WILU 2014


PDF Printable Schedule

UCC = University Community Centre

Wednesday, May 21

TimeSession Type
8:00 - 9:00 am Registration for pre-conference workshops
9:00 - 11:45 am

Pre-conference workshops:

E-volving and E-valuating our Practice: Using Logic Models for Information Literacy Program Planning, Evaluation, and Communicating Value
Karen Nicholson & Robin Sakowski  (University of Guelph)
Weldon Library, Room M18

Rubric Assessment (à la RAILS) for Your Library's Instruction Program
Claire Holmes & Carroll Wilkinson (Towson University (MD) -West Virginia University)
Weldon Library, Room M15

Planning and Implementing Library E-Learning Projects
Qinqin Zhang & Maren Goodman (Western University)
Weldon Library, Library Instruction Room

10:45 am - 5:45 pm Registration (coffee until 1:00pm)
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch provided for pre-conference workshop attendees
1:00 - 1:15 pm Welcome
1:15 - 2:30 pm

Opening keynote

Craig Gibson, The Ohio State University
Trudi Jacobson, University at Albany, SUNY
UCC, McKellar Room

2:30 - 3:00 pm Break with refreshment provided
3:00 - 3:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions A

Head over Heels: Approaches to Flipped Teaching
Carolyn Doi, Tasha Maddison - University of Saskatchewan
UCC, Room 37

An Analysis of Individual Research Consultations Practices and Evaluations in Academic Libraries
Karine Fournier, Lindsey Sikora - University of Ottawa
UCC, Room 41

Inspiring Professional Development on a Shoestring: Facilitating Learning Opportunities for Information Literacy Instructors
Lisa Shamchuk - MacEwan University
UCC, Room 58

3:45 - 4:00 pm Transition break
4:00 - 4:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions B

Take Your Phone off the Hook! Going Live With Online Library Instruction at the University of Toronto
Monique Flaccavento, Jenaya Webb - University of Toronto
UCC, Room 41

Beyond the One-Minute Paper: Reflective Exercises in Library Instruction
Eveline Houtman, Christina Tooulias Santolin - University of Toronto
UCC, Room 58

Teaching Visualization: Effective Communication in Visual Formats
Margot Hanson - California Maritime Academy
UCC, Room 60

Re-emagining Library Guides for Independent E-learning
Judith Arnold, Veronica Bielat - Wayne State University
UCC, Room 37

6:00 - 8:00 pm

Opening Gala

Join us for the Gala Opening Reception where you will enjoy the best of local Southwestern Ontario food and wine, and have the opportunity to mingle with your colleagues in one of our premier library locations, The D.B.Weldon Library.

Thursday, May 22

TimeSession Type
8:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration
9:00 - 9:45 am

Concurrent Sessions C

Beyond the database demo: Using discourse analysis to improve research and citation practices
Fiona Inglis - Seneca College
UCC, Room 58

E-valuating the Impact of Face-to-Face and Online Information Literacy and Writing Skills Instruction Using a Mixed Methods Research Design
Karen Nicholson, Kim Garwood, Melanie Parlette-Stewart, Trent Tucker - University of Guelph
UCC, Room 41

Developing Online Learning Tools: Strategies for Creating a Set of Best Practices for Your Library
Liz Johns - Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC, Room 37

9:45 - 10:00 am Break with refreshment provided
10:00 - 10:45 am

Concurrent Sessions D

Evaluating and Managing LibGuides: How Can We Better Reach Our Users?
Lisa Campbell - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
UCC, Room 60

Infographics: E-volving Instruction for Visual Literacy
Melanie Parlette-Stewart, Lindsey Robinson - University of Guelph
UCC, Room 58

E-magine a New Way of Thinking: Design Thinking for Student-Centered Instructional Design
Rebeca Peacock, Jill Wurm - Wayne State University
UCC, Room 37

Bite-Sized Assessment for the Library One Shot
Mary Snyder Broussard - Lycoming College
UCC, Room 41

10:45 - 11:00 am Transition break
11:00 am - 11:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions E

Digital Love: Collaboration with Colleagues Creating Interactive Online IL Instruction
Jorden Smith, Debbie Feisst, Denis Lacroix, Paul Neff, Sarah Polkinghorne, Anwen Burke - University of Alberta
UCC, Room 60

E-volving Information Literacy Tutorials With E-maginative and E-ngaging Design
Rebeca Peacock, Axa Liauw, Damecia Donahue, Jill Wurm - Wayne State University
UCC, Room 41

Good Things Come in Small Packages: Reimagining IL Instruction in the First Year Seminar
Lindsay McNiff - Dalhousie University
UCC, Room 37

Open Library Community: Research Support Services in a Digital Age
Erin Fields - University of British Columbia
UCC, Room 58

11:45 am - 1:15 pm Lunch provided
1:15 - 2:15 pm Ignite talks
2:15 - 2:30 pm Break with refreshment provided
2:30 - 3:30 pm Roundtable discussions/Poster sessions
3:30 - 3:45 pm Transition break
3:45 - 4:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions F

Choose Your Own Adventure: Best Practices for Developing an Information Literacy Video Game
Jessica Critten, Dean Sullivan - University of West Georgia
UCC, Room 41

Beef Up Your Backchat: Using Audience Response Systems to Assess Student Learning
Elizabeth Yates - Brock University
UCC, Room 58

What Do You See? Image Searching for Research Topic Selection and Development
Beth Fuchs - University of Kentucky
UCC, Room 37

Integrating Technology into Your Instruction With TPACK
Benjamin Oberdick - Michigan State University
UCC, Room 60

6:00 - 8:00 pm Dine arounds

Friday, May 23

TimeSession Type
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Registration
9:00 - 9:45 am

Concurrent Sessions G

ACE in the Hole: Linking Information Literacy and Practice in a Service Learning-Based Context
Michael Courtney - Indiana University - Bloomington
UCC, Room 41

Library on Demand: Now Delivering Fresh Services to Your Online Course!
Debbie Feisst, Kim Frail - University of Alberta
UCC, Room 37

Digging Deeper: The Role of an Information Literacy Award as part of an Undergraduate Research Fair to Profile and E-valuate Students' Information Literacy Skills at York University
Dana Craig, Sophie Bury, Sarah Shujah - York University
UCC, Room 60

How Information Literate Are You? A Self-Assessment by MBA-MSIS dual degree students enrolled in a CI elective
Barbie Keiser - Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University
UCC, Room 58

9:45 - 10:00 am Break with refreshment provided
10:00 - 10:45 am

Concurrent Sessions H

Video Tutorial Reboot: Reimagining the library workshop for 21st century students
Note: Session is called "Teaching 21st Century Research and Writing Skills Online" on registration form
Colleen MacKinnon, Monica Rettig, Denise Smith - Brock University

UCC, Room 37

GeoWeb Tools for Library Instruction
Eva Dodsworth, Andrew Nicholson - University of Toronto-Mississauga
UCC, Room 60

The Proof is in the Pudding: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Assessing Instructional Design and Planning
Steven Hoover - Syracuse University
UCC, Room 41

Steacie Library Dungeon Hackfest: E-volving Information Literacy in a Collaborative Learning Environment at York University
Sarah Shujah - York University
UCC, Room 58

10:45 - 11:00 am Transition break
11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Closing Keynote

Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University
UCC, McKellar Room

12:15 - 12:30 pm Closing remarks and announcement of WILU 2015
12:30 - 12:45 pm Pick up provided boxed lunch