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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Resource Links (CBRN)

International & National Health Organizations related to CBRN

External hyperlinks

Links to other Web sites are provided for information and education, but should not necessarily be considered as endorsements of the information or opinions. The Public Health Agency assumes no responsibility or liability for material on linked sites.

CBRN Resource Links

Table of Content

  1. Canadian Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  2. US Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  3. International & National Health Organizations related to CBRN
  4. Web Resource Centres /Librairies /Networks /Portals /Databases
  5. Journals/Magazines/ Periodicals/ Newsletters & Publications
  6. Universities/Schools of Public Health & Others
  7. Governments
  8. CBRN Quick References
  9. Guidelines/ Regulations / Contingency Plans/ Procedures/ Protocols/
  10. Guides/ Fact Sheets/ Handbooks/ Listings/ Booklets/ Documents
  11. Upcoming Events of Interest

The development of this resource is on-going and we need users to help us build it. We welcome your suggestions for any new useful links and to the present document. Please send your ideas to:

International & National Health Organizations related to CBRN
International Health
plus image Applied Science and Analysis
plus image Canadian Society for International Health (Canadian link to PAHO)
plus image International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals
plus image International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
plus image International Science and Technology Center
plus image International Society for Infectious Diseases
plus image Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
plus image ProMed/Global reporting system
plus image World Health Organization
plus image   - Health Aspects of Biological & Chemical Weapons
National Health Groups - General
plus image American College of Emergency Physicians
plus image American College of Physicians/ American Society of Internal Medicine
plus image American Medical Association / Disaster Preparedness and Medical Response
plus image American Nurses Association
plus image American Public Health Association
plus image Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
plus image Canadian Institute of Health Research
plus image Canadian Medical Association
plus image Canadian Nurses Association
plus image Canadian Public Health Association
plus image Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practices
plus image Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists
plus image National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
plus image National Institute of Health
plus image National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
plus image National Medical Association
plus image National Public Health Information Coalition
Agriculture & Animals
plus image Academy of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Technicians
plus image Agricultural Biowarfare and Bioterrorism Site
plus image Agriculture Network Information Centre
plus image Agricultural Research Service, Dept of Agriculture
plus image American Academy on Veterinary Disaster Medicine
plus image American Association of Public Health Veterinarians
plus image American Veterinary Medical Association
plus image Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
plus image Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
plus image FDA/Agricultural Biowarfare & Bioterrorism
plus image National Animal Health Emergency Management System
plus image National Wildlife Health Center
plus image Plum Island Animal Disease Center
plus image United States Animal Health Association
plus image Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society
Biology/ Biosafety
plus image American Biological Safety Association
plus image American Society for Microbiology
plus image BioInfoSeek
plus image BioMedNet
plus image Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Service
plus image Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, Johns Hopkins University
plus image Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
plus image   - Office of Health and Safety
plus image   - Bioterrorism Preparedness &     Response Web Site
plus image   - Emergency Preparedness and
    Response Branch
plus image   - Epidemic Intelligence Service
plus image   - National Center for Infectious Diseases
plus image   - National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program
plus image Center for the Study of Bioterroism & Emerging Infections
plus image European BioSafety Association
plus image International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
plus image United Nations Environment Programme / International Register on Biosafety
plus image Virtual Library: Bio Sciences
plus image BIOBIN
plus image Biotechnologie / Industrie Canada
plus image Biotechnology Gateway
plus image   - The Canadian Biotechnology Strategy Online
plus image Biotechnology Information For Food
Safety Database
plus image Information Systems for Biotechnology
plus image National Center for Biotechnology Information
plus image Office of Biotechnology Activities
plus image Southwest Biotechnology and Informatics Center
plus image Anser Institute for Homeland Security
plus image Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
plus image Army Medical Department Center and School
plus image Belgian Biosafety Server
plus image Bioterrorism presentation
plus image Cal Poly CBW Page
plus image Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
plus image CDC / Health Alert Network
plus image CDC / Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
plus image CDC / The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
plus image Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
plus image Center for Public Health and Disasters
plus image Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
plus image Centre for Nonproliferation Studies/ Monterey Institute Of International Studies
plus image Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center
plus image Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Project
plus image Chemical Biological Database
plus image Crop Biosecurity, The American Phytopathological Society
plus image Defense Technical Information Center
plus image Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
plus image Department of Defense
plus image Department of Justice, Office of State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support
plus image Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Counterproliferation/ Chemical and Biological Defense
plus image Drug Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism
plus image Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
plus image Federation of American Scientists / The Chemical & Biological Arms Control
plus image Guidance for Hospital Medical Management
plus image Guidance for Prehospital Emergency Services
plus image Harvard Sussex Program on CBW Armament and Arms Limitation
plus image Homeland Health
plus image Los Angeles County Health Department / Bioterrorism preparedness and response
plus image Maryland Department of Health Bioterrorism Preparedness
plus image New and Emerging Plant Viruses
The American Phytopathological Society
plus image New York Emergency Room - Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Agent Exposure
plus image Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
plus image Oregon Health Department Bioterrorism Preparedness
plus image Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
plus image Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
plus image Sandia National Laboratories:
plus image Terrorism Research Center
plus image Texas Department of Health, Bioterrorism Preparedness
plus image Texas Medical Association Bioterrorism Resource Center
plus image The CBRN Research and Technology Initiative
Solicitor General
plus image U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command
plus image U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
plus image UCLA (Epidemiological Information on Bioterrorism)
plus image Decon Liability for First Responders
plus image Decontamination Quick Reference
plus image EMedecine
plus image Mass Casualty Decontamination:
plus image Rhode Island Department of Health
plus image Sandia Decon Info
plus image The decontamination of people exposed to CBRN substances or materials
plus image U.S. Army Decontamination Fact Sheet
Other CBRN sites:
plus image Nerve gas / auto-injectors info:
plus image Auto-Injectors and Trainers for Civil Defense/Homeland Defense
plus image Diagnostic Test for Anthrax
plus image MSDS for Nerve Agents
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness
plus image
Infectious Diseases
plus image Alliance Against Infectious Diseases
plus image Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology
plus image Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Infectious Diseases
plus image   - Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response
plus image Centers for Public Health Preparedness
plus image HC / Infectious Diseases
plus image Infectious Diseases Society of America
plus image IDSA and Bioterrorism Preparedness
plus image National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
plus image   - NFID Bioterrorism Links
plus image National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
plus image   - NIAID & Vaccine: Research Center

