Poets in the Schools: How the Program Works
The League of Canadian Poets offers a unique opportunity for students to meet, hear and
with published Canadian poets. Through the Poets in the Schools Program, poets
will visit Ontario
classrooms to read from their work, conduct creative writing workshops, talk
about the craft
of writing poetry, or discuss other related topics.
The standard honorarium paid to the
poet is $200 per half day, or $300 per full
day, and is shared by the League and the host
school. The school pays $100 per
half day and $150 per full day (plus GST for those poets
who are registered).
The remaining portion, plus travel and accommodation expenses, is
paid by the
League with assistance from the Ontario Arts Council. The school's portion
paid directly to the poet at the time of the visit.
Some poets charge more than
the standard rate. These fees are listed
in the poets' catalogue entry
and are
the total school's portion.
First, review the list of participating poets
noting those who have experience with the grade level to be
Choose a poet who seems suitable for your students and at least two
others in case your first choice is unavailable. Most
of our members are eager to visit schools in isolated communities. However,
because individual trips can be very expensive, we request that teachers in remote
regions work together to invite the poet to tour several schools while in the area.
Please contact the office for further information and assistance.
Please note that the League office staff cannot make recommendations of poets.
Contact the League for the poet's phone or
email if it is not listed in the catalogue.
Then arrange the visit with the poet. Discuss with them all details such as
the type
of presentation they
will give, how they will get to the school, if they need help finding accomodation,
if they charge GST, etc.
The teacher should then fill out the
application form.
Applications should be received at least
three weeks prior to the proposed visit.
You may contact the League in advance
to get some idea if funding is available. However, funding for
the visits is
allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, and only when the teacher receives
written confirmation is funding secure.
When we receive your request for a visit, we check if we are able to fund
the visit.
You will receive a
confirmation letter or notification within 3 weeks.
After the visit, please complete the evaluation
form on the back of your confirmation letter, and/or send us your studentsę response
to the poet and any aspect of the visit.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Guidelines for a Poetęs Visit Back to
For a half day visit, the poet will make two presentations of no longer than 45 minutes each.
The poet should have a fifteen minute break between sessions and a one hour lunch break for a full dayęs visit.
The school must provide at least one meal for the poet.
Class groups are the best to work with for the poets, and the maximum number of students at a session should not exceed 60.
The session should take place in a classroom or library where outside noise will not be a distraction.
The class should be supervised at all times. The poet should not be expected to take care of disruptive students.
Mixed age groups should be avoided if possible and, when impossible, the age spread should be minimal.
Preparation is vital for a successful visit. The poetęs work should be displayed prominently and lessons before the visit should, ideally, feature the author.
The poet should be introduced to the audience with some autobiographical information included in the presentation.
Autographs are very popular with younger students. If they do not have the opportunity to purchase the poetęs work, it is a good idea to prepare a special poster or booklet as a memento of the visit.
It is most important for the teacher and poet to discuss the visit beforehand, to determine any changes to the above format.
For poets travelling from outside the schoolęs region, a letter and map with clear directions is extremely helpful. Host schools should remember that the poet is unfamiliar with the area, and we ask that they ensure the poet knows where the hotel is, which restaurants are best, and other tips about the community.
Poets in the Schools is funded by the Taxpayers of Ontario
through the Ontario Arts Council
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