
The WILU 2012 conference is hosted by Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, from May 23-25, 2012. This is the 41st annual WILU conference.

The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is an annual conference that highlights latest the research, education, and innovations in the areas of information literacy, library instruction, and research skills.

We must never lose sight of the values of the past, vigour, thrift, self-resourcefulness, upon which the individual and the nations of the world will stand or fall.”
~ Grant MacEwan (Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, 1966-1974)

Inspired by the words of our namesake, this year the conference theme of “Vigour, Thrift, and Resourcefulness” builds upon Grant MacEwan’s legacy and encourages participants to reflect on how we might ensure sustainable, accountable information literacy programs that build on past successes while embracing growth and change.

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