Logo Calgary Faceters Guild
Calgary, Alberta

About us   Contact us   Meetings   Workshops   Fundraising Sales
Membership   Newsletter   Resources

About our Guild:

Faceting is the art and technique of gem cutting. It involves the use of special equipment and materials, as well as decision making. The faceter must decide on an appropriate facet design for a gemstone, and also determine what rough material to use. This hobby allows for the development of skills and application of new techniques. Faceting can be a rewarding and fun hobby enjoyed by almost anyone.

The purpose of the Calgary Faceters Guild (CFG) is to promote and support the development of faceting and related activities, and to aid in the education of its members.

Our guild is a member of the Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs and the Gem & Mineral Federation of Canada.

How to Contact Us:


Mailing Address:

  • Calgary Faceter's Guild
    c/o Vi Merkley, Secretary
    2823 Canmore Road N.W.
    Calgary, AB
    T2M 4J7


  • Date: First Tuesday of each month, from September to June.
  • Time: 7:30 pm
  • Location: Spruce Cliff Community Hall, 908 Poplar Road SW, Calgary.


Our guild organizes a Spring Workshop each year, usually held in March. The workshop is open to the public and is a lot of fun. Our workshops offer various demonstrations on the art of faceting and related activities. Fine displays of gemstones are featured as well. For more information, please contact us.

Fundraising Sale:

Our guild has faceted some sunstones for sale as a fundraiser. Northern Lights Minerals is selling these well-cut stones at no cost to our guild. They can be viewed at www.minerals.sk.ca.


Candidates for membership require sponsorship by a current member, submission of an application with an initiation fee of $10.00 and a majority vote of current members in attendance at a monthly meeting. The annual membership fee of $10.00 is due in September.


Our newsletter is called "Critical Angle" and is published whenever the editor is able to but not more frequently than quarterly.

Newsletter Exchange:

We are interested in exchanging newsletters with any faceting guild or club. To initiate an exchange, please contact the editor.


Subscriptions within North America are $10.00 per year in Canadian funds. Subscriptions outside of North America are $12.00 per year in Canadian funds.

Reprinting Articles:

Permission is freely given to reprint articles from our newsletter for non-commercial purposes, by faceting guilds that exchange newsletters with the Calgary Faceters Guild, provided that the author and Critical Angle are credited. Articles may not be edited or rewritten to change their meaning or substance without the authors prior written approval.

Articles with a copyright symbol, ©, following the article's title may not be copied or distributed without the author's prior written approval. Courtesy copies of newsletters using articles from Critical Angle are requested for the author and the CFG files.

To Contact the Editor:

  • Doug Miller
    210 Braeshire Lane
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    Canada,  S7V 1B2
    Tel: (306) 955-2350
    Email: mildg@sk.sympatico.ca

Online Resources:

Canadian Rockhound

Canadian Directory of
Rock & Mineral Associations


Official home page of the
Calgary Faceters Guild

Online: January 24, 1997
Last updated: December 8, 1999
Page maintained by the Canadian Rockhound

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