The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
Reviewed by General Fiction Editor
Morgan Ann Adams
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Ashes for the Elephant God
By Vijaya Schartz

Bird on the Wing by Bob Bibby

Black Hawk Down
by Mark Bowden

Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai

Flanders by Patricia Anthony

Force Recon: Death Wind

By James V. Smith, Jr.

Free Fall by Kyle Mills

In the Empire of Dreams
By Dianne Highbridge

In the Pond by Ha Jin

Incubus by Charlotte Dobson

Italian Fever by Valerie Martin

Knick Knack Paddy Whack
By Ardal O'Hanlon

Lie in the Dark by Dan Fesperman

Motherland by Vineeta Vijayaraghavan

My Russian by Deirdre McNamer

Proud Legions by John Antal

Scars of Sweet Paradise:
The Life and Times of Janis Joplin
By Alice Echols

Simon's Family
By Marianne Fredriksson

The First World War
By John Keegan

The Gravity of Sunlight
By Rosa Shand

The Mind of Oswald
By Diane Holloway, PhD

The Night Awakens
Editor: Mary Higgins Clark

The Night Inspector
By Frederick Busch

The Plot to Get Bill Gates

award-winning journalist Gary Rivlin

The Water in Between
By Kevin Patterson

Tom Clancy's Net Force: Night Moves

By Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik

What the Body Remembers
By Shauna Singh Baldwin
Winner of the Commonwealth Writer's Prize 2000 for Best Book in Canada and the Caribbean

When Things Fall Apart:
Heart Advice for Difficult Times
By Pema Chödrön

Whistling Past the Graveyard
By Peter Sellers

You'll Never Work in This Town Again:
The Life and Times of a Movie Stuntman
By Peter West

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.