Vol 9, No 2 (2008)

Table of Contents


Ideas Whose Time has Come Back HTML PDF MP3
Jon Baggaley

Research Articles

Distance Education and Corporate Training in Brazil: Regulations and interrelationships HTML PDF MP3
Stella C. S. Porto, Zane L. Berge
A Contribution to the Hellenic Open University: Evaluation of the pedagogical practices and the use of ICT on distance education HTML PDF MP3
Gerasimos Koustourakis, Chris Panagiotakopoulos, Dimitris Vergidis
Perceptions of Social Loafing in Online Learning Groups: A study of Public University and U.S. Naval War College students HTML PDF MP3
Sherry L Piezon, William D Ferree
Online Self-Regulatory Learning Behaviors as a Mediator in the Relationship between Online Course Perceptions with Achievement HTML PDF MP3
Lucy Barnard, Valerie Paton, William Lan
Does the Community of Inquiry Framework Predict Outcomes in Online MBA Courses? HTML PDF MP3
J. B. Arbaugh
Persistence of Women in Online Degree-Completion Programs HTML PDF MP3
Terry Müller
Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Success in Online Learning HTML PDF MP3
Robin Berenson, Gary Boyles, Ann Weaver
Eportfolios: From description to analysis HTML PDF MP3
Gabriella Minnes Brandes, Natasha Boskic

Research Notes

Instructional Strategies in Teaching Engineering at a Distance: Faculty perspective HTML PDF MP3
S. Anbahan Ariadurai, Rajalingam Manohanthan

Book Notes

New Directions in University Education: Perspectives from the Caribbean HTML PDF MP3
Judith Soares
Collaborative Learning: Two perspectives on theory and practice HTML PDF MP3
Sharon Stoerger

Technical Notes

The Return of Educational Radio? HTML PDF MP3
Sally D. Berman
Mobile Learning in Developing Nations HTML PDF MP3
Scott Motlik


Emotion, Learning and the Online Learning Environment Elluminate MP3
Marti Cleveland-Innes, Zehra Akyol
The Effective Use of Synchronous Classes Within an Online Graduate Program: Building upon an interdependent system Elluminate MP3
Janet Groen, Janet Tworek, Maria Soos-Gonczol
Assessing the Quality of K-12 Online Content: A sample assessment rubric Elluminate MP3
Lara Jongedijk
Tools for Analysis of Research Data Collected from Wikis and Blogs Elluminate MP3
Madhumita Bhattacharya
The Personal Research Portal: The virtual faculty or the Net behind the classroom Elluminate MP3
Ismael Peña-López
Online Teaching in International Contexts: Towards a sociocultural perspective of teaching presence Elluminate MP3
Tannis Morgan
The Use of Whiteboards in Synchronous Online Drop-In Tutorials in Distance Delivered Courses Elluminate MP3
Lawton Shaw
Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and instrument development Elluminate MP3
Ben Arbaugh, Marti Cleveland-Innes, Sebastian Diaz, Randy Garrison, Phil Ice, Jennifer Richardson, Peter Shea, Karen Swan
Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging learners and providing social support Elluminate MP3
David Annand

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 9, Number 2 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831