Bank of Canada

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Bank Notes

Learning Resources

Training Videos

Download our online video or our web-based training module.


The Bank of Canada offers free printed materials, tools, and information services to help you quickly, easily, and reliably identify genuine bank notes. Most printed items can be downloaded in PDF format. You can also order items for delivery by mail.

On-site training and presentations are provided by the Bank's head office in Ottawa and its regional offices (Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montréal, and Halifax.)

Please use the form below to submit your order. Note that payment is required for additional copies of the DVD, VHS or CD. We will respond by fax advising you as to the amount due and how payment can be made.

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Item Format Description On-line Quantity
Leaflet Print Colour leaflet describing security features on notes of the Birds of Canada and Canadian Journey series.
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Leaflet Print Colour leaflet describing security features on notes of the Birds of Canada and Canadian Journey series.
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Poster Print 63.5 x 96.52 cm (25" x 38") colour poster describing security features on notes of the Birds of Canada and Canadian Journey series.
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Pocket Guide Print 16-page booklet. Overview of bank notes security features; the Bank's role in counterfeit deterrence; the counterfeiting situation in Canada; what to do with a suspected counterfeit note; features to help the blind and the visually impaired recognize notes.
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Quick-Reference Cards and Magnifying Lens on a Key Ring Print Double-sided, laminated, business card-size. At-a-glance description of key security features to look for when checking a bank note and a summary of the steps to follow when dealing with a suspected counterfeit note. Includes key ring and magnifier.
  By mail only Order
Sticker Print Slightly longer than actual bank notes. Adhesive back. Serves as a reminder to staff to check bank notes and as a counterfeit deterrent if displayed in a location visible to the public.
Birds of Canada and Canadian Journey series By mail only

Education Video VHS/DVD
(first copy free, $5/$8 for each additional copy)
11-minute audiovisual production. Overview of security features on bank notes and instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note.
VHS Download Order
DVD Download Order
Web-Based Training Interactive Web video;
also available on CD
(first copy free, $3 for each additional copy)
35-minute modular audiovisual presentation. Overview of security features on bank notes; instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note; the Bank's role in counterfeit deterrence; the counterfeiting situation in Canada; relevant laws and policies; features to help the blind and visually impaired recognize notes.
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Quick-Reference Cards Print Double-sided, laminated, business card-size. At-a-glance description of key security features to look for when checking a bank note and a summary of the steps to follow when dealing with a suspected counterfeit note.
  By mail only Order
Education Video VHS/DVD
(first copy free, $5/$8 for each additional copy)
11-minute audiovisual production. Overview of security features on bank notes and instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note.
VHS Download Order
DVD Download Order
Web-Based Training Interactive Web video;
also available on CD
(first copy free, $3 for each additional copy)
35-minute modular audiovisual presentation. Overview of security features on Canada's bank notes; instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note; the Bank's role in counterfeit deterrence; the counterfeiting situation in Canada; relevant laws and policies; features to help the blind and visually impaired recognize notes.
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Education Video VHS/DVD
(first copy free, $5/$8 for each additional copy)
11-minute audiovisual production. Overview of security features on bank notes and instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note.
VHS Download Order
DVD Download Order
Web-Based Training Interactive Web video;
also available on CD
(first copy free, $3 for each additional copy)
35-minute modular audiovisual presentation. Overview of security features on bank notes; instructions on what to do with a suspected counterfeit note; the Bank's role in counterfeit deterrence; the counterfeiting situation in Canada; relevant laws and policies; features to help the blind and visually impaired recognize notes.
  Download Order

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