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Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies

Cities and towns
with clubs:
Québec City
Thetford Mines

Flag Québec

Québec's largest cities are located very close to two world class mineral localities. Mont Saint-Hilaire's Poudrette Quarry is renowned for producing a great variety of rare and unusual pegmatite minerals. Snowball sized analcime crystals have been found, as well as aesthetic specimens of serandite. Transparent pink grossular garnets of excellent quality, as well as other fine specimens can be found at the Jeffrey Mine, near Asbestos. Well formed dolomite crystals occur near St. Eustache.

Key to Icons:

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     Club mailing address available only

     No additional information available

Clubs in Québec


    Club de Minéralogie d'Asbestos
    66, rue Fréchette
    Asbestos, Québec
    J1T 4B6


    Club de Minéralogie de l'Outauais
    26, rue de l'Argile
    Hull, QC
    J8Z 3G2
    Tel: (819) 771-0280
    Contact: Jacques Chabot


    Association Québécoise de Gemmologie
    7409, Saint-André
    Montréal, QC
    H2R 2P8

    Club de Minéralogie de Montréal
    C.P. 305, succ. Saint-Michel
    Montréal, QC
    H2A 3M1
    Tel: (514) 729-6416
    Fax: (450) 964-4226

    Montreal Gem & Mineral Club

    Société de Paléontologie du Québec
    C.P. 31 Succ. Rosemont
    Montréal, QC
    HIX 3B6

Québec City

Thetford Mines

    Club de Minéralogie de Thetford
    671, boulevard Smith S., C.P. 462
    Thetford Mines, QC
    G6G 5T4

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