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Reading Series

We all love to read our poetry and audiences appreciate it, as they grow by leaps and bounds every year. Whether you are looking for a reading in your area, funding, or contacts to help you set up a reading series of your own, these links will help:

  • The League's Readings Calendar guides you to member readings by region across Canada.
  • Readings in Public Places is a funding program for readings in the new city of Toronto, by full members of the League of Canadian Poets.
  • The Canada Poetry Tours program funds poetry readings by League Members in public venues such as universities, cafes, and libraries across Canada. It is supported through a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.
  • The Harbourfront Reading Series is the home of Toronto's International Festival of Authors and more.
  • Moose Jaw's Festival of Words.
  • The Porcupine's Quill Can Lit Links page will guide you to many reading series across the country. If you're planning a tour, start here!
  • The Canada Council maintains a list of readings across the country.
  • The Edmonton Stroll of Poets home page also lists other readings and literary events in Edmonton.
  • Sundays at the JBI is a weekly reading series that brings spoken word (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, script) to the relaxed environment of the James Bay Inn Pub in Victoria, BC. Organized within three-week cycles, the series hosts two consecutive Sundays featuring three invited readers, reading 20 minutes each with a short intermission between readings. The third Sunday in the cycle hosts an Open Mic and Poetry Slam.
  • WORD: Toronto's Literary Calendar tells you what's happening, where, and when. It is also a good starting point when you're planning a reading tour.
  • Scream in High Park: A Carnival of Words. For one night in July, Toronto's High Park is the site of a celebration of poetry and storytelling. Scream In High Park invites the diverse voices of Canadian writing to gather for a casual outdoor reading, attended by an audience exceeding 1200 people.
  • LiT LiVe, is a reading series in Hamilton Ontario. Readings take place the third Sunday of each month at Monaco's pasta bar and grill in Hamilton's Hess Village. For information about authors reading at this regular event,contact Linda Frank at lfrank@icom.ca.
  • Winnipeg's Heaven Art and Book Cafe is gone, but the good work continues. Tim is now running a reading series through the nearby Bread and Circuses Bakery Cafe, which is a few blocks from the late Heaven. You can phone your enquiries to Tim at the old Heaven number: (204) 452 6400.
  • The Art Bar Poetry Reading Series held on Wednesday nights at Toronto's Victory Cafe, will soon be celebrating its 12th anniversary. There are usually three featured readings plus an open mic session.
  • The Green Boathouse Reading Series in Vernon, B.C., is now in its sixth year. You can bet they'll be back again. Vernon shows its heart for these readings at Vernon's Headbones Gallery, and they are packed.
  • It may be more than a reading series, but The Poetry Project is the poetic heart of New York. They can boast experience and excellence.Housed in the landmark St. Mark's Church in the center of New York City's East Village, the Poetry Project offers three weekly reading series, writing workshops, a bimonthly Newsletter, an annual literary magazine, The World, an Annual New Year's Day Marathon Reading, tape and document archives, and general support for poets.
  • The TREE Reading Series has been bringing poets and audiences together in Ottawa for years now.
  • The Poetry Kit links to much (or more((or much more), and a continually-updated list of poetry events in Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Ireland, UK, USA, as well as on Radio/TV and the Internet.
  • In the spirit of community-building, CHBooks has a Events page for all literary events somehow (however loosely!) related to CHBooks, their authors, friends, and, in their words, their enemies. If you're planning a literary event (big or small, near or far), or if you're in one, they invite you to their events page to post your information. The page is automated, so only current, upcoming events will be displayed. They urge all poets and fans to check back often.

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This page is maintained by John Oughton. Last update: April, 2004.
Copyright The League of Canadian Poets, John Oughton and Harold Rhenisch, 2004

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
Please report broken links to the webmaster | © 1996-2004 The League of Canadian Poets