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Build Your Own Poetry Chapbook With A Free Template And User Guide!

If you have Microsoft Publisher and Word, here's all you need to produce your poetry chapbook in a hurry. The Chapbook Template (produced in Publisher) and the Chapbook User Guide (below) will give you all you need to publish your book. The file, the template and the user guide, were produced by Edmonton educator and writer, John Chalmers. The two files are are free for the taking. John is a member of the board of the Stroll of Poets in Edmonton, an educator who is widely published as a writer and a photographer.

If you don't have Publisher on your computer, you can order it online at the Microsoft web site (www.microsoft.com) or get it from a software vendor. Publisher is an effective desktop publishing program for Windows, which costs only a fraction of the price of other products. But if you don't have Publisher, you can order the 30-day Trial version for only $14.95 from the Microsoft web site and try it out by producing a chapbook.

Using the Template, you will just drop your poems into the pages and be ready to print! The User Guide is an easy-to-follow self-instructional tutorial only 5 pages long which tells you how to use the Template. Once you have your poetry entered into the computer, you can easily build a chapbook in one evening. No kidding! Or, you may write your poems directly in the chapbook. Enter the title, your name, a publication note and a table of contents, and the book is ready to print.

Download Microsoft Word Chapbook User Guide

Download Micorsoft Publisher Chapbook Template

John J. Chalmers, M.Ed.
Chalmers Communications Ltd.
442 Reeves Crest
Edmonton, Alberta T6R 2A3
Ph. 780-435-8194, Fax 780-430-8151
e-mail: johnchalmers@shaw.ca

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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