Learning Modules

Learning modules are designed to help nurses understand College practice standards and other related documents.

Each self-study module below contains an introduction, learning objectives, content chapters, additional resources and a quiz. Nurses can use the quiz and their quiz score to help determine a specific learning objective.

Nurses are invited to use these modules at their convenience, but they should note that viewing the module and responding to the questions is not considered a substitute for reading the practice standard or document.

Participation in learning modules is self-directed and anonymous. The College does not keep records of participation in the modules or collect individual quiz scores.

  • Consent

    This module provides an overview of the major features of the relevant legislation, pertinent definitions and the steps that nurses need to take to obtain consent.

  • Documentation

    Learn the expectations of nurses in all practice settings when documenting client care. Topics include: the principles of documentation; a nurse’s accountability when documenting; and how to maintain security of confidential information.

  • Ethics

    Nurses often encounter ethical situations in their everyday practice. Understanding and communicating the client’s beliefs and values, as well as their own, helps nurses recognize ethical situations and work through them if they do occur.

  • Infection Prevention and Control

    The broad principles that underlie all infection prevention and control measures are described in this module. Topics include: application of evidence-based measures, professional judgment, risk reduction, and communication.

  • Medication

    This learning module is no longer available. Please refer to the: Medication Decision Tool, Medication Practice Standard: An Overview webcast,  Critical Inquiry and Evidence-Informed Practice webcast

  • Nurse Practitioner

    Due to recent changes to NP scope of practice, the Nurse Practitioner learning module is out of date and is no longer available. We are developing a new resource to replace it as soon as possible. In the meantime, visit the NP section for practice information and resources.

  • Professional Standards

    Learn the professional responsibilities and accountabilities of all nurses, including nurses in administrative, education and research roles. Topics include: the seven standards of practice, taking action in unsafe situations, leadership expectations for nurses, and professional relationships.

  • Restraints

    This module assists nurses in making decisions about using restraints and in understanding their accountability.

  • Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship

    The key aspects of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship are described in this learning module. Topics include: balance of power; setting boundaries; and workplace relationships.

  • Utilization of RNs and RPNs

    This learning module is no longer available. Please refer to the RN and RPN Practice: The Client, the Nurse and the Environment webcast, or review the practice document RN and RPN Practice: The Client, the Nurse and the Environment.

Page last reviewed February 03, 2012