Vol 10, No 6 (2009)

Table of Contents


IRRODL year in review HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Terry Anderson i-ii

Research Articles

A case study of an international e-learning training division: Meeting objectives HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Rory McGreal 1-20
Review of distance education research (2000 to 2008): Analysis of research areas, methods, and authorship patterns HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Eva Maria Baecker, Sebastian Vogt 21-50
Time students spend reading threaded discussions in online graduate courses requiring asynchronous participation HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Abbie H. Brown, Tim Green 51-64
Online and blended communities of inquiry: Exploring the developmental and perceptional differences HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Zehra Akyol, D. Randy Garrison, M. Yasar Ozden 65-83
A review of adventure learning HTML PDF EPUB MP3
George Veletsianos, Irene Kleanthous 84-105
Evaluation of an undergraduate physics programme of Indira Gandhi National Open University: A case study HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Arundhati Mishra, - Vijayshri, Suresh Garg 106-123

Field Notes

The first doctoral program in distance education in North America HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Dorothy (Willy) Fahlman 124-136

Book Notes

Online learning as a strategic asset HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Michael F. Beaudoin 137-139


Adaptation of online courses for new educational contexts Elluminate / Powerpoint / MP3
Jamie Rossiter
EduBlogs as metaphor Elluminate / Powerpoint / MP3
Glenn Groulx
Implementing digital story telling in a Computers in Education course Elluminate / Powerpoint / MP3
Jeton McClinton
Social networking with Web 2.0: A comparative study of on-campus and online students Elluminate / Powerpoint / MP3
Barabara Frey
International DE opportunities in difficult economic times Elluminate / Powerpoint / MP3
Jon Baggaley

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 10, Number 6 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831