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Reading Proposals Now Being Accepted for NPM 2007:

This April, Canada will be celebrating its 9th annual National Poetry Month.  To help poets and poetry organizers in their production of NPM events, the League is offering funding for readings and performances which explore this year’s theme:  Poetry: Future (In) tense.

What will poetry sound like in the future?  What is a techno-poem?  How will poetry fuse with other art forms like theatre or music?  Instead of science-fiction, what would science-poetry sound like?   The League asks poets to explore these ideas by infusing their NPM events with ‘futuristic themes’ for April 2007.

Building on the success of past years’ NPM events, the League is also encouraging events which take place in non-traditional venues.  Some successful venues from 2006 include readings in parks, movie theatres, art galleries and a local zoo.

Deadline: January 15th!

Eligiblity:  Poets need not be League members to apply for this funding, but must have published at least one full-length book or have produced poetry tapes, videos or CDs.
How much funding is available?
Each participating poet will receive $125 in reading fees. No travel costs will be covered.
How do I apply for funding?
There are two steps to applying for National Poetry Month Funding:

  1. You must submit a written proposal (no longer than one page) to the office on or before January 15th to be considered for funding. Each application will be reviewed by the National Poetry Month Committee. Proposals must include:
    • Venue name & address..
    • Names and complete and current contact information of participating poets.
    • Theme and details of proposed event.
    • Date and time for the reading.
    • Plans for promotion. (Please note: All hosts will be required to promote the event and acknowledge the support of the League of Canadian Poets and its funders.)
  1. Fill out the application form (pdf). Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Mail or fax applications to:
The League of Canadian Poets, 920 Yonge St., Suite 608, Toronto, ON, M4W 3C7
Fax: 416-504-0096


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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