Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Importing Commercial Goods Into Canada

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This publication describes the documents you need to submit to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to import commercial goods into Canada and highlights the information you need from each document to complete Form B3, Canada Customs Coding Form (PDF, 151.5 KB). You will find an example of Form B3 in Appendix III of this publication. It is used to account for goods, regardless of their value, for commercial use in Canada. The CBSA considers commercial use as "any commercial, industrial, occupational, institutional or other like use."

In this publication, we refer to a number of CBSA D memoranda that contain more information on many of the topics we discuss. You can purchase copies of these memoranda by contacting:
Government of Canada Publications Public Works and Government Services Canada
Telephone: 613-941-5995 (or 1-800-635-7943 in Canada and the United States)
Fax: 613-954-5779 (or 1-800-565-7757 in Canada and the United States)
Alternatively, you will find CBSA publications, including the D memoranda, under Publications and forms.

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Part I

Accounting information

To account for commercial shipments, you must present to the CBSA a fully completed accounting package consisting of the following:

You can present the CBSA with paper copies of these documents or, if we authorize you, transmit this information to us using electronic data interchange (EDI). For more information on the latter option, contact our Electronic Commerce Unit toll-free at 1-888-957-7224.

Cargo control document

The transportation company or forwarder will send you a cargo control document to inform you that a shipment has arrived and is awaiting customs clearance. The cargo control document can be a manifest, a waybill or other approved document covering the transportation of the shipment.

For more information on the cargo control document, see Memorandum D3-1-1.

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You must meet the invoice requirements outlined in Memorandum D1-4-1 by providing one of the following:

  • a commercial invoice prepared by any means (typed, handwritten or electronic) containing all the data listed in Appendix A of Memorandum D1-4-1;
  • a commercial invoice prepared by any means that indicates the buyer and seller of the goods, the price paid or payable and an adequate description of the goods, including the quantity contained in the shipment, together with a Form CI1, Canada Customs Invoice, containing the remaining required data; or
  • a fully completed Form CI1 (PDF, 429.4 KB).

You can use a commercial invoice only, as described in the second option above, or any other document containing the same information provided on such invoices to support the declared value of the commercial goods entering Canada if any of the following apply:

  • the value of such goods is less than CAN$1,600;
  • the value of Canadian goods being returned has been increased by less than CAN$1,600;
  • the goods qualify unconditionally for duty-free and tax-free entry; or
  • the goods qualify for the benefits of the concessionary provisions of classification numbers 9954.00.00.00 or 9957.00.00.00 (special classification provisions) or under classification number 9810.00.00.00.

Use either a recap sheet or cross-references to the invoice when Form B3 (PDF, 150.5 KB) consists of multiple classification lines.

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Recap sheet

You must group goods classified under the same classification number together, and, for each group, show the following information on a recap sheet:

  • duty rate, goods and services tax (GST) treatment (i.e. rate or exemption code) and excise tax rate, if applicable;
  • total price paid or payable; and
  • exchange rate and conversion value in Canadian currency.

The recap sheet must also contain the transaction number and total number of invoice pages. Prepare a separate sheet for each invoice. However, you must summarize the recap sheets so that we can verify the summary against Form B3. In most instances, the total invoiced amount and the total shown on the recap sheet(s) will agree. You have to clearly indicate an acceptable reason for any difference between the recap and invoice totals.

Invoice cross-reference

The cross-reference shows the relationship between each of the invoice lines and pages and the appropriate classification line on Form B3. It consists of the following:

  • the B3 line number;
  • the invoice page number;
  • the invoice line number; and
  • the invoice line value as it appears on the invoice before any additions or deductions.

You have to account for each invoice line. There will be as many references to a particular Form B3 line as there are lines classified in the invoice. The invoice cross-reference must also contain the transaction number and the total number of invoice pages.

More information on cross-referencing and invoice recapitulation can be found in Memorandum D17-1-1, Documentation Requirements for Commercial Shipments.

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Form B3, Canada Customs Coding Form

Instructions on how to complete Form B3 are outlined in Part III of this publication.

Document presentation

To help the CBSA process and release your goods as quickly as possible, you must present the required documents in the order indicated in Appendix IV of this publication. The set designation indicates the destination of each document following our review.

Part II

General information on tariff classification


The Customs Tariff is divided into 21 sections. For the most part, commodities are arranged in these sections according to economic activity.

Within the 21 sections there are 99 chapters. The chapters are arranged according to levels of processing, with primary commodities classified in the earlier chapters and more technically complex products classified later.

Each chapter begins with a title page. Notes precede certain chapters and define the scope and limits of that chapter. After these notes, you will find the classification numbers of all the products covered by the chapter.

Structure of the classification number

Classification in the Customs Tariff is a systematic process. To use this process, it is essential that you understand the structure of the classification number. In Canada, the classification number consists of 10 digits. This 10-digit number is subdivided at various levels to provide greater detail and definition for a product.

Each level is identified as follows:
01.01 Heading
0101.19 Subheading
0101.19.90 Tariff item
0101.19 90.10 Classification number

The first six digits represent the international portion of the classification number and are the numbers that will be used by all countries acceding to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. The last four digits reflect Canadian tariff and statistical requirements.

The structure of the classification number (i.e. by heading, subheading, etc.) is used to classify your products under the Customs Tariff. Each product is first classified with a four-digit number or heading. Then, an appropriate six-digit number or subheading is chosen from within the selected heading. After a subheading is identified for the product, an eight-digit number or tariff item within the subheading must be chosen. Lastly, a full 10-digit classification number is chosen. Refer to Appendix V of this publication for an example of a page from the Customs Tariff.

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Chapter 99 special classification provisions

The Customs Tariff contains special classification provisions unique to Canada that eliminate or reduce the customs duty rate for qualifying goods under specific conditions. These provisions are listed in the Customs Tariff as classification numbers in Chapter 99.

Part III

How to complete Form B3

The example of Form B3 found in Appendix III of this publication may be used as a guide to complete your form. The example used is of a "cash transaction" where the importer pays the applicable duties before the goods are released. For information on other options, such as release prior to payment and the Bonded Warehouse Program, contact your local CBSA office.

Each field number of the following coding instructions corresponds to a number in the upper left-hand corner of each field on Form B3. For more information, see Memorandum D17-1-10, Coding of Customs Accounting Documents.

Field Nos. 1 to 9 are referred to as the "Header" portion of the accounting document. The information in these fields pertains to the shipment as a whole.

Field No. 1 – Importer name and address

In the "importer name and address" section of this field, indicate the company importing the goods and its address.

In the "number" section of this field, indicate your Business Number (BN). If you have more than one business account, indicate the six-digit account identifier (e.g. RM0001).

To obtain a BN, contact your local Canada Revenue Agency office, or call the Business Window at 1-800-959-5525 for service in English or 1-800-959-7775 for service in French.

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Field No. 2 – Transaction number

This is a 14-digit number assigned by the CBSA at the time goods are released. If you have either "release prior to payment" or "uncertified cheque" privileges, you must provide this number in a bar-coded format.

The transaction number must appear on the CBSA copy of Form B3 (refer to Appendix IV of this publication). Write the transaction number clearly on the remaining pages of Form B3 and on the copies of the cargo control documents and invoices.

Field No. 3 – Type

Indicate the B3 type by completing this field with the letter "C," denoting that this document is a final accounting for the release of goods after the payment of duties and taxes.

Field No. 4 – Office number

Show the CBSA office of release for the goods by entering in this field the three-digit office number listed in Appendix VI of this publication.

Field No. 5 – GST registration number

If you have entered a BN in field No. 1, leave this field blank.

Field No. 6 – Payment code

Leave this field blank.

Field No. 7 – Mode of transport

Complete this field for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 exported from the United States.

Use one of the following codes:

  • Air 1
  • Highway 2
  • Rail 6
  • Pipeline 7
  • Marine 9
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Field No. 8 – Port of unlading

For marine shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 exported from the United States, enter in this field the three-digit code for the CBSA office where your goods were taken off the ship (as listed in Appendix VI of this publication).

Field No. 9 – Total value for duty

Complete field No. 37 before you complete this field. Add each of the classification line (field No. 37) amounts and indicate the total to the nearest dollar, in Canadian funds. Do not include a decimal point. On multi-page B3 forms, complete this field on the first page only.

Each set of information from field Nos. 10 to 19 is called a "Subheader" and refers to all of the shipments for one vendor or seller.

Field No. 10 – Subheader number

Identify each subheader within Form B3. Number the subheaders sequentially and use new subheader numbers only when any of the information in field Nos. 10 to 19 has changed from the first page. When you need a new subheader, complete all subheader fields and not just those that differ from the previous subheader.

Field No. 11 – Vendor name

Enter the name of the vendor or consignor of the goods as shown on the invoice. If the goods are invoiced from the United States, complete this field using two lines. On the first line, indicate the name of the vendor or consignor, and on the second line enter the three-character United States state code and its five-digit zip code.(See the list of valid state codes in Appendix VII of this publication). If the goods are invoiced from a country other than the United States but are exported from the United States, indicate the name of the foreign vendor, followed by the state and zip codes of the United States exporter. Each new vendor must be entered on a new subheader.

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Field No. 12 – Country of origin

Indicate the country where the goods were grown, produced, manufactured or finished to their present state.

If the country of origin of the goods is the United States, indicate the three-character United States state code. Enter a two-digit alphabetic code if the country of origin is a country other than the United States. (See the list of country or state codes in Appendix VII.)

Enter each new country or state on a new subheader.

Field No. 13 – Place of export

Enter a three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. If the goods were exported from a foreign trade zone, indicate the appropriate code number for that zone. (Refer to the list of foreign trade zones in Appendix VIII of this publication.) If the country of export is a country other than the United States, enter the appropriate two-digit alphabetic code. (See the list of country and state codes in Appendix VII.)

Enter each new country, state, or zone on a new subheader.

Field No. 14 – Tariff treatment

Enter the code for the tariff or trade agreement under which the goods are being imported into Canada. Select from the following codes:

Codes Tariff treatment
1 Commonwealth Developing Countries Remission Orders
2 Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff
3 General Tariff
4 Australia Tariff
5 New Zealand Tariff
7 Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff (PDF, 216.1 KB)
8 Least Developed Country Tariff
9 General Preferential Tariff
10 United States Tariff
11 Mexico Tariff
12 Mexico-United States Tariff
13 Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff (PDF, 13.1 KB)
14 Chile Tariff
21 Costa Rica Tariff

For North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) purposes only, you can use code 10 for the United States Tariff, code 11 for the Mexico Tariff or code 12 for the Mexico-United States Tariff if the following criteria are met:

  • you imported your goods after January 1, 1994;
  • you make a declaration that the imported goods originate from the Unites States or Mexico; and
  • you possess a valid NAFTA Certificate of Origin that covers the goods being imported.
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You can also use codes 10 and 11 under the following circumstances:

  • you imported your goods after January 1, 1994;
  • you are importing certain non-originating textile goods under a tariff preference level (TPL) permit issued by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and in the case of these goods being imported from Mexico, you obtained a Certificate of Eligibility from the Government of Mexico; and
  • you have a statement certifying that the goods have met the conditions set out in the Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods from Mexico or the United States Customs Duty Remission Order.

