Parks Canada

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Parks Canada Agency Profile
Other National Programs
Environmental Scan
Government Directions And Priorities
Panel on Ecological Integrity in Canada's National Parks
Changes in Canadian society
Environmental Trends
Market Trends
Attitudes Toward Canadian History And Heritage
Working With Aboriginal Communities
Stakeholder Participation
Objectives, Performance Results and Strategies
Financial Information
Appendix 1: Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 2: Performance Measurement Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms

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Environmental Scan

This section presents a variety of factors, many external to Parks Canada's operating environment, that have been taken into account in developing this plan and deciding on   investment priorities.


Policy direction, specific to Parks Canada, has been provided by the Government through "Securing Our Future Together" in 1997, which outlined the platform of the Liberal party for the current mandate:

  • to maintain the long-term ecological integrity of our national parks;
  • to work toward completing the national parks system; and
  • to continue establishing new national marine conservation areas and developing related legislation and policies.

Parks Canada can also contribute in a significant way to the more broad direction given to all Government departments and agencies in the 1999 Speech from the Throne:

  • to develop relationships with Aboriginal peoples;
  • to promote Canada's culture at home and abroad; and
  • to continue to extend the Canada's national parks system; and
  • to make Canada a preferred tourism destination.

In the Federal Budget of February 2000, the Government announced that new funding will be provided for federal infrastructure and Parks Canada will seek funding to recapitalize its infrastructure. No new funding has been allocated for highways managed by Parks Canada. No new funding was identified for the creation of new national parks, marine conservation areas or national historic sites. Parks Canada will continue to seek new funding to allow the completion of new national parks, acquire new national historic sites, and to cost-share with partners to ensure the commemorative integrity of national historic sites.

There were a number of other announcements in the budget that are of specific interest to Parks Canada. The Government made a commitment to develop initiatives in support of the restoration and preservation of Canada's built heritage. Parks Canada has been working closely with the Department of Canadian Heritage with a view to establishing a national register and conservation standards in respect of heritage property. The Government also announced that it will provide funding for Species at Risk and made a commitment to introduce legislation and develop stewardship programs. In addition, a tax reduction for capital gains will be provided for donations of ecologically sensitive land. Another new initiative is the offer of federal services and Canadian Culture on-line, including digitization of collections and exhibitions of federal institutions to make them accessible through the internet. A virtual museum will be established by linking the collections of over one thousand museums via the internet. Parks Canada will pursue the inclusion of historical documents, photographs or artifacts to this collection.

Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

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Last Updated: 2002-05-07 Top of the page Important Notices