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Just for Fun!

Poetry is entertainment, too.

  • Hans Arp meets Basho! The Genuine Haiku Generator will create haiku for you online, randomly. Be dazzled. Be bemused. But don't miss it. In their words: "The Genuine Haiku Generator creates evocative, meaningful verse using completely random combinations of individual words. Save your favorite haiku online, or send one to a friend." They promise 100 Trillion Haiku. This site also offers the Random Stump Speech Synopsis Haiku Generator and the Poetic Table of the Elements.
  • Basho meets Andy Warhol. Try Airless Suburban Haiku! "A cynical celebration of conspicuous consumption in haiku form. Post your own contributions."
  • Babelfish is an example of an "instant translator" page that will accept short texts and translate them into other languages. What's really fun is to type in a line or two in English, translate it into French or German or Spanish, and then translate the results back into English. I took a line from a Robert Service poem, "I'll never forget the trail they broke, with its tense, unuttered woe" and translated it into Spanish, then back to English. The result? "I will never forget the sign that was broken, with its time, unuttered the affliction."

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This Page is maintained by John Oughton. Last update: April, 2004.
Copyright The League of Canadian Poets, John Oughton and Harold Rhenisch, 2004

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
Please report broken links to the webmaster | © 1996-2004 The League of Canadian Poets