If these codes are used when the goods are not entitled to such tariff treatments, penalties may apply.

Enter each new tariff treatment on a new subheader.

Refer to the Customs Tariff for further information on how to apply tariff treatments.

TPLs are also provided under the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement and the Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement.

Field No. 15 – United States port of exit

Complete this field for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 exported from the United States.

The United States port of exit is defined as "the United States customs port at which or nearest to which the land surface carrier transporting the merchandise crosses the border of the United States into Canada or in the case of exportation by vessel or air, the United States customs port where the merchandise is loaded onto the vessel or aircraft that is to carry the merchandise to Canada."

Refer to Appendix X of this publication for a list of United States port of exit codes. Enter each new port of exit code on a new subheader.

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Field No. 16 – Direct shipment date

Enter the date indicated on your customs or commercial invoice if the currency code represents a currency other than Canadian dollars. You can leave this field blank if the currency code represents Canadian dollars.

Enter the month (M) and day (D/J).

Enter each new date on a new subheader.

Field No. 17 – Currency code

Enter the appropriate International Standardization Organization (ISO) codes (e.g. United States = USD) from the list of currency codes in Appendix VII.

The currency code identifies the currency shown in field No. 36.

Enter each new currency on a new subheader.

Field No. 18 – Time limit

Complete this field in months if a time limit is applicable (e.g. in the case of temporary importations). Enter each new time limit on a new subheader.

Field No. 19 – Freight

Complete this field for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 exported from the United States.

Enter, to the nearest Canadian dollar, the total freight charges to transport the goods from the place of direct shipment in the United States to the consignee in Canada.

Complete this field on the first subheader.

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Field No. 20 – Release date

Leave this field blank.

Field No. 21 – Line

Number this line sequentially each time you assign a classification number. Do not skip or duplicate line numbers on Form B3, regardless of the number of subheaders.

Field No. 22 – Description

Enter all references, such as to D memoranda, import permit numbers and value and classification ruling numbers, if applicable.

Field No. 23 – Weight in kilograms

Complete this field for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 exported from the United States through the marine or air modes.

Complete this field only on the first detail line for each transaction.

Enter the gross weight of the shipment to the nearest whole kilogram.

Field No. 24 – Previous transaction number

Leave this field blank.

Field No. 25 – Previous transaction line

Leave this field blank.

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Field No. 26 – Special authority

Complete this field on each classification line, if applicable.

If you have obtained permission to import goods under special conditions (e.g. relief of duties), you must enter the authority number in the appropriate field. Before you complete an accounting document where special authority is involved, consult Memoranda D17-1-10, Coding of Customs Accounting Documents; D8-2-1, Canadian Goods Abroad and D7-4-1, Duty Deferral Program.

The benefits of the United States Tariff and the Mexico Tariff, according to the Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods From Mexico or the United States Customs Duty Remission Order, may be extended to certain textile and apparel goods that are cut and sewn or otherwise assembled (or woven or knit) in the United States or Mexico from fabric (or yarn or fibre) produced or obtained in a non-NAFTA country. Similarly, the benefits of the Chile Tariff and the Costa Rica Tariff can be extended to certain textile and apparel goods from Chile and Costa Rica. When you present accounting documents for such goods, record in field No. 26 the number 98-1456, which is the Order-in-Council number of the NAFTA tariff preference level remission order or 98-1455, which is the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) tariff preference level remission order. Any refunds in this program are also done through the remission order using the legislative authority of section 115(3) of the Customs Tariff.

Field No. 27 – Classification number

Enter the correct classification number as indicated in the Customs Tariff for each commodity included in the shipment. Include a decimal point after each of the fourth, sixth and eighth digits (e.g. 1234.56.78.90).

Field No. 28 – Tariff code

Complete this field if the conditions specified in Chapter 99 (special classification provisions) of the Customs Tariff apply.

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Field No. 29 – Quantity

Indicate the quantity of goods being accounted for on Form B3, in the unit of measure required by the Customs Tariff.

Leave this field blank if no unit of measure is applicable from the Customs Tariff or any excise tax rates.

Field No. 30 – Unit of measure

Enter the unit of measure code you used to indicate the quantity of goods, as specified in the Customs Tariff.

Use only metric alphabetic codes.

Leave this field blank if no unit of measure is applicable from the Customs Tariff or any excise tax rates. (Refer to Appendix IX of this publication for the unit of measure codes.)

Field No. 31 – Value for duty code

The value for duty is usually based on the transaction value method of valuation, which requires that the goods be sold for export to Canada, to a purchaser in Canada, and the price paid or payable for the goods can be determined. Under this method, the selling price, with certain additions and minus certain deductions, converted to Canadian funds, will be the value for duty. Consult the memoranda D13 series for more details regarding the use of the transaction value method or if necessary, one of the alternate methods of valuation.

Use a combination of one of the first-digit code numbers and one of the second-digit code numbers outlined below to indicate the basis on which you determined the value for duty.

First digit code No. (relationship) Explanation
1 The vendor and purchaser are not related firms as defined in subsection 45(3) of the Customs Act.
2 The vendor and purchaser are related firms as defined in subsection 45(3) of the Customs Act.
Second digit code No.(valuation method used) Explanation
3 Price paid or payable without adjustments (section 48 of the Customs Act)
4 Price paid or payable with adjustments (section 48 of the Customs Act)
5 Transaction value of identical goods (section 49 of the Customs Act)
6 Transaction value of similar goods (section 50 of the Customs Act)
7 Deductive value of imported goods (section 51 of the Customs Act)
8 Computed value (section 52 of the Customs Act)
9 Residual method of valuation (section 53 of the Customs Act)
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If the vendor and purchaser are related firms, and the value for duty is the transaction value of similar goods, enter code 26.

Field No. 32 – Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) code

Complete this field for goods subject to an action under the SIMA and/or a surtax order.

Identify the type of SIMA disposition applicable to the goods you are importing, as well as the method of payment, in the following manner:

The first digit will be the SIMA assessment type:

  1. Goods are not subject to a finding by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) and/or a surtax order under the Customs Tariff;
  2. Goods are covered by a price undertaking offered by all, or substantially all, exporters of the subject goods and accepted by the President;
  3. Goods are subject to a preliminary determination;
  4. Goods are subject to a CITT finding. There is no amount of anti-dumping and/or countervailing duty owing, which results in a nil payment; or
  5. Goods are subject to a CITT finding and/or a surtax order. Anti-dumping and/or countervailing duty and/or a surtax amount is payable.

When goods are subject to a CITT finding and/or a surtax order and SIMA duty and/or a surtax amount are covered by a remission order, use SIMA code 50.

The second digit will indicate a nil assessment or the method of payment:

  • 0. nil payment
  • 1. cash
  • 2. bond
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Field No. 33 – Rate of customs duty

Indicate the applicable rate of duty as specified in the Customs Tariff for the relevant classification number.

When both percentage and specific duties apply, indicate the percentage rate of duty on the first detail line. Enter the specific rate of duty on the next detail line. Do not complete a line number for this line.

If an additional rate of duty equivalent to an excise duty is applicable, enter this rate of duty on the next detail line in this field. Do not complete a line number for this line.

Field No. 34 – Excise tax rate

Indicate, where applicable, the rate of excise tax (or an exemption code) in accordance with the Excise Tax Act. If excise tax does not apply, leave this field blank.

Field No. 35 – Rate of GST

Indicate the applicable goods and services tax (GST) rate or exemption code in accordance with the Excise Tax Act.

Field No. 36 – Value for currency conversion

Complete on each classification line by entering this amount in the currency specified on the invoice to a maximum of two decimal points. For assistance in determining the amount to be shown in this field, consult the memoranda D13 series.

Field No. 37 – Value for duty

Complete on each classification line by multiplying the value for currency conversion, calculated in accordance with the valuation method identified in field No. 31, by the exchange rate on the date of direct shipment.

Enter the value in Canadian dollars using a decimal point (e.g. CAN$96.00 is shown as 96.00). Make your calculations to the cent.

Field No. 38 – Customs duties

Indicate the amount of customs duty (not including provisional, anti-dumping or countervailing) in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

When a percentage rate of customs duty applies, you can calculate the amount of customs duty by multiplying the rate of customs duty by the value for duty. When the rate is based on a quantity or measure of the goods (specific rate), you can calculate the amount of the customs duty by multiplying the rate by the quantity.

Field No. 39 – SIMA assessment

When goods are subject to surtax, provisional, anti-dumping or countervailing duties, enter the amount in this field. Indicate the amount in dollars and cents, separated by a decimal point.

These amounts and/or duties form part of the value for the calculation of excise taxes except if provisional duty is deferred by bond.

Field No. 40 – Excise tax

Indicate the amount of excise tax payable in dollars and cents, if applicable, on each classification line.

When a percentage rate applies, multiply the excise tax rate in field No. 34 by the sum of field Nos. 37, 38 and 39.

When a specific rate applies, multiply the excise tax rate in field No. 34 by the quantity in field No. 29.

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Field No. 41 – Value for tax

Complete on each classification line the value for tax by adding the value for duty shown in field No. 37, the customs duty shown in field No. 38, any SIMA assessment shown in field No. 39 and any excise tax shown in field No. 40.

Field No. 42 – GST

Indicate the amount of goods and services tax (GST) payable in dollars and cents, if applicable.

You can calculate the GST by multiplying the rate in field No. 35 by the value for tax in field No. 41.

This portion of Form B3 is referred to as the "Trailer" and applies to the whole shipment.

Field No. 43 – Deposit

Leave this field blank on this type of entry.

Field No. 44 – Warehouse number

Leave this field blank.

Field No. 45 – Cargo control number

Indicate the cargo control number as shown in the upper right-hand corner on the cargo control document for the shipment being released. If there is more than one cargo control document to be acquitted by one Form B3, list all the cargo control numbers on Form B3B, Canada Customs Cargo Control Continuation Sheet, and enter "B3B" in this field. Attach only one copy of Form B3B to your original Form B3.

Leave this field blank if no cargo control document is required (for more information, see Memorandum D3-1-1, Regulations Respecting the Importation, Transportation and Exportation of Goods, paragraph 31).

In the case of postal shipments, indicate the Form E14, CBSA Postal Import Form, inventory control number in this field.

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Field No. 46 – Carrier code at importation

Complete this field for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2,500 that you import from the United States through the marine or air modes.

Enter the four-digit carrier code of the carrier that brought the goods into Canada. This is the first three or four digits of the cargo control number.

Where there are only three digits, as in an air carrier, indicate the three-digit code plus a hyphen.

