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ST@NZ@ - The League's Electronic Newsletter


Newsletter for June 1, 2006


One of the main tasks at the Annual General Meeting is to elect the people who will serve on the League’s National Council for the upcoming year. Here is the slate of candidates to date:

Past President: Mary Ellen Csamer
President: Maurice Mierau
Treasurer: Ray Mitchell
Regional Reps:
Newfoundland/NS rep:
NB/PEI rep: Roger Moore
Quebec/Nunavut rep: Brian Campbell
Ontario rep:
Toronto rep: Seth-Adrian Harris
Manitoba rep: Gloe Cormie
Saskatchewan rep: Lynda Monahan
Alberta/NWT rep: Wendy McGrath
BC/Yukon: Barbara Pelman
Associate rep: Sonja Greckol
Committee Chairs:
Mediation chair: Glen Sorestad
International Affairs chair: Cornelia Hoogland
Communications chair:
Education chair: Terry Ann Carter
Resources Development chair: Allan Briesmaster
Outreach Committee chair:

Please note we are still seeking a candidate for the Ontario and Newfoundland/Nova Scotia rep, and also for Communications and Outreach Committee chairs. All positions are open to members who wish to stand for election, and nominations may be made from the floor at the AGM. For more info: alicemajor@shaw.ca. For printable Slate of Nominees, Nominees Bios and Proxy Form.


By Anne Burke. At the 2005 agm, it was the desire of the Caucus attendees to launch, in 2006, on Saturday evening,  And No One Knows The Blood We Share, (Poems Read at the Feminist Caucus), edited by Katerina Fretwell and containing 47 poems by League members. I sent copies to contributors, to the League office, and I will also be bringing additional copies for sale at the Saturday launch.  For full report click here.


By Lynda Monahan. Hello from Saskatchewan! In November of 2005 I replaced Bruce Rice when he decided, to step down as Saskatchewan rep. I have been doing my best to fill his shoes with the Associate Members Work Group. It’s been a busy and productive past few months. We (Dina Cox, Sonja Gecko and myself) have worked towards answering the concerns of associate members.

One of the areas where we've made some positive change includes the New Members Reading which takes place at the AGM and will now include both associate and full members. Discussions will soon be underway regarding a formal mentorship program. For full report click here.


By Gloe Cormie. In May, when our wild mountain ash, and apple trees are covered in white and pink fragrant blooms, we Manitoba poets are getting back to our regular writing routine, after the many literary activities in April and March.  Most of the activities are centered around Winnipeg, but in Brandon, we have two recently relocated league members, Di Brandt and Laurie Block, who are both raising the profile of poetry out there. Our most northern member Walfried Jansen holds the fort for poetry in Thompson. For full report click here.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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