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Global List of Women’s Organisations (GLWO)

Created by Denise Østed

Last year, I needed a list of European women’s organisations. I couldn’t find any comprehensive list, which frustrated me, so I decided to compile one myself. The idea of a European list grew until I found myself gathering information from all over the world. I’d like to see this become a global tool for women’s communication, networking, and support.

This rapidly-growing Global List of Women’s Organisations (GLWO) can be found at

I’ve done this entirely as a volunteer effort, with no funding or financial support. I found a lot of it online, by doing broad searches, and visiting thousands of sites. But I certainly didn’t do all of this without help. People all over the world have e-mailed and snail mailed information to me - flyers, guides, booklets, files, lists, addresses, everything! Without the many hundreds of people and organisations world-wide who generously sent information to me, I could never have done as much as I did.

Unfortunately, the list is currently only sorted by country. Each country list is either sorted alphabetically (by name of organisation) or by postal code. So you’ll have to go through the country lists to find what you’re looking for.

Organisations which do not have WWW access can send me an e-mail request stating which country lists they’d like, and I’ll e-mail that information. Organisations with no Internet access are encouraged to contact groups with Internet access to get printouts of the sections of the list which interest them.

The Future of the List

Once I get funding, I want to create a searchable database online, so you can search by keyword, location, name of organisation, etc. I also want to publish the list in some form so that it is also accessible to organisations which are not online. I want to include a description of each organisation. I’d also like to see the whole thing translated into a few other languages.

Help Me!

Names of Countries: Not everyone will recognise the English names of countries. I need to know the names of countries in their own languages, and in other languages, so I can list them under those names as well.

The actual entries on the list: I’d like to be able to include a description with every entry. If you represent an organisation on the list, and your organisation doesn’t have a description yet, please send one!

Funding Ideas: I have to get funding to create a database and publish the list. If you know of agencies who might be willing to fund (or partially fund) a project like this, please let me know.

Translations: I want to translate as much of this as possible into other languages, including the web site itself. If you are willing to translate even a single entry into another language, please do so and send it to me!

Comments, questions, offers of help, and changes to the list can be sent to:

Denise Østed
Ruigezandplantsoen 4
The Netherlands

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