Field No. 47 – Customs duties

Enter the total of each detail line (field No. 38) duty amounts. If there are no customs duties payable, leave this field blank

Field No. 48 – SIMA assessment

Complete this field if an amount of surtax and/or provisional duty, anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty is payable.

Enter the total of each of the classification line (field No. 39) provisional duty or SIMA duty amounts and/or the amounts of a surtax, unless deferred by bond as designated by SIMA codes 32 or 52 or covered by a remission order as indicated by SIMA code 50.

Indicate the total in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete this field only on the last page.

Field No. 49 – Excise tax

Enter the total of each of the detail line (field No. 40) excise tax amounts. If there is no excise tax payable, leave this field blank.

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Field No. 50 – GST

Enter the total of each of the detail line (field No. 42) goods and services tax (GST) amounts. Leave this field blank if there is no GST payable.

Field No. 51 – Total

Calculate the total amount payable by adding the amounts in field Nos. 47, 48, 49 and 50. If you do not have to pay any duties and taxes, enter any combination of zeros. Do not leave this field blank.

If you owe duties and taxes, you can pay by cash, certified cheque or money order. Providing certain conditions are met, you can submit an uncertified cheque for amounts up to CAN$2,500. Credit cards will be accepted for commercial importations up to CAN$500.


Enter the name and telephone number of the person making the declaration and the company name.

Date and sign the declaration on the original copy of Form B3.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete this field only on the last page.

The person whose name appears on the declaration must sign the declaration. This person is indicating that the information contained on Form B3 is accurate and complete.

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Appendix I – Example of a Cargo Control Document

PDF, 97 KB

Appendix II – Example of a Canada Customs Invoice

PDF, 179 KB

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Appendix III – Example of a Form B3

PDF, 201 KB

Appendix IV – Example of a document presentation

Documentation requirements

To help us process and release your goods as quickly as possible, present the required documents in the order indicated below. The set designation indicates the destination of each document following the CBSA's review.

  1. Carrier/Warehouse Keeper Set – CBSA delivery authority copy of the Cargo Control Document, transaction number annotated.
  2. Other Government Department (OGD) Set – The original permits, certificates licences, etc., as required by OGD, transaction number annotated.
  3. CBSA Set – Documents used to support appraisal and samples (i.e., separating documents, Invoice, B3 Accounting Document with bar-coded transaction number, long room copy of the Cargo Control Document).

C Type Accounting Documents – the following documents will be packaged in an appropriate coloured wrapper. Please refer to Memorandum D17-1-10 for wrapper colour:

  • Carrier/Warehouse Keeper Set
  • OGD Set
  • CBSA Set

PDF, 100 KB

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Appendix V – Example of a page from the Customs Tariff

PDF, 138 KB

Appendix VI – CBSA office codes by region

Directory of CBSA Offices
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Appendix VII – List of country and currency codes (including the states of the United States)

Country/U.S. State Code Currency Currency Code
Afghanistan AF Afghani AFA
Albania AL Lek ALL
Algeria DZ Algerian Dinar DZD
American Samoa AS U.S. Dollar USD
Andorra AD Euro Dollar EUR
Angola AO New Kwanza AON
Anguilla AI East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Antarctica AQ U.S. Dollar USD
Antigua and Barbuda AG East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Argentina AR Argentine Peso ARS
Armenia AM New Ruble RUB
Aruba AW Aruban Guilder AWG
Australia AU Australian Dollar AUD
Austria AT Euro Dollar EUR
Azerbaïjan AZ New Ruble RUB
Bahamas BS Bahamian Dollar BSD
Bahrain BH Bahraini Dinar BHD
Bangladesh BD Taka BDT
Barbados BB Barbados Dollar BBD
Belarus BY New Ruble RUB
Belgium BE Euro Dollar EUR
Belize BZ Belize Dollar BZD
Bermuda BM U.S. Dollar USD
Bhutan BT Indian Rupee INR
Bolivia BO Boliviano BOB
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA U.S. Dollar USD
Botswana BW Pula BWP
Bouvet Island BV Norwegian Krone NOK
Brazil BR Brazilian Real BRL
British Indian Ocean Territory IO U.S. Dollar USD
Brunei Darussalam BN Brunei Dollar BND
Bulgaria BG New Lev BGN
Burkina Faso BF CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Burundi BI Burundi Franc BIF
Cambodia KH Riel KHR
Cameroon CM CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Canada CA Canadian Dollar CAD
Cape Verde CV Cape Verde Escudo CVE
Cayman Islands KY Cayman Islands Dollar KYD
Central African Republic CF CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Ceuta and Melilla EA Euro Dollar EUR
Chile CL Chilean Peso CLP
China CN Yuan Renminbi CNY
Christmas Island CX Australian Dollar AUD
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC Australian Dollar AUD
Colombia CO Colombian Peso COP
Comoros KM CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Congo (Democratic Republic of) CD Franc Congolais CDF
Cook Islands CK New Zealand Dollar NZD
Costa Rica CR Costa Rican Colon CRC
Côte d’Ivoire CI CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Croatia HR Crotian Kuna HRK
Cuba CU Cuban Peso CUP
Cyprus CY Cyprus Pound CYP
Czech Republic CZ Czech Koruna CZK
Denmark DK Danish Krone DKK
Djibouti DJ Djibouti Franc DJF
Dominica DM East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Dominican Republic DO Dominican Peso DOP
Ecuador EC Sucre ECS
Egypt EG Egyptian Pound EGP
El Salvador SV El Salvador Colon SVC
Equatorial Guinea GQ CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Eritrea ER New Ruble RUB
Estonia EE Kroon EEK
Ethiopia ET Ethiopian Birr ETB
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK Falkland Islands Pound FKP
Faroe Islands FO Danish Krone DKK
Fiji FJ Fiji Dollar FJD
Finland Fl Euro Dollar EUR
France FR Euro Dollar EUR
French Guiana GF Euro Dollar EUR
French Polynesia PF CFP Franc XPF
French Southern Territories TF Euro Dollar EUR
Gambia GM Dalasi GMD
Georgia GE New Ruble RUB
Germany DE Euro Dollar EUR
Ghana GH Cedi GHC
Gibraltar GI Pound Sterling GBP
Greece GR Euro Dollar EUR
Greenland GL Danish Krone DKK
Grenada GD East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Guadeloupe GP Euro Dollar EUR
Guam GU U.S. Dollar USD
Guatemala GT Quetzal GTQ
Guinea GN Franc GNF
Guinea-Bissau GW Guinea-Bissau Peso GWP
Guyana GY Guyana Dollar GYD
Haiti HT Gourde HTG
Heard and McDonald Islands HM Australian Dollar AUD
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA Euro Dollar Eur
Honduras HN Lempira HNL
Hong Kong HK Hong Kong Dollar HKD
Hungary HU Forint HUF
Iceland IS Iceland Krona ISK
India IN Indian Rupee INR
Indonesia ID Rupiah IDR
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IR Iranian Rial IRR
Iraq IQ Iraqui Dinar IQD
Ireland IE Euro Dollar EUR
Isle of Man IM Pound Sterling GBP
Israel IL New Israeli Shekel ILS
Italy IT Euro Dollar EUR
Ivory Coast (refer to Côte d’Ivoire)      
Jamaica JM Jamaican Dollar JMD
Japan JP Yen JPY
Jersey JE Pound Sterling GBP
Jordan JO Jordanian Dinar JOD
Kazakhstan KZ Tenge KZT
Kenya KE Kenyan Shilling KES
Kiribati Kl Australian Dollar AUD
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of KP North Korean Won KPW
Korea, Republic of KR Won KRW
Kuwait KW Kuwaiti Dinar KWD
Kyrgyzstan KG New Ruble RUB
Lao, People’s Democratic Republic LA Kip LAK
Latvia LV New Ruble RUB
Lebanon LB Lebanese Pound LBP
Lesotho LS Loti LSL
Liberia LR U.S. Dollar USD
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY Libyan Dinar LYD
Liechtenstein LI Swiss Franc CHF
Lithuania LT New Ruble RUB
Luxembourg LU Euro Dollar EUR
Macau MO Pataca MOP
Macedonia MK U.S. Dollar USD
Madagascar MG Malagasy Franc MGF
Malawi MW Kwacha MWK
Malaysia MY Malaysian Ringgit MYR
Maldives MV Rufiyaa MVR
Malta MT Maltese Lira MTL
Marshall Islands MH U.S. Dollar USD
Martinique MQ Euro Dollar EUR
Mauritania MR Ouguiya MRO
Mauritius MU Mauritius Rupee MUR
Mayotte YT Euro Dollar Euro
Mexico MX Mexican Nuevo Peso MXN
Micronesia FM U.S. Dollar USD
Moldova, Republic of MD New Ruble RUB
Monaco MC Euro Dollar EUR
Mongolia MN Tugrik MNT
Montenegro ME European Euro EUR
Montserrat MS East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Morocco MA Moroccan Dirham MAD
Mozambique MZ Mozambique Metical MZM
Myanmar MM Kyat MMK
Namibia NA Nambian dollar NAD
Nauru NR Australian Dollar AUD
Nepal NP Nepalese Rupee NPR
Netherlands NL Euro Dollar EUR
Netherlands Antilles AN Netherlands Antillian Guilder ANG
New Caledonia NC CFP Franc XPF
New Zealand NZ New Zealand Dollar NZD
Nicaragua NI Cordoba Dollar NIO
Nigeria NG Naira NGN
Niue NU New Zealand Dollar NZD
Norfolk Island NF Australian Dollar AUD
Northern Mariana Islands MP U.S. Dollar USD
Norway NO Norwegian Krone NOK
Oman OM Rial Omani OMR
Pakistan PK Pakistan Rupee PKR
Palau PW U.S. Dollar USD
Panama PA Balboa PAB
    U.S. Dollar USD
Papua New Guinea PG Kina PGK
Paraguay PY Guarani PYG
Peru PE Nuevo Sol PEN
Philippines PH Philippine Peso PHP
Pitcairn PN New Zealand Dollar NZD
Poland PL Zloty PLN
Portugal PT Euro Dollar EUR
Puerto Rico PR U.S. Dollar USD
Qatar QA Qatari Rial QAR
Reunion RE Euro Dollar EUR
Romania RO Leu ROL
Russian Federation RU New Ruble RUB
Rwanda RW Rwanda Franc RWF
Saint Helena SH Pound Sterling GBP
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Saint Lucia LC East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon PM Euro Dollar EUR
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Samoa WS Tala WST
San Marino SM Euro Dollar EUR
Sao Tome and Principe ST Dobra STD
Saudi Arabia SA Saudi Riyal SAR
Senegal SN CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Serbia RS New Serbian Dînar RSD
Seychelles SC Seychelles Rupee SCR
Sierra Leone SL Leone SLL
Singapore SG Singapore Dollar SGD
Slovakia SK Slovakian Koruna SKK
Slovenia SI Tolar SIT
Solomon Islands SB Australian Dollar AUD
Somalia SO Somali Shilling SOS
South Africa ZA Rand ZAR
South Georgia GS Pound Sterling GBP
Spain ES Euro Dollar EUR
Sri Lanka LK Sri Lanka Rupee LKR
Sudan SD Sudanese Dinar SDD
Suriname SR Suriname Guilder SRG
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ Norwegian Krone NOK
Swaziland SZ Lilangeni SZL
Sweden SE Swedish Krona SEK
Switzerland CH Swiss Franc CHF
Syria Arab Republic SY Syrian Pound SYP
Taiwan, Province of China TW New Taiwan Dollar TWD
Tajikistan TJ New Ruble RUB
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ Tanzanian Shilling TZS
Thailand TH Baht THB
Timor-Leste TL U.S. Dollar USD
Tokelau TK New Zealand Dollar NZD
Tonga TO Pa'anga TOP
Trinidad and Tobago TT Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD
Tunisia TN Tunisian Dinar TND
Turkey TR Turkish Lira TRL
Turkmenistan TM New Ruble RUB
Turks and Caicos Islands TC U.S. Dollar USD
Tuvalu TV Australian Dollar AUD
Uganda UG Uganda Shilling UGS
Ukraine UA Hryvnia UAH
United Arab Emirates AE UAE Dirham AED
United Kingdom GB Pound Sterling GBP
United States US U.S. Dollar USD
Alabama UAL    
Alaska UAK    
Arizona UAZ    
Arkansas UAR    
California UCA    
Colorado UCO    
Columbia (District of) UDC    
Connecticut UCT    
Delaware UDE    
Florida UFL    
Georgia UGA    
Hawaii UHI    
Idaho UID    
Illinois UIL    
Indiana UIN    
Iowa UIA    
Kansas UKS    
Kentucky UKY    
Louisiana ULA    
Maine UME    
Maryland UMD    
Massachusetts UMA    
Michigan UMI    
Minnesota UMN    
Mississippi UMS    
Missouri UMO    
Montana UMT    
Nebraska UNE    
Nevada UNV    
New Hampshire UNH    
New Jersey UNJ    
New Mexico UNM    
New York UNY    
North Carolina UNC    
North Dakota UND    
Ohio UOH    
Oklahoma UOK    
Oregon UOR    
Pennsylvania UPA    
Rhode Island URI    
South Carolina USC    
South Dakota USD    
Tennessee UTN    
Texas UTX    
Utah UUT    
Vermont UVT    
Virginia UVA    
Washington (State of) UWA    
West Virginia UWV    
Wisconsin UWI    
Wyoming UWY    
United States Minor Outlying Islands UM U.S. Dollar USD
Uruguay UY Uruguayo Peso UYU
Uzbekistan UZ New Ruble RUB
Vanuatu VU Vatu VUV
Vatican City State (refer to Holy See) Venezuela VE Bolivar VEB
Vietnam VN Dong VND
Virgin Islands, British VG U.S. Dollar USD
Virgin Islands, U.S. Vl U.S. Dollar USD
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF CFP Franc XPF
West Bank and Gaza Strip PS New Israeli Shek ILS
Western Sahara EH Moroccan Dirham MAD
Yemen YE Yemeni Rial YER
Yugoslavia YU New Yugoslavian Dinar YUD
Zaire (refer to Congo, Democratic Republic of)   New Zaire ZRN
Zambia ZM Kwacha ZMK
Zimbabwe ZW Zimbabwe Dollar ZWD
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Appendix VIII – United States foreign trade zones

