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ST@NZ@ - The League's Electronic Newsletter


Newsletter for August, 2006


The Canada Council for the Arts provided the funding for readings during the League’s National Poetry Month.  This program’s aim is to elevate the profile of Canadian poetry, promote the sales of Canadian poetry books and expand poetry audiences from coast to coast. National Poetry Month has inspired an increase in reading, writing and teaching of Canadian poetry. In the 2004/2005 fiscal year an overwhelming amount of funding requests required the League to eliminate travel expenses in order to accommodate more readers. This also inspired the League to request further funding. In 2006/2007 The League allocated $12,000, which is an increase of 9% over 2005/2006.  This enabled the League to increase the number of readings. For full report click here.

NEWS FROM ALBERTA- For full report by Wendy McGrath click here.


Katerina Fretwell and Catherine Owen hosted the Saturday evening Awards, during which two new titles in the Living Archives Chapbook Series were launched.  Katerina Fretwell edited “And no one knows the blood we share”: Poems from the Feminist Caucus.  Catherine Owen edited and contributed to Inviting the Incubus, Kissing the Succubi: The Muse in Canadian Women’s Poetry (with texts from Susan Mc Caslin, Katerina Fretwell, Susan Ioannou, Jennifer Boire, and Kate Braid.)  Neile Graham did a beautiful job of design and layout for the second title. For full report by Anne Burke click here.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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