"I think one of the things that attracted me to the Bank is the wide variety of departments. I could see myself spending a lot of years here, moving to different jobs and not being limited to one position."
"The reason I was attracted to the Bank is because the research that we do here is policy oriented and, at the same time, it's really academic research as well. In my group we do a lot of team work. I really enjoy that, and I enjoy the people I work with."
"It's an environment where ideas, arguments, and serious debate are valued and encouraged. A good policy rests on a foundation of good debate, research, and good analysis. The Bank encourages and sustains that, and hires people who can participate in that environment."
"The work environment is one of the things that drew me back to the Bank after an absence of a few years. Early on, the experiences I had here instilled in me the knowledge that this was a great learning institution, a place where you could have the opportunity to practise economics, learn from those around you, learn from those outside of the Bank, and apply it all in a context that makes a difference."
"I think the Bank clearly is an institution that provides a very important public service. We have a lot of very bright, energetic people at the Bank. There's lots of debate and differences and diversity of ideas that get examined, get discussed, get decided."