Zone # Trade Zones
82 Mobile
82A Atlantic Land Corp
82B Degussa Corporation (Theodore)
82C Peavey Electronics Corporation (Foley)
82D Sony Magnetic Products Inc. of America (Dothan)
82E Zeneca Inc. (Mobile County)
82F Coastal Mobile Refining Company (Mobile County)
82G Shell Chemical Company (Mobile County)
83 Huntsville
83A DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
83B MagneTek, Inc. (Madison)
98 Birmingham
98A DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.) (Tuscaloosa)
98B ZF Industries, Inc. (Tuscaloosa)
98C JVC America, Inc. (Tuscaloosa County)
211 Anniston (Birmingham)
222 Montgomery
233 Dothan
Zone # Trade Zones
108 Valdez
159 St. Paul
160 Anchorage
195 Fairbanks
195A Flowline Alaska
232 Kodiak Island
Zone # Trade Zones
48 Tucson
60 Nogales
75 Phoenix
75A Conair Corporation (Glendale)
75B Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Buckeye)
75C Intel Corporation (Chandler)
75D STMicroelectronics, Inc.
75E Abbott Manufacturing, Inc. (Casa Grande)
75F PETsMART, Inc.
75G Sumitomo Sitix of Phoenix, Inc.
75H Microchip Technology Inc. (Chandler and Tempe)
139 Sierra Vista
174 Tucson (Pima County)
174A Imation Corp.
219 Yuma County (Yuma)
219A Meadowcraft, Inc.
219B Gowan Company
221 Mesa, Arizona
Zone # Trade Zones
14 Little Rock
14A Sanyo Manufacturing Corporation (Forrest City)
14B Cedar Chemical Corporation (West Helena)
14C Mid States Pipe Fabricating, Inc. (El Dorado)
Zone # Trade Zones
3 San Francisco
3A Lilli Ann Corporation (closed)
3B Chevron Products Company
18 San Jose
18A Olympus (terminated)
18B New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (Fremont) (deactivated)
18C Cirrus Logic, Inc. (Fremont)
18D Hewlett-Packard Company
50 Long Beach
50A Toyota (terminated)
50B National Steel & Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) (San Diego)
50C National RV, Inc. (Perris) (deactivated)
50D Datatape, Incorporated (Pasadena) (deactivated)
50E Alps Manufacturing (USA), Inc. (Garden Grove and Compton) (deactivated)
50F Rauch Industries, Inc. (Mira Loma)
50G Equilon Enterprises LLC (Los Angeles County)
56 Oakland
56A Mazda Motors of America, Inc. (Benicia) (closed)
143 West Sacramento
143A C. Ceronix, Inc. (Auburn)
143B Hewlett-Packard Company
143C Gymboree Corporation (Dixon)
153 San Diego
153A CN Biosciences, Inc.
153B Hewlett-Packard Company
191 Palmdale
202 Los Angeles
202A Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company (3M)
202B Chevron Products Company (El Segundo)
202C Tosco Refining Company
205 Oxnard and Port Hueneme (Ventura County)
205A Imation Corp. (Camarillo)
226 Merced, Madera, and Fresno Counties
231 Stockton
236 Palm Springs
237 Santa Maria
243 Victorville
244 March Inland Port, Riverside County
Zone # Trade Zones
112 Colorado Springs
112A Apple Computer, Inc. (Fountain) (lapsed)
123 Denver
123A Storage Technology Corporation (Boulder County)
123B Artesyn Technologies (Inc.) (formerly Zytec Corporation) (Broomfield)
Zone # Trade Zones
71 Windsor Locks (Hartford)
76 Bridgeport
162 New Haven
162A Bayer Corporation (West Haven)
208 New London
Zone # Trade Zones
99 Wilmington and Kent Counties (Wilmington)
99A J. Schoeneman, Inc. (deactivated)
99B DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Newark) (deactivated)
99C General Motors Corporation (deactivated)
99D Zeneca, Inc. (Newark)
99E Motiva Enterprises (formerly Star Enterprise) (Delaware City)
Zone # Trade Zones
25 Broward County (Port Everglades)
25A Federal-Mogul World Trade, Inc. (Ft. Lauderdale)
25B CITGO Petroleum Corporation
32 Miami
32A Hewlett-Packard Company
32B Komatsu Latin-America Corporation
42 Orlando
64 Jacksonville
65 Panama City
79 Tampa
79A Reilly Dairy & Food Company
79B Group Technologies Corporation
135 Palm Beach County (West Palm Beach)
136 Brevard County (Port Canaveral)
136A Flite Technology, Inc. (Cocoa) (deactivated)
136B American Digital Switching, Inc. (Melbourne) (lapsed)
136C Harris Corporation-Electronic-Systems Sector
166 Homestead
169 Manatee County (Palmetto)
169A Aso Corporation (Sarasota County)
180 Miami
193 Pinellas County (St. Petersburg-Clearwater)
193A RP Scherer
198 Volusia and Flagler Counties (Daytona Beach area)
209 Palm Beach County (West Palm Beach)
213 Fort Myers
215 Sebring
217 Ocala
218 St. Lucie County
241 Fort Lauderdale
Zone # Trade Zones
26 Atlanta
26A General Motors Corporation (Doraville and Atlanta) (deactivated)
26B Goetze Gasket Company (LaGrange) (lapsed)
26C Ford Motor Company (Hapeville) (deactivated)
26D Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America (Newnan)
26E United Technologies Corporation (Columbus)
26F Precision Components International, Inc. (Columbus)
104 Chatham County (Savannah)
104A Merck & Co., Inc. (Albany)
104B Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Bulloch County)
104C CITGO Asphalt Refinery Company (Chatham)
144 Brunswick
Zone # Trade Zones
9 Honolulu
9A Tesoro Hawaii Corporation (formerly BHP Petroleum Americas Refining, Inc.)
9B Kerr Pacific Corp., HFM Division
9C Dole Processed Foods Company (closed)
9D Maui Pineapple Co., Ltd. (Kahuliu, Maui)
9E Chevron Products Company (Kapolei)
9F Citizens Utilities, d/b/a The Gas Company
Zone # Trade Zones
192 Meridian (Boise)
242 Boundary County
Zone # Trade Zones
22 Chicago
22A Unarco Industries, Inc. (lapsed)
22B Ford Motor Company (deactivated)
22C Power Packaging (expired)
22D Power Packaging (expired)
22E Power Packaging (expired)
22F Abbott Laboratories, Inc. (North Chicago and Lake County)
22G Sanofi Synthelabo Inc. (formerly Sanofi Winthrop, Inc.) (Des Plaines)
22H BP (formerly Amoco Pipeline Company) (Manhattan)
22I PDV Midwest Refining LLC (Will County)
22J Mobil Oil Corporation (Will County)
22K Cognis Corporation (formerly Henkel Corporation) (Kankakee)
22L Premcor Refining Group Inc. (formerly Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc.) (Cook County)
31 Granite City (St. Louis)
31A DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Fenton, Missouri) (deactivated)
31B Equilon Enterprises LLC (formerly Shell Oil Company) (Madison County)
31C Premcor Refining Group Inc. (formerly Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc.) (Hartford, Illinois)
114 Peoria
114A Caterpillar, Inc. (Mossville, Morton, East Peoria)
114C Mitsubishi Motors Manufacturing of America, Inc. (formerly Diamond-Star Motors Corporation) (Normal)
114D E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. (El Paso)
133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois (Davenport/Milan)
133A Maytag Corporation (Admiral) (Galesburg, Illinois)
133B Maytag Corporation (Norge) (Herrin, Illinois)
146 Lawrence County (Lawrenceville)
146A North American Lighting, Inc. (Flora and Salem)
146B North American Lighting and Hella Electronics (expanded and redesignated 146A)
146C Fedders North America, Inc. (Effingham)
146D Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Marathon Oil Company) (Robinson)
176 Rockford
176A Milk Specialties Company (Dundee) (deactivated)
176B Clinton Electronics Corporation (Loves Park) (lapsed)
176C DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Belvidere) (deactivated)
176D Nissan Industrial Engine Manufacturing USA, Inc. (Marengo)
Zone # Trade Zones
72 Indianapolis
72A General Motors Corporation (Kokomo) (deactivated)
72B Eli Lilly and Company
72C Eli Lilly and Company (West Lafayette)
72D Eli Lilly and Company (Clinton)
72E DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (expired)
72F DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Kokomo) (deactivated)
72G DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (New Castle) (deactivated)
72H Subaru-Isuzu Automotive, Inc. (Lafayette)
72I Alpine Electronics Manufacturing of America, Inc. (Greenwood and Indianapolis)
72J Endress + Hauser, Inc. (Greenwood)
72K Onkyo America, Inc. (Columbus)
72L Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
72M Fujitsu Ten Corp. of America (Rushville)
72N Alfa Laval Distribution, Inc.
72O Tetra Pak Parts Americas, Inc. (Greenwood)
72P SMC Pneumatics, Inc.
125 South Bend
125A EWI, Inc. (lapsed)
125B Coachmen Recreational Vehicle Company (Middlebury) (lapsed)
125C Fairmont Homes, Inc./Gulf Stream Coach, Inc. (Nappanee and Goshen) (lapsed)
152 Burns Harbor
152A Caterpillar, Inc. (Lafayette) (lapsed)
152B BP (formerly Amoco Oil Company) (Whiting)
170 Clark County (Jeffersonville)
170A Lexmark International, Inc.
177 Evansville
177A Bristol-Myers Squibb Company/Mead Johnson & Company (Mt. Vernon and Evansville)
182 Ft. Wayne
239 Terre Haute
Zone # Trade Zones
107 Polk County (Des Moines)
107A Winnebago Industries, Inc. (Forest City)
133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois (Davenport/Milan)
133C Maytag Corporation (Newton, Iowa)
175 Cedar Rapids
Zone # Trade Zones
17 Kansas City
17A General Motors Corporation (deactivated)
161 Sedgwick County (Wichita)
161A Abbott Laboratories (formerly Sanofi Winthrop, Inc.) (McPherson)
161B El Dorado Refining Company, a division of Equilon Enterprises LLC (formerly Texaco, Inc.) (Butler County)
Zone # Trade Zones
29 Jefferson County (Louisville)
29A Clark Equipment Company (Georgetown) (lapsed)
29B Ford Motor Company (deactivated)
29C General Electric Company
29D Lexmark International, Inc. (Lexington)
29E Toyota Motor Manufacturing, N.A., Inc. (Georgetown)
29F Hitachi Automotive Products (U.S.A.), Inc. (Harrodsburg)
29G Ascent Power Technology Corp. (Campton) (deactivated)
47 Boone County, Kentucky (Cincinnati)
47A Clarion Manufacturing Corporation of America, Inc. (Walton)
47B Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Ashland, Inc.) (Boyd and Daviess Counties)
Zone # Trade Zones
2 New Orleans
2C Avondale Industries, Inc. (Avondale)
2D Avondale Industries, Inc. (Westwego)
2E Avondale Industries, Inc. (Harvey) (closed)
2F Avondale Industries, Inc.
2G Trinity Marine Group, Inc.
2H Mobil Corporation (St. Bernard, Jefferson, and St. Charles Parishes)
2I BP Exploration & Oil, Inc. (Plaquemines Parish)
2J Murphy Oil USA, Inc. (St. Bernard Parish)
87 Calcasieu Parish (Lake Charles)
87A Conoco, Inc. (Calcasieu Parish)
87B CITGO Petroleum Corporation (Calcasieu Parish)
124 Gramercy
124A Orion Refining Corporation (formerly TransAmerican Natural Gas Corporation) (Norco)
124B North American Shipbuilding, Inc. (LaFourche Parish)
124C Motiva Enterprises LLC (formerly Star Enterprise) (St. James and Ascension Parishes)
124D LOOP LLC (St. James and LaFourche Parishes)
124E Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Marathon Oil Company) (Garyville)
124F Motiva Enterprises, LLC (formerly Shell Oil Company) (St. Charles Parish)
124G Halter Marine, Inc. (Lockport)
124H Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. (Lockport)
145 Shreveport
145A Lucent Technologies, Inc.
154 Baton Rouge
154A Exxon Corporation
Zone # Trade Zones
58 Bangor
179 Madawaska
179A Evergreen Trading Co., LLC (formerly Northern Trading Company)
186 Waterville
Zone # Trade Zones
63 Prince George’s County (Washington, D.C.)
73 BWI Airport (Baltimore)
73A Rotorex Company, Inc. (Walkersville) (deactivated)
73B Northrop Grumman Corporation ESSD
74 Baltimore
74A Baltimore Marine Industries, Inc. (formerly Bethlehem Steel Corporation) (Sparrows Point)
Zone # Trade Zones
27 Boston
27A Sterlingwale (terminated)
27B General Dynamics (terminated)
27B Massachusetts Heavy Industries, Inc. (Quincy)
27C Lawrence Textile Shrinking Company (Lawrence)
27D General Motors Corporation (Farmingham) (closed)
27E Polaroid Corporation (Norwood)
27F Polaroid Corporation (Needham)
27H Polaroid Corporation (Waltham)
27I Polaroid Corporation (Freetown)
27J Polaroid Corporation
27K Polaroid Corporation (Cambridge)
28 New Bedford
28A Johnson & Johnson Professional, Inc. (Randolph) (lapsed)
28B Johnson & Johnson Professional, Inc. (Randolph) (lapsed)
28C Johnson & Johnson Professional, Inc. (Randolph) (lapsed)
28D Polaroid Corporation
201 Holyoke
Zone # Trade Zones
16 Sault Ste. Marie
43 Battle Creek
43A Clark Equipment (terminated)
43B Bristol-Myers Squibb Company/Mead Johnson & Company (Zeeland)
43C Abbott Manufacturing, Inc./Ross Products (Sturgis)
70 Detroit
70A Ford Motor Company (Romeo)
70B DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70C Ford Motor Company (Wayne) (deactivated)
70D Ford Motor Company (Wixom) (deactivated)
70E Ford Motor Company (Dearborn) (deactivated)
70F General Motors Corporation (Ypsilanti) (deactivated)
70G General Motors Corporation (Pontiac) (deactivated)
70H DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Sterling Heights) (deactivated)
70I AutoAlliance International, Inc. (FlatRock)
70J DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Trenton) (deactivated)
70K General Motors Corporation (deactivated)
70L General Motors Corporation (Orion Township) (deactivated)
70M General Motors Corporation (Lansing)
70N DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70O DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70P DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70Q DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70R DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
70S BASF Corporation (Wyandotte)
70T Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Marathon Oil Company) (Wayne County)
140 Flint
140A General Motors Corporation (deactivated)
140B Dow Chemical Company (Midland) (lapsed)
189 Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon Counties (Grand Rapids)
189A Diesel Technology Company (Inc.) (Kentwood)
189B ESCO Company Limited Partnership (Muskegon)
210 St. Clair County (Port Huron and Marysville)
Zone # Trade Zones
51 Duluth
119 Minneapolis-St. Paul
119A Davisco International, Inc. (St. Peter, Nicollet, and LeSueur) (lapsed)
119B Wirsbo Company (Apple Valley)
119C American Feeds & Livestock Company, Inc. Howard Lake) (lapsed)
119D Foremost Farms USA (formerly Wisconsin Dairies Cooperative) (Preston)
119E Plastic Products Company, Inc. (Lindstrom and Princeton)
119F Artesyn Technologies (Inc.) (formerly Zytec Corporation) (Redwood Falls)
Zone # Trade Zones
92 Harrison County (Gulfport)
92A Halter Marine Group, Inc.
92B Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc. (Pascagoula)
92C Avondale Enterprises
92D Chevron Products Company (Pascagoula)
158 Vicksburg/Jackson
158A CMC, Inc. (Corinth)
158B Peavey Electronics Corporation (Meridian, Morton, and Decatur)
Zone # Trade Zones
15 Kansas City
15A Ford Motor Company (Claycomo) (deactivated)
15B General Motors (terminated)
15C ORTECH (Kirksville)
15D Bayer Corporation
15E Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp. U.S.A. (Maryville)
15F Metcraft, Inc. (Grandview) (lapsed)
102 St. Louis
102A Ford Motor Company (Hazelwood) (deactivated)
102B General Motors Corporation (Wentzville) (deactivated)
102C Florsheim Group Inc. (Cape Girardeau, Kirksville, West Plains, and Jefferson City)
225 Springfield
Zone # Trade Zones
88 Great Falls
187 Toole County (Sweetgrass area)
190 Butte-Silver Bow
Zone # Trade Zones
19 Omaha
19A Zeneca Inc.
59 Lincoln
59A Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp., U.S.A.
Zone # Trade Zones
89 Clark County (Las Vegas)
126 Sparks
126A Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (deactivated)
Zone # Trade Zones
81 Portsmouth
81A Nashua Corporation (Nashua) (closed)
81B Manchester Manufacturing, Inc. (Colebrook) (lapsed)
81C ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc. (Newington)
Zone # Trade Zones
44 Morris County (Mount Olive)
44B International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Hazlet)
44C International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Union Beach)
44D International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (South Brunswick)
49 Newark/Elizabeth
49A Ford Motor Company (Edison) (deactivated)
49B General Motors Corporation (Linden) (deactivated)
49C Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (New Brunswick)
49D Merck & Co., Inc. (Rahway)
49E Tosco Refining Company (formerly Bayway Refining Company) (Linden)
49F Chevron Products Company (Perth Amboy)
49G Hewlett-Packard Company (Bridgewater and Washington)
49H Firmenich, Inc. (Plainsboro and Port Newark)
49I Clariant Corp. (Somerville)
142 Salem
142A Valero Refining Company-New Jersey (formerly Mobil Corporation) (Paulsboro)
142B CITGO Asphalt Refinery Company (Gloucester)
142C Coastal Eagle Point Oil Company Gloucester County)
200 Mercer County (West Trenton)
200A Conair Corporation (East Windsor)
235 Lakewood, New Jersey
Zone # Trade Zones
110 Albuquerque
110A SP Pharmaceuticals
194 Rio Rancho
197 Dona Ana County (Las Cruces area)
Zone # Trade Zones
1 New York City
1A Pfizer, Inc. (Brooklyn)
23 Buffalo
23B CPS Corporation (formerly Greater Buffalo Press) (expired)
23C Buffalo China, Inc.
34 Niagara County (Niagara Falls)
37 Orange County (New York)
37A General Motors Corporation (North Tarrytown) (deactivated)
37B Bally, Inc. (New Rochelle) (deactivated)
52 Suffolk County (New York)
54 Clinton County (Champlain Rouses Point)
90 Onondaga County (Syracuse)
90A Smith-Corona Corporation (Cortland) (closed)
90B New Venture Gear, Inc. (Dewitt) (lapsed)
109 Watertown
109A New York Air Brake Company
111 JFK International Airport
111A Jack Young Associates, Inc. (New York) (lapsed)
118 Ogdensburg
121 Albany
121A Organichem Corporation (Rensselaer) (formerly Nycomed Inc.)
141 Monroe County (Rochester)
141A Eastman Kodak Company
141B Xerox Corporation (Webster)
141C Valeo Wipers & Electric Motors (formerly ITT Automotive ESI) (lapsed)
141D Gleason Corporation
172 Oneida County (Utica)
172A Oneida Ltd. (Sherrill & Oneida)
Zone # Trade Zones
57 Mecklenburg County (Charlotte)
57A International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (Charlotte) (deactivated)
66 Wilmington
66A Honda Power & Equipment Company (Swepsonville) (lapsed)
66B Deere-Hitachi Construction Machinery Corporation (Kernersville) (deactivated)
66C Unifi, Inc. (Yadkinville)
67 Morehead City
93 Raleigh/Durham
93A Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc. (Wake County) (deactivated)
93B International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (Raleigh and Research
Triangle Park) (deactivated)
93C Merck & Co., Inc. (Wilson)
93D R.G. Barry Corporation (Goldsboro)
93E Lucent Technologies, Inc. (Whitsett)
214 Lenoir County
214A Consolidated Diesel Company (Inc.) (Nash County)
230 Guilford, Forsyth, Davidson, and Surry Counties
Zone # Trade Zones
103 Grand Forks
103A Imation Corp. (Wahpeton)
Zone # Trade Zones
8 Toledo
8A DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
8B DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Perrysburg) (deactivated)
8C Sandusky Vinyl Products Corporation (Sandusky)
8D DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Van Wert) (lapsed)
8E Giant Products Company
8F BP (Lucas, Allen, and Wood)
8G Premcor Refining Group Inc. (formerly Clark Refining and Marketing, Inc.) (Lima)
40 Cleveland
40A Ford Motor Company (Lorain)
40B General Motors Corporation (Lordstown)
40C Ford Motor Company (Avon Lake) (deactivated)
40D Lincoln Electric Company (Euclid and Mentor)
40E Mr. Coffee (Glenwillow)
40F Picker International, Inc. (Valley View)
40G Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc. (Bedford)
40H Motch Corporation
46 Cincinnati
46A General Electric (terminated)
46B Honda of America Mfg., Inc. (Marysville and East Liberty)
46C General Motors (terminated)
46D Honda of America Mfg., Inc. (Anna)
46E Nine West Distribution Corporation
46F Pioneer Industrial Components, Inc. (Springboro)
100 Dayton
100A Dayton-Phoenix Group
100B General Motors Corporation (Kettering)
100C DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (deactivated)
101 Clinton County (Dayton)
138 Franklin County (Columbus)
138A Wascator Manufacturing Company (Richwood) (deactivated)
138B Pier 1 Imports, Inc. (Grove City)
