GCDOCS is the official enterprise document and records management (EDRM) solution of the Government of Canada. It is an automated bilingual archiving and information management system whose functions can be adjusted to meet organizations' requirements. This tool therefore helps organizations meet their obligations in relation to information life cycle management.

Using this information management tool in an electronic environment, organizations can create, collect and preserve data, in addition to easily sharing, organizing, evaluating, identifying and disposing of data. GCDOCS thus encourages collaboration in the area of information management while providing secure access control through the management of user and group rights.

Lastly, GCDOCS supports the open information stream of the GC Open Government Initiative. Consequently, it is strategically positioned to address the challenge of effectively managing public resources, in addition to providing an opportunity to resolve the issue of increasing public integrity and improving public services.

Learn more about GCDOCS by visiting the GCDOCS page on the GCPEDIA. (Link for employees of Government of Canada departments and agencies only.)

For more information, please contact the GCDOCS mailbox: gcdocsepmo.gcdocsbgpo@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca.