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After all, poetry can't be pigeon-holed.

  • Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre's Writing and Publishing Program includes courses on writing, editing and publishing, as well as on-line and distance education programs. www.sfu.ca/wp
  • The Rain Taxi Review of Books has a pretty eclectic list of books reviewed, including a lot of hard-to-find International Poetry.
  • The Muse's Muse is an online home for songwriters. Poetry/songs: you see the connection. Or hear. Right.
  • Translation Journal gives you the tricks and business of the trade and some good essays as well.
  • Community Arts Ontario maintains a good list of general arts links.
  • The Storytellers School of Toronto. Because story-telling and poetry have so much in common.
  • The Banff Centre for the Fine Arts offers high-quality writing courses in all aspects of literary arts and towards developing a forum for the exchange of ideas in contemporary art and literature. Rigorous, innovative and critical approaches in writing and publishing are developed through programs that support professionals at various stages in their careers. Fiction and non-fiction writers, poets, performers, editors, journalists, designers and other publishing professionals are involved in residencies, workshops, internships, special projects and publications that stimulate discussion about writing and publishing, raise awareness of the written and spoken word, and make manifest the belief that art and ideas, must, in various ways, be communicated to others. Those are their words, but they're pretty good words, I'd say.
  • The UK's Poetry Class site offers some great resources for teaching poetry, although of of course they're tilted towards UK curriculum.
  • The Editors Association of Canada can help prepare your poetry for publication, with 1000 English and French language editors.
  • Want another name for that darn rose that always stays a rose no matter what you do with it? The online rhyming dictionary RhymeZone is there to help. When I say "help," I mean help. It will also find synonyms, definitions, related words, similar-sounding words, homophones, and will match consonants only, find phrases, find similar spellings, search for pictures, search in Shakespeare, and search for quotations. No, it won't find a rhyme for "orange." However, the writing process will not be the same. Now, if we could set one up to search in bill bisset's work, hey, we'd really be cooking.
  • It's a small world. The British Centre for Literary Translation knows.
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    This page is maintained by John Oughton. Last update: April, 2004.
    Copyright The League of Canadian Poets, John Oughton and Harold Rhenisch, 2004

    We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
    Please report broken links to the webmaster | © 1996-2004 The League of Canadian Poets