138C Abbott Manufacturing, Inc./Ross Products
138D Globe Metallurgical, Inc. (Beverly)
138E Lucent Technologies Inc. (Columbus and Lima)
151 Findlay
151A Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
151B W.C. Wood Company, Inc. (Ottawa) (lapsed)
151C Consolidated Biscuit Company (McComb)
181 Akron-Canton
181A Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Ashland, Inc.) (Stark and Allen)
Zone # Trade Zones
53 Rogers County (Tulsa)
53B ARCO Pipe Line Company (Lincoln County)
106 Oklahoma City
106A General Motors Corporation (deactivated)
106B Ted Davis Manufacturing, Inc. (lapsed)
106C Imation Enterprises Corp. (Weatherford)
106D Xerox Corporation
164 Muskogee
227 Durant
Zone # Trade Zones
45 Portland
45A Northwest Pipe and Casing Company (deactivated)
45B Automotive Industrial Marketing Corp. (lapsed)
45C STC Submarine Systems, Inc.
45D Continental Mills (Pendleton) (lapsed)
45E Tofle U.S.A., Inc. (Tualatin)
132 Coos County (Coos Bay)
184 Klamath County (Klamath Falls)
206 Jackson County (Medford)
Zone # Trade Zones
24 Pittston (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton)
24A Olivetti Corporation (closed)
24B Merck & Co., Inc. (Riverside)
33 Allegheny County (Pittsburgh)
33A Volkswagen of America, Inc. (New Stanton) (closed)
33B Verosol USA, Inc. (deactivated)
35 Philadelphia
35A Ford Electronics & Refrigeration Corporation (Hatfield) (closed)
35B Merck & Co., Inc. (West Point)
35C Sunoco, Inc. (R&M) (formerly Sun Company Inc.)
35D Tosco Corporation (Delaware County)
35E Kvaerner Philadelphia Shipyard, Inc.
147 Berks and York Counties (Reading)
Zone # Trade Zones
7 Mayaguez
7B Commonwealth Oil Refining Company, Inc. (Ponce)
7C Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (Humacao)
7D Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (Barceloneta)
7E DuPont Agricultural Caribe Industries, Ltd. (Manatí)
61 San Juan
61A Searle & Company (Caguas) (deactivated)
61B Searle, Ltd. (formerly Nycomed Puerto Rico Inc.) (Barceloneta)
61C SmithKline Beecham Company (Cidra)
61D Merck, Sharp & Dohme Química de Puerto Rico, Inc. (Arecibo)
61E Merck, Sharp & Dohme Química de Puerto Rico, Inc. (Barceloneta)
61F IPR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Guayama)
61G IPR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Carolina)
61H Baxter Caribe Inc. (formerly Ohmeda Caribe Inc.) (Guayama)
61I Puerto Rico Sun Oil Company (Yabucoa)
61J PepsiCo of Puerto Rico, Inc. (Cidra)
61K Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Barceloneta)
163 Ponce
Zone # Trade Zones
105 Providence and North Kingstown
Zone # Trade Zones
21 Charleston
21A Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (closed)
21B Haarmann & Reimer Corporation ((lapsed)
21C Bayer Corporation (Goose Creek)
38 Spartanburg County (Greenville-Spartanburg)
38A BMW Manufacturing Corporation
38B Borg Warner Automotive Powertrain Systems Corporation (Seneca)
38C Fuji Photo Film, Inc. (Greenwood)
127 West Columbia
127A AUTECS, Inc. (Anderson) (deactivated)
Zone # Trade Zones
220 Sioux Falls
Zone # Trade Zones
77 Memphis
77A Sharp Manufacturing Company of America
77B Brother Industries (U.S.A.) Inc. (Bartlett)
77C Komatsu America International Company (Ripley)
78 Nashville
78A Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation U.S.A. (Smyrna)
78B Toshiba America, Inc. (Lebanon) (lapsed)
78C Global Power Company (Waverly)
78D Global Power Company (Waverly)
78E Saturn Corporation (Spring Hill) (deactivated)
78F Siebe Automotive North America (formerly Form Rite Corporation) (Hawkins County) (lapsed)
78G Columbia Specialties, Inc. (Birmingham)
134 Chattanooga
148 Knoxville
148A SmithKline Beecham Corporation (Bristol)
204 Tri-City Area, Tennessee/Virginia (Blountville, Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, TN, and Bristol, VA)
204A Siemens Energy Automation, Inc. (Carter County, TN)
223 Memphis
Zone # Trade Zones
12 McAllen
36 Galveston
39 Dallas/Fort Worth
39A Harvey Industries, Inc. (Athens) (lapsed)
39B General Motors Corporation (Arlington) (deactivated)
39C Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. (Wylie)
39D Pier 1 Imports, Inc. (Mansfield)
39E Fossil Partners L.P. (Richardson)
62 Brownsville
68 El Paso
80 San Antonio
80A Bausch & Lomb, Inc. (deactivated)
80B Colin Medical Instruments Corporation
80C Friedrich Air Conditioning Company (deactivated)
80D R.G. Barry Corporation (San Angelo)
84 Harris County (Houston)
84A Hughes Tool Company (terminated)
84B Hughes Tool Company (terminated)
84C E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company (LaPorte)
84D United General Supply Company, Inc. (Houston)
84E Gulf Coast Maritime Supply, Inc. (Houston)
84F Valero Energy Corp. (Houston)
84G Goodman Manufacturing Company (Houston)
84H Varco Shaffer, Inc. (Harris County)
84I Tuboscope Vetco International, Inc. (Harris County)
84J Shell Oil Company (Harris County)
84K Dril-Quip, Inc. (Houston)
84L Tadiran Microwave Networks (formerly California Microwave-Microwave Network Systems, Inc.) (Stafford)
84M Hydril Company (Houston)
84N Crown Central Petroleum Corporation (Harris County)
84O Exxon Corporation (Harris County)
84P Lyondell-Citgo Refining Company, Ltd. (Harris County)
84Q Equistar Chemicals LP (formerly Lyondell Petrochemical Company) (Harris County)
94 Webb County (Laredo)
95 Starr County (Rio Grande City and Roma)
96 Maverick County (Eagle Pass)
97 Val Verde County (Del Rio)
113 Ellis County (Dallas/Fort Worth)
115 Beaumont
115A Trinity Industries
115B Mobil Corporation (Jefferson and Liberty Counties)
116 Port Arthur
116A Motiva Enterprises (formerly Star Enterprise) (Jefferson and Hardin Counties)
116B Fina Oil & Chemical Company (Jefferson County)
116C Premcor Refining Group Inc. (formerly Clark Refining and Marketing, Inc.) (Jefferson County)
116D U.S. Department of Energy Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Jefferson County)
117 Orange
122 Corpus Christi
122A Coastal Refining & Marketing, Inc.
122B Southwestern Refining (redesignated as Subzone 122L – Site5)
122C Neste Trifinery Petroleum Services
122D Aker Gulf Marine (Ingleside)
122E Bay Ltd. (formerly Berry Contracting, Inc.)
122F C.C. Distributing, Inc. (expired)
122G Compressors of Texas, Inc. (expired)
122H Hitox Corporation of America
122I CITGO Refining & Chemicals Company LP
122J Valero Refining Company-Texas
122K Reynolds Metals Company
122L Koch Refining Company (Nueces and San Patricio Counties)
122M Diamond Shamrock Refining Company, L.P. (Three Rivers)
122N Equistar Chemicals LP (Nueces County)
149 Brazoria County (Freeport)
149A BASF Corporation
149B Roche Vitamins Inc. (formerly Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.)
149C Phillips Petroleum Company
149D Seaway Pipeline Company
149E BP (formerly Amoco Chemical Company) (Alvin)
149F Equistar Chemicals LP
149G Dow Chemical Company
150 El Paso
155 Victoria and Calhoun Counties (Victoria and Point Comfort area)
155A Safety Railway Service (Victoria) (lapsed)
155B Safety Steel Service (Victoria) (lapsed))
155C Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) (Point Comfort)
156 Weslaco
156A McManus Produce Company (lapsed)
156B Gulf DeBruyn Produce Company (lapsed)
156C Sundor Brands, Inc. (closed) (lapsed)
165 Midland
168 Dallas-Fort Worth
168A B&F Systems, Inc.
168B Ultrak, Inc. (Lewisville)
171 Liberty County (Cleveland)
178 Presidio
183 Austin
183A Dell Computer Corporation
196 Fort Worth
199 Texas City
199A BP (formerly Amoco Oil Company)
199B Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (formerly Marathon Oil Company)
199C Basis Petroleum, Inc. (Galveston County)
199D Seaway Pipeline Company
234 Gregg County
Zone # Trade Zones
30 Salt Lake City
Zone # Trade Zones
55 Burlington
55A Pedco (St. Albans) (closed)
55B Wyeth Nutritionals, Inc. (Milton)
91 Newport
Zone # Trade Zones
20 Suffolk (Norfolk-Newport News)
20A Stihl, Inc. (Virginia Beach) (lapsed)
20B Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company
20C BP (formerly Amoco Oil Company) (Yorktown)
137 Washington Dulles International Airport
185 Culpeper County (Culpeper)
185A Continental Teves, Inc. (formerly ITT Automotive) (Culpeper) (lapsed)
185B Rochester Corporation (Culpeper) (lapsed)
185C Merck & Co., Inc. (Elkton)
204 Tri-City Area, Tennessee/Virginia (Blountville, Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, TN, and Bristol, VA)
204A Siemans Industrial Automation, Inc. (Carter County)
207 Richmond
207A Abbott Manufacturing, Inc. (Altavista)
207B Hewlett-Packard Company
238 Dublin (Pulaski County)
Zone # Trade Zones
5 Seattle
85 Everett
86 Tacoma
86A Tacoma Boatbuilding Company (closed)
86B West Coast Forest Products, Inc. (Arlington)
86C Equilon Enterprises LLC (formerly Texaco, Inc.) (Skagit County)
120 Cowlitz County (Longview)
128 Lummi Indian Reservation (Whatcom County)
129 Bellingham
130 Blaine
131 Sumas
173 Grays Harbor County (Aberdeen and Hoquiam area)
173A Lamb-Grays Harbor Company (Hoquiam)
203 Moses Lake
212 Tacoma, Washington
216 Olympia
224 Spokane
Zone # Trade Zones
228 Wood and Jackson Counties
229 Charleston
229A Toyota Motor Manufacturing West Virginia, Inc. (Buffalo)
240 Martinsburg (Berkeley County)
Zone # Trade Zones
41 Milwaukee
41A DaimlerChrysler Corporation (formerly Chrysler Corporation) (Kenosha) (deactivated)
41B Muskegon (terminated)
41C General Motors Corporation (Janesville) (deactivated)
41D General Motors Corporation (Oak Creek) (lapsed)
41E Bay Shipbuilding Corporation (terminated)
41F Ambrosia Chocolate Company (expired)
41G Lactoprot USA, Inc. (Blue Mounds) (formerly Stauffer Cheese) (lapsed)
41H Mercury Marine (Inc.) (Fond du Lac and Oshkosh)
167 Brown County (Green Bay)
167A Robin Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. (Hudson)
167B Polaris Industries, Inc. (Osceola)
167C Sargento Foods Inc. (Plymouth)
Zone # Trade Zones
157 Casper
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Appendix IX - Units of measure

