Parks Canada

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Parks Canada Agency Profile
Other National Programs
Environmental Scan
Objectives, Performance Results and Strategies
Planning model
Stewardship Of National Heritage Places
Use And Enjoyment By Canadians
Corporate Services
Financial Information
Appendix 1: Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 2: Performance Measurement Summary of Parks Canada Plan for 2000-05
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms

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Objectives, Performance Results and Strategies


Planning Model
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The Parks Canada mandate is to protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations.

The Parks Canada plan is organized according to its business and service lines. The business lines and service lines for Parks Canada are based on the Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (PRAS). The PRAS is the framework for all planning and reporting to Treasury Board and to Parliament. At the highest level, three business lines encompass results-oriented groupings of activities broadly describing the nature of Parks Canada's business. The business lines provide the high-order objectives for the corporate plan. Flowing from the business lines are eight service lines that provide an appropriate level of detail to establish specific accountabilities for results. Accordingly, the service lines are the building blocks for the corporate plan and for field unit, service centre, and national office business plans, which support the corporate plan.

Within each service line, Parks Canada has established strategic objectives, planned results, performance measures and key strategies. Strategic objectives are the long-term (5-10 year) objectives which provide the direction to achieve the mandate. These new strategic objectives are a consolidation of the "desired outcomes" and "strategic directions" from the 1999-00 Corporate Plan. The planned results identify what the organization expects to achieve over the five-year planning period. The 1999-00 "priorities for the planning period" are now called "planned results" to use consistent terminology with Parks Canada's Report on Plans and Priorities, which was tabled in Parliament on March 30, 2000. Performance measures consist of indicators, which provide a means to assess progress in achieving the results, and targets, which provide time-based measurable commitments.

Key strategies are identified to address issues and describe key activities to achieve the planned results. Parks Canada's strategic objectives, planned results, performance indicators and targets are summarized in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. Parks Canada's planned expenditures are presented in Table 4 on page 48.

Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

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Last Updated: 2002-05-07 Top of the page Important Notices