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Ask Practice
Ask Practice features questions and answers about a variety of practice-related issues that nurses may face over the course of their careers.
The questions come from nurses and the answers are written by the College’s Practice Support Team. Ask Practice is updated on a regular basis, so come back often to see what new questions have been added to the list. Do you have a practice-related question that isn’t addressed here? Contact the Practice Support Team at practicesupport@cnomail.org.
Accountabilities during a strike
Accountabilities when using ultrasound
Authority to use automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
Risking fatigue by working long hours
Authorizing Mechanisms
Administering influenza vaccine through a directive
Authority to initiate intravenous lines
Orders via video conference call
Signing prescriptions with “as per…”–
Confidentiality and Privacy
Police access to health information
Mandatory reporting of gunshot wounds
Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) and confidentiality
Discussing clients with colleagues online
Withholding information/Lockbox provision
Controlled Acts
Portable bladder ultrasound scanning
Applying ultrasound in nursing assessments
Co-signing a documentation entry
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Forms
Title use when working in different roles
Decisions About Procedures
Practice settings where health services are routinely performed
Ethical Issues
Objecting to care on moral grounds
Communicating with clients online
Accepting a friend request on Facebook
End-of-Life Care
Can an RN or RPN pronounce death when death has occurred?
Independent Practice
Record keeping - documentation
Administering naloxone in emergencies
Dealing with drug shortage issues
No directives for controlled substances
Nursing Roles
Psychotherapy and the controlled act component of psychotherapy
What is considered “nursing practice”?
Unregulated Care Providers
Can a UCP or PSW call themselves a nurse?
Delegating to a Personal Support Worker
Documenting for Personal Support Workers
Working with physician assistants
Teaching a personal support worker to administer injections
Teaching UCP to administer Naloxone
Teaching UCP to give oral medication