WILU 2014

WILU 2014 Student Award

WILU 2014 is sponsoring a special Student Award for the best accepted proposal submitted by a current masters-level library studies student. The Award of $500 (CAD) is intended to cover registration to the 2014 Conference as well as to help cover travel expenses.

The winner of the Student Award is Amanda Kelly, whose poster is entitled, "Teaching Academic Integrity Online: Inspiring Scholarly Success in First-Year Students."

Amanda is a recent graduate of the MLIS program (2014) at the University of Western Ontario. She was attracted to librarianship when, as an undergraduate in Western's Media, Information, and Technoculture program, she discovered the writings of Gloria Leckie on library-as-place within the public sphere. Amanda has recently worked as a Library Assistant at Western's D.B. Weldon Library, and is now the Digital Media Lab Strategist at Markham Public Library.

Congratulations, Amanda, on winning the WILU 2014 Student Award!