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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Parks Canada Agency Profile
Other National Programs
Environmental Scan
Objectives, Performance Results and Strategies
Financial Information
Appendix 1: Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 2: Performance Measurement Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms

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Appendix 1: Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05


To protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations.

Business Line #1: Stewardship of National Heritage Places
Business Line Key Result: The establishment, protection and presentation of places that are of natural and cultural heritage significance
Service Line Strategic Objectives Planned Results Key Activities
1: ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL HERITAGE PLACES To work toward completing the systems of national parks and national marine conservation areas in representing all of Canada's terrestrial and marine regions and to enhance the system of national historic sites which commemorates Canada's history. Creation of new national parks and national marine conservation areas in unrepresented regions (subject to obtaining new funding).
  • Establish over the next three years (subject to new funding): three new national parks in unrepresented regions (Gulf Islands, Interlake, and Ukkusiksalik) and two new national marine conservation areas (Lake Superior and Gwaii Haanas).
  • Complete over the next five years: feasibility studies and/or negotiations for four national parks and two national marine conservation areas.
  • Establish progress in new national parks by selecting potential national parks, conducting feasibility studies, negotiating park agreements and acquisition/assembly of land.
    Designation and commemoration of new national historic sites, persons and events of national historic significance, particularly in under-represented priority areas.
  • Consult and provide research support over the next five years to identify and designate 135 new sites, persons and events of which 55 will commemorate Aboriginal, women's and ethnocultural communities' history.
  • Publish a National Historic Sites of Canada System Plan and develop an implementation strategy.
  • Invest in 57 national historic sites through agreements under the national cost-sharing program over the next five years, subject to funding.

    Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

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