Unit name Code
Millimetre MMT
Centimetre CMT
Decimetre DMT
Metre MTR
Hectometre HMT
Kilometre KMT
Megametre MAM
Unit name Code
Square Millimetre MMK
Square Centimetre CMK
Square Decimetre DMK
Square Metre MTK
Square Kilometre KMK
Volume / Capacity
Unit name Code
Cubic Millimetre MMQ
Cubic Centimetre CMQ
Cubic Decimetre DMQ
Cubic Metre. MTQ
Thousand Cubic Metres TMQ
Million Cubic Metres HMQ
Millilitre MLT
Centilitre CLT
Decilitre DLT
Litre LTR
Hectolitre HLT
Megalitre MAL
Litre, Pure Alcohol LPA
Hectolitre, Pure Alcohol HPA
Return to Top of Page
Unit name Code
Metric Carat CTM
Milligram MGM
Gram GRM
Hectogram HGM
Kilogram KGM
Kilogram of Named Substance KNS
Kilogram – 90% Air Dry KSD
Deciton DTN
Metric Ton TNE
Kiloton KTN
Unit name Code
Piece PCE
Number NMB
Hundred CEN
Thousand MIL
Million MIO
Dozen DZN
Score SCO
Gross GRO
Great Gross GGR
Number of Packs NAP
Pair PAR
Dozen Pairs DPR
Number of Parcels NPL
Number of Sets SET
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Unit name Code
Joule JOU
Kilojoule KJO
Watt hour WHR
Kilowatt-hour KWH
Megawatt-hour MWH
Gigawatt-hour GWH
Watt WTT
Kilowatt KWT
Megawatt MAW
Kilovolt-ampere KVA
Megavolt-ampere MVA
Curie CCI
Millicurie MCI
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Appendix X – United States port of exit codes

