
Online Education Using Learning Objects HTML PDF
Sanjaya Mishra

Technical Notes

Contrasting LMS Marketing Approaches HTML PDF
Brain Carriere, Carl Challborn, James Moore, Theodorus Nibourg
Open Source Software: Fully featured vs. "the devil you know"? HTML PDF
Michael Hotrum, Brian Ludwig, Jon Baggaley
Breaking Down the LMS Walls HTML PDF
Michael Hotrum
Conferencing Tools and the Productivity Paradox HTML PDF
Theodorus Nibourg
CanCore in Canada and Around the World HTML PDF
Norm Friesen

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 6, Number 1 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831