HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
The HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division is responsible for joint work planning with other federal departments and agencies involved in the Federal Initiative; for monitoring and evaluation of the Federal Initiative; and for HIV/AIDS-related communications, social marketing, national programs, policy development and global engagement focussing on technical assistance and policy advice.
Specifically, the following activities and responsibilities fall under the mandate of the HIV/AIDS Division:
- Accountability and Evaluation - evaluating and monitoring, reporting on and auditing CIDPC's HIV/AIDS activities; providing quality assurance for grants and contributions; and supporting evaluations to increase the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions.
- Knowledge and Awareness - planning and priority setting for the pan-Canadian HIV/AIDS research plan, federal research priorities for HIV/AIDS, vaccines and surveillance plans; monitoring activities for the Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Fund, the National HIV/AIDS Community-Based Social Marketing Fund, and the HIV/AIDS Information Service Initiative Fund; planning for a National Awareness Strategy; developing a Knowledge Exchange Framework, and administering the National HIV/AIDS Knowledge Exchange Fund, and HIV/AIDS communications.
- External and Government Relations - providing policy advice and coordinating the meetings of internal and external committees on HIV/AIDS, including the Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS, the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS, the National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS, and the Government of Canada Assistant Deputy Ministers Committee on HIV/AIDS; monitoring annual reporting on the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS (2005-2010) (This link opens in a new browser window)
; and monitor the government-wide approach to HIV/AIDS.
- Program Development and Evidence-Based Interventions - monitoring of several national funds, including the National Non-Governmental Organizations Operational Fund; the National HIV/AIDS Capacity Building Fund; the National HIV/AIDS Demonstration Fund; and the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund; administering and monitoring the National HIV/AIDS Voluntary Sector Response Fund, and the Specific Populations HIV/AIDS Initiatives Fund, developing guidelines, standards and tools for the voluntary and health care sectors; developing collaborative funding models with other levels of government; developing interdepartmental pilot projects and coordinating and supporting program development by responsibility centres involved in the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.
- Population-Specific Approaches - developing intervention approaches and providing public health and policy advice and expertise on issues affecting eight priority populations identified in the Federal Initiative: people living with HIV/AIDS, gay men, injection drug users, Aboriginal people, federal inmates, youth, women and people from countries where HIV is endemic; coordinating PHAC's global activities related to HIV/AIDS, including its participation in the XVI International AIDS Conference (This link opens in a new browser window)
in Toronto in August 2006.
Contact us for more information at:
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
100 Eglantine Driveway
PL 0601A
Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Tel: (613) 941-9487
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