Port Code
Aberdeen-Hoquiam, WA 3003
Addison User Fee Airport, Dallas, TX 5584
Aguadilla, PR 4901
Air Cargo Handling Services Inc 2773
Air Cargo Handling Services, San Francisco, CA 2871
Air France (Mach Plus), JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1074
Airborne Air Park, Wilmington, OH 4181
Airborne Express, Seattle, WA 3074
Akron, OH 4112
Alameda, CA 2813
Albany, NY 1002
Albuquerque, NM 2407
Alcan, AK 3104
Alexandria, VA 5402
Alexandria Bay, NY 0708
Algonac, MI 3814
Alitalia (AliExpress), JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1077
Alpena, MI 3843
Amarillo, TX 5502
Ambrose, ND 3410
Anacortes, WA 3010
Anchorage, AK 3126
Andrade, CA 2502
Annapolis, MD 1301
Antler, ND 3413
Arkansas Aeroplex, Blythville, AR 2083
Ashland, WI 3602
Ashtabula, OH 4108
Ashtabula/Conneaut, OH 4122
Astoria, OR 2901
Atlanta, GA 1704
Atlantic City User Fee Airport, NJ 1182
Austin, TX 5506
Avion Brokers, WA 3072
Avondale, LA 2012
Baltimore, MD 1303
Baltimore-Washington International Airport, MD 1305
Bangor, ME 0102
Bar Harbor, ME 0112
Bath, ME 0111
Baton Rouge, LA 2004
Battle Creek, MI 3805
Baudette, MN 3424
Beaumont, TX 2104
Beecher Falls, VT 0206
Belfast, ME 0132
Bellingham, WA 3005
Binghamton Regional Airport, NY 0981
Birmingham, AL 1904
Blaine, WA 3004
Bluegrass Airport, Lexington, KY 4184
Boca Grande, FL 1807
Boise, ID 2907
Boston, MA 0401
Boundary, WA 3015
Bridgeport, CT 0410
Bridgewater, ME 0127
Brownsville-Cameron, TX 2301
Brunswick, GA 1701
Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY 0901
Burlington, VT 0207
Burlington Air Express, OH 4192
Butte, MT 3305
Calais, ME 0115
Calexico, CA 2503
Calexico-East, CA 2507
Cambridge, MD 1302
Camden, NJ 1107
Cape Vincent, NY 0706
Capitan, CA 2715
Carbury, ND 3421
Carquinez Strait, CA 2830
Centennial Airport, CO 3384
Champlain-Rouses Point, NY 0712
Charleston, SC 1601
Charlestown, WV 1409
Charlotte, NC 1512
Charlotte Amalie, VI 5101
Chattanooga, TN 2008
Chester, PA 1102
Chicago, IL 3901
Christiansted, VI 5104
Cincinnati-Lawrenceburg, OH 4102
Clayton, NY 0714
Cleveland, OH 4101
Columbia, SC 1604
Columbus, NM 2406
Columbus, OH 4103
Conneaut, OH 4109
Coos Bay, OR 2903
Coral Bay, VI 5103
Corpus Christi, TX 5312
Crisfield, MD 1304
Crockett, CA 2815
Cruz Bay, VI 5102
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 5501
Dalton Cache, AK 3106
Danville, WA 3012
Davenport, IA 3908
Dayton, OH 4104
Daytona Beach Airport, FL 1884
Decatur User Fee Airport, Decatur, IL 3985
Del Bonita, MT 3322
Del Rio, TX 2302
Denver, CO 3307
Derby Line, VT 0209
Des Moines, IA 3907
Destrehan, LA 2009
Detour City, MI 3819
Detroit, MI 3801
DHL Worldwide Express, WA 3073
DHL Worldwide Express, San Francisco, CA 2870
DHL, Cincinnati, OH 4197
DHL, Jamaica, NY 1072
DHL, Los Angeles, CA 2770
DHL, Miami, FL 5271
Douglas, AZ 2601
Duluth, MN 3601
Dunseith, ND 3422
Dupage Airport, IL 4185
Durham, NC 1503
Dworkin/Cosell Courier, JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1075
Eagle Pass, TX 2303
East Chicago, IN 3904
Eastport, ID 3302
Eastport, ME 0103
El Paso, TX 2402
El Segundo, CA 2711
Emery World-Wide, Dayton, OH 4195
Emery Worldwide, JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1073
Erie, PA 4106
Escanaba, MI 3808
Eureka, CA 2802
Everett, WA 3006
Fabens, TX 2404
Fairbanks, AK 3111
Fairport, OH 4111
Fajardo, PR 4904
Fall River, MA 0407
Federal Express, Anchorage, AK 3195
Federal Express, Memphis, TN 2095
Federal Express Courier Facility, Oakland, CA 2895
Federal Express, Portland, OR 2991
Federal Express, Jamaica, NY 1070
Federal Express Courier Hub Facility, Indianapolis, IN 4198
Fernandina, FL 1805
Ferry, WA 3013
Ferrysburg, MI 3844
Flint, MI 3804
Fort Covington, NY 0705
Fort Fairfield, ME 0107
Fort Kent, ME 0110
Fort Meyers, FL 1822
Fort Pierce, FL 5205
Fort Wayne Airport, IN 4183
Fort Worth Alliance Airport, TX 5583
Fortuna, ND 3417
Frederiksted, VI 5105
Freeport, TX 5311
Fresno, CA 2803
Friday Harbour, WA 3014
Front Royal, VA 1410
Frontier, WA 3020
Galveston, TX 5310
Gary, IN 3905
Gateway Freight Services, Los Angeles Int’l Airport, CA 2772
Georgetown, SC 1602
Gloucester City, NJ 1113
Gloucester, MA 0404
Good Hope, LA 2014
Gramercy, LA 2010
Grand Haven, MI 3816
Grand Portage, MN 3613
Grand Rapids, MI 3806
Grant County User Fee Airport, Moses Lake, WA 3082
Great Falls, MT 3304
Greater Rockford Airport, Rockford, IL 3982
Green Bay, WI 3703
Greenville, MS 2011
Greenville-Spartanburg, SC 1603
Guanica, PR 4905
Guayanilla, PR 4912
Gulfport, MS 1902
Hannah, ND 3408
Hansboro, ND 3415
Harrisburg, PA 1109
Hartford, CT 0411
Hector International Airport, Fargo, ND 3481
Highgate Springs-Alburg, VT 0212
Hildago, TX 2305
Hilo, HI 3202
Honolulu Int’l. Airport, HI 3205
Honolulu, HI 3201
Hopewell, VA 1408
Houlton, ME 0106
Houston Airport, TX 5309
Houston, TX 5301
Hulman Regional Airport, IN 3984
Humacao, PR 4906
Huntsville, AL 1910
Huron, OH 4117
IBC Pacific, Burlingame, CA 2873
IBC Pacific, CA 2776
Indianapolis, IN 4110
International Falls-Ranier, MN 3604
International Courier Assoc., Los Angeles, CA 5270
JFK International Airport, NY 1012
Jackman, ME 0104
Jacksonville, FL 1803
Jobos, PR 4911
Jonesport, ME 0122
Juneau, AK 3101
Kahului, HI 3203
Kalama, WA 2909
Kansas City, MO 4501
Kenmore Air Harbor, WA 3018
Ketchikan, AK 3102
Key West, FL 5202
Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR 2981
Knoxville, TN 2016
Kodiak, AK 3127
Kona, HI 3206
Lake Charles, LA 2017
Laredo, TX 2304
Las Vegas, NV 2722
Laurier, WA 3016
Lawrence, MA 0416
Lebanon Airport, NH 0181
Lehigh Valley, PA 1119
Limestone, ME 0118
Little Rock, N. Little Rock, AR 2003
Logan Airport, Boston, MA 0417
Long Beach, CA 2709
Longview, WA 2905
Lorain, OH 4121
Los Angeles, CA 2704
Los Angeles International Airport, CA 2720
Louisville, KY 4115
Lubbock, TX 5503
Lukeville, AZ 2602
Lynden, WA 3023
Mackinac Island, MI 3820
Madawaska, ME 0109
Maida, ND 3416
Manchester User Fee Airport, Manchester, NH 0182
Manitowoc, WI 3706
Marinette, WI 3702
Marquette, MI 3809
Martinez, CA 2820
Massena, NY 0704
Mayagues, PR 4907
Medford-Jackson County Airport, Medford, OR 2982
Melbourne Regional Airport, FL 1885
Mellville, RI 0503
Memphis, TN 2006
Metaline Falls, WA 3025
Miami Int’l Airport, Cargo Facilities Service Inc., FL 5272
Miami Int’l Airport, FL 5206
Miami, FL 5201
Midland International Air 5582
Milwaukee, WI 3701
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN 3501
Mobile, AL 1901
Monterey, CA 2805
Morehead-Beaufort, NC 1511
Morgan City, LA 2001
Morgan, MT 3319
Morristown Airport, Newark, NJ 1081
Morro, CA 2719
Muskegon, MI 3815
Myrtle Beach Int’l Airport, Myrtle Beach, SC 1681
Naco, AZ 2603
Nashville, TN 2007
Natrona County Int’l Airport, WY 3382
Nawiliwili-Port Allen, HI 3204
Neah Bay, WA 3027
Nech, ND 3404
New Bedford, MA 0405
New Haven, CT 0412
New London, CT 0413
New Orleans, LA 2002
New River Valley Airport, Dublin, VA 1481
New York, NY 1001
Newark Fedex ECCF, Newark, NJ 1068
Newark, NJ 1003
Newport, OR 2902
Newport, RI 0501
Newport News, VA 1402
Nighthawk, WA 3011
Nippon Courier Hub, Chicago, IL 3991
Nogales, AZ 2604
Noonan, ND 3420
Norfolk, VA 1401
Northgate, ND 3406
Norton, VT 0211
Noyes, MN 3402
NYACC, Jamaica, NY 1071
Oakland, CA 2811
Oakland Pontiac Airport, Detroit, MI 3881
Ocala Regional Airport, FL 1886
Ogdensburg, NY 0701
Oklahoma City, OK 5504
Olympia, WA 3026
Omaha, NE 3903
Ontario Int’l Airport, CA 2721
Opheim, MT 3317
Orange, TX 2103
Orlando, FL 1808
Orlando-Sanford Airport, FL 1809
Oroville, WA 3019
Oswego, NY 0904
Otay Mesa Station, CA 2506
Owensboro-Evansville, KY 4116
Pal-Waukee User Fee Airport, Wheeling, IL 3983
Palm Springs Regional Airport, CA 2781
Panama City, FL 1818
Pascagoula, MS 1903
Paulsboro, NJ 1105
Pelican, AK 3124
Pembina, ND 3401
Pensacola, FL 1819
Peoria, IL 3902
Perth Amboy, NJ 1004
Petersburg, AK 3112
Philadelphia Int’l Airport, PA 1108
Philadelphia, PA 1101
Phoenix, AZ 2605
Piegan, MT 3316
Pinecreek, MN 3425
Pittsburgh, PA 1104
Plymouth, MA 0406
Point Roberts, WA 3017
Ponce, PR 4908
Port Angeles, WA 3007
Port Arthur, TX 2101
Port Canaveral, FL 1816
Port Everglades, FL 5203
Port Hueneme, CA 2713
Port Huron, MI 3802
Port Lavaca, TX 5313
Port Manatee, KY 1821
Port of Rockfort, Rockfort, IL 3909
Port San Luis, CA 2707
Port Sulphur, LA 2005
Port Townsend, WA 3008
Portal, ND 3403
Porthill, ID 3308
Portland, ME 0101
Portland, OR 2904
Portland Int’l Airport, OR 2910
Portsmouth, NH 0131
Presidio, TX 2403
Presque Isle, MI 3842
Progresso, TX 2309
Providence, RI 0502
Provincetown, MA 0409
Racine, WI 3708
Raymond, MT 3301
Redwood City, CA 2821
Reidsville, NC 1506
Reno, NV 2833
Richford, VT 0203
Richmond, CA 2812
Richmond-Petersburgh, VA 1404
Rickenbacker Airport, Columbus, OH 4182
Rio Grande City, TX 2307
Rochester User Fee Airport, MN 3581
Rochester, NY 0903
Rockland, ME 0121
Rogers City, MI 3818
Roma, TX 2310
Roosville, MT 3318
Roseau, MN 3426
Sabine, TX 2102
Sacramento, CA 2816
Saginaw-Bay, Flint, MI 3804
Salem, MA 0408
Salt Lake City, UT 3303
San Antonio, TX 5507
San Bernadino Int’l Airport, Los Angeles, CA 2782
San Diego, CA 2501
San Francisco, CA 2809
San Francisco Int’l Airport, CA 2801
San Joaquin River, CA 2828
San Jose Int’l Airport, San Francisco, CA 2834
San Juan Int’l Airport, PR 4913
San Juan, PR 4909
San Luis, AZ 2608
San Pablo Bay, CA 2829
San Ysidro, CA 2504
Sand Point, AK 3125
Santa Teresa Airport, NM 2481
Santa Teresa, NM 2408
Sarasota-Bradenton Airport, FL 1883
Sarles, ND 3409
Sasabe, AZ 2606
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 3803
Savannah, GA 1703
Scobey, MT 3309
Searsport, ME 0152
Seattle, WA 3001
Seattle-Tacoma Int’l Airport, WA 3029
Selby, CA 2827
Sheboygan, WI 3707
Sherwood, ND 3414
Shreveport-Bossier City, LA 2018
Silver Bay, MN 3614
Sioux Falls, SD 3502
Sitka, AK 3115
Skagway, AK 3103
Sodus Point, NY 0905
Southern California Logistics Airport, Victorville, CA 2783
Spirit of St. Louis Airport, MO 4506
Spokane, WA 3022
Springfield, MA 0402
Springfield, MO 4505
St. John, ND 3405
St. Joseph, MO 4502
St. Louis, MO 4503
St. Paul Airport, Anchorage, AK 3181
St. Petersburg, FL 1814
St. Rose, LA 2013
Stockton, CA 2810
Suisan Bay, CA 2831
Sumas, WA 3009
Superior, WI 3608
Sweetgrass, MT 3310
Swift Sure Courier Services Limited, NY 0972
Swiss Air (Skyracer), JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1076
Syracuse, NY 0906
Tacoma, WA 3002
Tampa, FL 1801
Tecate, CA 2505
Texas City, TX 5306
TNT Express Worldwide, Los Angeles, CA 2775
TNT Skypak, Buffalo, NY 0971
TNT Skypak, JFK Int’l Airport, NY 1078
TNT Skypak, San Francisco, CA 2872
Toledo-Sandusky, OH 4105
Trenton/Mercer County User Fee Airport, NJ 1183
Tri-City User Fee Airport, Bountville, TN 2082
Trout River, NY 0715
Tucson, AZ 2609
Tulsa, OK 5505
Turner, MT 3306
UPS Courier Hub, Philadelphia, PA 1195
UPS Courier Hub, Seattle, WA 3095
UPS, Miami Int’l Airport, FL 5273
UPS, Anchorage, AK 3196
UPS Honolulu 3295
UPS, Louisville, KY 4196
UPS, Newark, NJ 1069
UPS, Ontario, CA 2795
UPS, Seattle, WA 3071
Utica, NY 0907
Valdez, AK 3107
Van Buren, ME 0108
Vanceboro, ME 0105
Vancouver, WA 2908
Ventura, CA 2712
Vicksburg, MS (including Jackson Municipal Airport) 2015
Virgin Atlantic Cargo, CA 2774
Walhalla, ND 3407
Warroad, MN 3423
Washington, DC 5401
Waukegan Airport, Waukegan, IL 3981
West Palm Beach, FL 5204
Westhope, ND 3419
Whitetail, MT 3312
Whitlash, MT 3321
Wichita, KS 4504
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA 1106
Willow Run Airport, MI 3882
Wilmington, DE 1103
Wilmington, NC 1501
Winston-Salem, NC 1502
Worchester, MA 0403
Wrangell, AK 3105
Yakima Air Terminal, Yakima, WA 3081
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Appendix XI – Border Information Service (BIS)

The Border Information Service (BIS) is a 24-hour telephone service that automatically answers all incoming calls and provides general border services information. You can access BIS free of charge in Canada by calling 1-800-461-9999. If you are calling from outside Canada, you can access BIS by calling 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (long distance charges apply). If you call during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday, except holidays), you can speak directly to an agent by pressing "0" at any time.

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