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Newsletter for September, 2006

By Anne Burke, Chair. Harriet Monroe, a long-time editor of Poetry, once received this advice: “A literary career! Drop it before you begin– scrub, dig, marry for a living, but for God’s sake don’t try to write! It’s the most thankless, disappointing, utterly devastating pursuit in the world.” For full report click here.

Feminist Letters - Context for and letter from Gwendolyn MacEwan to Sasha Saint-Aubin

It’s poignant to hear Gwendolyn MacEwan “speak” one more time, long after her death. I want to deeply thank Sasha and to share with you this wise, illuminating letter and its context, something which resonates with us all. Katerina Fretwell, Feminist Letters Editor     (508 words total)

Here is Sasha’s introduction to the letter, in her own words: Click here.

The online directory updates are now being taken care of here at the League office. The current online form is being redirected to the office but it not yet functional. Please attach a word document and/or jpeg and send an email to readings@poets.ca. I will have the updates done as soon as possible. If you have any questions please let me know.

The Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets is seeking submissions of poems from all members, both full and associate, for a chapbook to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ratification of the Feminist Caucus by the League. The chapbook will be edited by Katerina Fretwell and published as part of the Living Archives series.

The subject or theme should reflect feminism or feminist experience in some positive way. A few of the many possibilities are: your own or another woman's work, triumphs and accomplishments; responses to women's writing; women writers and their influences; portraits of women who have been important to you personally and/or politically; political victories; women peacemakers; unsung heroines.

The mission statement of the Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets as revised in 1991 reads: "In agreement with the LCP Constitution, the Feminist Caucus declares its abhorrence of all forms of discrimination, intolerance, and inequity, and hereby expresses its intention to take action against any manifestation of sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, lesbophobia, ageism, and ableism within our own organization and in the larger community."

Please submit one poem, previously unpublished or to which you hold the rights, and preferably no longer than 40 lines, to Katerina Fretwell, Feminist Caucus Editor, preferably electronically, in the body of an emailor as an attachment with "FC poem" in the subject heading, or by surface mail. Deadline: January 1, 2007.

Glen Sorestad, Mediation Chair, would like to hear from any League members who have had poetry books published by Exile Editions in the past ten years and especially regarding their experiences with royalty statements and/or royalty payments from Exile. Please contact Glen by email at g.sorestad@sasktel.net or by regular post at 108 - 835 Heritage Green, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5S5.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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