Vol 6, No 2 (2005)

Table of Contents


Introducing IRRODL's Regional Editors: Building the pathway to a global village of open and distance Education literature HTML PDF
Terry Anderson, Paula Smith

Research Articles

An Assessment of the Academic Achievement of Students in Two Modes of Part-time Programme in Nigeria HTML PDF
Kola Adeyemi, Austin Osunde
Increasing Access to Higher Education: A study of the diffusion of online teaching among 913 college faculty HTML PDF
Peter Shea, Alexandra Pickett, Chun Sau Li
Structure, Content, Delivery, Service, and Outcomes: Quality e-Learning in higher education HTML PDF
Colla J. MacDonald, Terrie Lynn Thompson
Navigating Distance and Traditional Higher Education: Online faculty experiences HTML PDF
Alice G. Yick, Pam Patrick, Amanda Costin
Selected Topics from a Matched Study between a Face-to-face section and a Real-time Online section of a University Course HTML PDF
Mia Lobel, Michael Neubauer, Randy Sweburg
Identifying Sources of Difference in Reliability in Content Analysis HTML PDF
Elizabeth Murphy, Justyna Ciszewska-Carr

Book Notes

Reflections on Research, Faculty and Leadership in Distance Education HTML PDF
Don Olcott, Jr.
Distance Education and Technology: Issues and Practice HTML PDF
Erin Keough
Learner Support in Open, Distance and Online Learning Environments HTML PDF
Stacey Ludwig

Technical Notes

Wiki Products: a comparison HTML PDF
Carl Challborn
Rubrics and Exemplars in Text-conferencing HTML PDF
Allan Zahara
Learning Objects and Instructional Design HTML PDF
Brian Harvey
Optimizing Conferencing Freeware HTML PDF
Jon Baggaley, Jim Klaas, Norine Wark, Jim Depow


Research on Formal Virtual Learning Communities in Higher Education Elluminate
Richard Schwier
Content Analysis of Online Asynchronous Discussions Elluminate
Elizabeth Murphy
Learning Object Repository Network (LORNet) Elluminate
France Henri
Investigating How Technology Innovation is Decided and Implemented in a Interorganizational Collaboration Elluminate
Genevieve Gallant
Affect as a Presence in the Community of Inquiry Model Elluminate
Prisca Campbell, Martha Cleveland-Innes
e-Learning 2.0 Elluminate
Stephen Downes
Games as Learning Environments: Research strategies and issues Elluminate
Jim Bizzocchi

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 6, Number 2 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831