Parks Canada

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Parks Canada Agency Profile
Other National Programs
Environmental Scan
Objectives, Performance Results and Strategies
Financial Information
Appendix 1: Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 2: Performance Measurement Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms

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Appendix 2:Performance Measurement Summary for Parks Canada Plan for 2000 to 2005
Planned Results Performance Indicators Data and Targets
Creation of new national parks and national marine conservation areas in unrepresented regions. Number of natural regions represented by national parks.

Number of marine regions represented by national marine conservation areas.
Parks Canada manages 39 national parks and national park reserves representing 25 of the 39 natural regions of Canada (i.e., 64% of the regions are represented). Subject to availability of funding in future years, the target is to represent three more regions over the next three years.

There are three national marine conservation areas and one park reserve representing five of the 29 marine regions of Canada. Subject to the availability of funding in future years, the target is to represent two more regions over the next three years.
Designation and commemoration of new national historic sites, persons and events of national historic significance, particularly in underrepresented priority areas. Number of new sites, persons or events designated.

Number of designations relating to strategic priorities.

Number of national historic sites enhanced by costshare agreements.
The target is to designate 135 new sites, persons or events over the next five years.

Currently there are 251 designations relating to strategic priorities, representing 14.4% of the overall total of 1745 designated sites, persons or events. The target is 11 additional designations each year for a total of 306 (16.3% of overall) by the end of the five-year planning period.

Since 1988 there have been 53 cost sharing agreements, 15 of which are still active. The target is to enter into agreements with 43 of the backlog of national historic sites that have already been approved and 32 new agreements over the next five years, subject to new funding.
Improved ecological integrity of national parks. Ratings of impairment of ecological integrity for national parks. Ratings range from one (no impairment) to five (severe impairment). Out of 38 parks or reserves reporting, 8% were rated as having no impairment, 11% minor, 26% significant, 44% major and 11% reported severe impairment. Small changes are expected in the percentage of parks reporting each level of impairment during the current planning horizon.
Improved commemorative integrity of national historic sites. Ratings of asset conditions of cultural resources.

Ratings of communication to the public and management practices respecting commemorative integrity.
Ratings of asset conditions of cultural resources are 35% good, 41% fair, 20% poor and 4% closed. Over the planning period, Parks Canada projects an increase in the number of built cultural assets in poor condition based on projected expenditures.

Ratings of communication, based only on 12 sites, is 33% good, 33% fair and 33% poor. Ratings of management practices, based only on 12 sites, is 58% good and 42% fair. The target is to improve the percentage of "good" ratings for communication of significance and management practices.
Statutory protection for historic places under federal jurisdiction and tools to enable non-federal stewards to protect heritage places. Number of new historic protected areas. This program is under development.
Improved quality of heritage presentation in all Parks Canada heritage places. Condition of heritage presentation assets.

% of visitors using heritage presentation programs, % of audience satisfied with heritage presentation programs and % of audience able to identify the messages of national significance.
The condition of heritage presentation assets are 27% good, 45% fair, 25% poor and 2% closed.

The data for these indicators will be gathered in a sample of parks and historic sites during the 2000-01 season.
Improved reach to Canadians and awareness of national parks and national historic sites. Number of off-site outreach education program recipients.

% of audience satisfied with outreach education programs.
Work has not yet begun on development of a standardized approach to measure these indicators. It is possible that Parks will collect data in 2001-02.
Visitor use and expectations are managed to minimize resource impact while maintaining visitor satisfaction with facilities, programs and services. Number of visitors at parks and sites.

% of visitors satisfied at national parks and national historic sites.
Since 1994-95 visits have varied between 24.4 million and 25.7 million. In 1998-99 there were 24.9 million visitors. There is no target for overall number of visitors.

Over the three-year period 1997 to 1999, Parks Canada conducted 105 visitor satisfaction surveys. In 98 instances (93% of the surveys), Parks Canada met or exceeded its target of 85% visitor satisfaction.

Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

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