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The League of Canadian Poets

June 8 - 11, 2006






Thursday, June 8



9 am - 4 pm

Council meeting

National Library
Room 154 (see locations)

Friday, June 9



10 am - 1pm

Registration Desk & Breakfast

National Library Lobby

11 am - 12pm

Open Mic

Room 156

12:15 - 1:10 pm


National Library Lobby

1:30 - 3 pm

Panel: Laureates Roundtable

Room 154

1:30 - 3 pm

Panel: Japenese Poetic Forms

Room 156

3 – 3:30 pm

Coffee Break

National Library Lobby

3:30 – 5 pm

Panel: Poetry, Spirituality,Mental Health

Room 156

3:30 - 5 pm

Panel: Feminist Caucus, "Our Missing Sisters”

Room 154

7 – 10 pm

New Members’ reading

Royal Oak Pub– Echo Drive (see locations)

Saturday, June 10



9:30 - 10 am


National Library Lobby

9:00 am – 3 pm

Registration/info desk

National Library Lobby

9:30 – 12 pm

AGM members’ meeting

Room 156

12 – 1 pm


National Library Lobby

1 – 3 pm

Feminist Caucus Meeting/Reading

Room 154

1 - 3 pm

40th Anniversary Celebration

Room A

4:30 - 5 pm


Penthouse Foyer

5 – 6 pm

Anne Szumigalski Memorial Lecture (Margaret Atwood)

Crowne Plaza Hotel
Penthouse-Pinnacle Room (see locations)

6 pm – Midnight

Dinner, Poetry Awards presentation and Book Launch

Crowne Plaza Hotel
Penthouse-Pinnacle Room

Sunday, June 11



9 am – 12 pm

Registration/Info desk

National Library Lobby

9 - 9:30 am


National Library Lobby

9:30 – 12 pm

AGM members’ meeting

Room 156

1 – 3 pm

LCP Council meeting and Lunch

Room 154

3 - 4 pm Book launch and readings: Re:Generations- Canadian Women Poets in Conversation Mother Tongue Books / femmes de parole (see locations)




  • Panels and readings are free and open to the public.
  • Gala (which includes lecture, dinner, awards ceremony and book launch) open to registered members and ticket holders.
  • Business/Council meetings are open to registered League members only.

June 10, 5 - 6pm. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pinnacle Room

June 10, 6 - 9pm. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pinnacle Room

The League of Canadian Poets is proud to host its Annual General Meeting Gala event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. This one-of-a-kind evening will begin Saturday, June 10 at 4:30 pm, with a reception and will be followed by the Anne Szumigalski Memorial Lecture given by Margaret Atwood. Following the lecture will be dinner, presentation of the Pat Lowther and Garald Lampert Awards and readings by short-listed authors, followed by the members’ book launch and reading.

40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION– Saturday, June 10 , 1—3pm
National Library & Archives, Room  A
A celebration of the League through 40 years. Members are asked to come by and share their favourite memories. We hope the reminiscences will be diverse and abundant. There will be a presentation of Joseph Sherman's Life Membership. We will launch the list serve reverse poems chapbook produced by John Oughton. We also hope to have available the latest CV II issue which celebrates the League and this important anniversary.


395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0N4
(613) 996-5115 or 1-866-578-7777

101 Lyon Street North, Ottawa, ON K1R 5T9
(613) 237-3600 or (613) 237-2351

221 Echo Drive, Ottawa, ON. 613-234-3700

1067 Bank St, Ottawa. 613-730-2346


Life Under A Laureate’s Wreath– Friday, June 8, 1:30—3pm
National Library & Archives, Room 156

Poets laureate are leafing out across the country. Is the position of ‘official poet’ meaningful? What does a laureate do? Is there a uniform? Laureates on the panel will include: National poet laureate Pauline Michel; Saskatchewan’s laureate Louise B. Halfe; and city
laureates Lorri Nielsen Glenn (Halifax) and Alice Major (Edmonton).

Japanese Poetic Forms- Friday, June 8, 1:30—3pm
National Library & Archives, Room 156

This panel will present forms of Japanese short poetry including haiku, senryu, renku/renga (linked haiku), and tanka, encompassing techniques and examples of each form. The panel wishes to invite questions and discussion from the audience. Moderator, Terry Ann Carter, will give a brief tribute to haiku/tanka poet Marianne Bluger who passed away October 29, 2005. Panelists include George Swede, Dina Cox, and Maxianne Berger.

Poetry, Spirituality & Mental Health– Friday, June 8, 3:30—5pm
National Library & Archives, Room 156

Poets Ronna Bloom and Shirley Serviss, who work as a psychotherapist and artist on the wards respectively, will explore the use of creative writing in both hospital-based and outpatient group treatment
modalities, as well as the evidence for the effectiveness of such
approaches. Poet Ron Charach, a practicing psychiatrist, will discuss the literature on links between creativity and various forms of mental disorder, and popular myths around the extent and significance of such links.

Our Sisters in Spirit, Feminist Caucus- Friday, June 8, 3:30—5pm National Library & Archives, Room 154

Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy, Marianne Micros and Penn Kemp, all women who have shared spaces of / for poetry in performance and in books reflect on the meaning of sisters and on how our words embody spirit. They move through the spoken word and texts exploring ‘liminal’ spaces that marginalise and exclude voices according to gender and race--acknowledging Aboriginal voices, women from the past and their dance between borders. Three poets reaching back to those sisters who came before and forward to a circle of dialogue with participants.


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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