Submit Your Own Photos

Upload your own photos to our WILU 2012 gallery! Before adding photos to the WILU 2012 photostream you’ll need to upload them to your own Flickr account. Once you’ve done this, follow the instructions below to add your photos to the WILU 2012 photostream.

  1. Log into Flickr with your own account at Don’t have a Flickr account? Create one using your Google or Facebook credentials.
  2. In the Flickr menu bar at the top, select Groups.
  3. On the Groups page use the Find a group search box to search for “Wilu 2012 Photos”.
  4. In the search results, click on Join in the entry for “Wilu 2012 Photos” to join the group.
  5. Confirm by clicking on Join This Group.
  6. Once you’ve joined the group you can add pictures from your own photo pool to the group pool by clicking on Add photos.

Instructions with Screenshots

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