Vol 10, No 5 (2009)

Special Issue - Openness and the Future of Higher Education

Table of Contents


Openness and the Future of Higher Education HTML PDF EPUB MP3
David Wiley, John Hilton III

Research Articles

Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education HTML PDF EPUB MP3
David Wiley, John Hilton III
From Open Content to Open Course Models: Increasing Access and Enabling Global Participation in Higher Education HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Tannis Morgan, Stephen Carey
The Impact of Openness on Bridging Educational Digital Divides HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Andy Lane
Open Textbook Proof-of-Concept via Connexions HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Judy Baker, Joel Thierstein, Kathi Fletcher, Manpreet Kaur, Jonathan Emmons
Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Jan Philipp Schmidt, Christine Geith, Stian HĂ„klev, Joel Thierstein
Open Educational Resources: New Possibilities for Change and Sustainability HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Norm Friesen
The Technological Dimension of a Massive Open Online Course: The Case of the CCK08 Course Tools HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Antonio Fini
Incentives and Disincentives for the Use of OpenCourseWare HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Anne M. Arendt, Brett E. Shelton

Open Access Week

Athabasca University's Open Access Week Presentations HTML PDF EPUB
Terry Anderson

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 10, Number 5; Special Issue: Openness and the Future of Higher Education PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831