plus image   - NIAID & Vaccine:Table of Contents
plus image   - NIAID & Bioterrorism:
plus image The Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy
plus image Association of Public Health Laboratories
plus image CDC / National Laboratory Training Network
plus image HC / Office of Laboratory Security
plus image National Microbiology Laboratory
The Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health
plus image Public Health Laboratory Service
Mass Fatality
plus image Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams (Dmort) Organisation
plus image The National Mass Fatalities Institute
Mental Health / Trauma & Stress
plus image American Academy of Pediatrics
plus image American Psychiatric Association, Disaster Psychiatry Page
plus image American Psychological Association
plus image Canadian Mental Health Association
plus image Canadian Psychiatric Association
plus image Disaster Mental Health
plus image Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch, Center for Mental Health Services, DHHS
plus image Coping with Anxiety During High Risk Terrorist Alerts, American Psychiatric Association
plus image Human Behavior and WMD Crisis/Risk Communication Workshop Report

plus image International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
plus image National Center or PTSD
plus image Talking to Children about Terrorism and War, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
plus image University of South Dakota, Disaster Mental Health Institute
plus image American Academy of Family Physicians
plus image American Academy of Pediatrics
plus image Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons
plus image Canadian Paediatric Society
plus image College of Family Physicians of Canada:
plus image American Enterprise Institute
plus image American Foreign Policy Council
plus image Arms Control Association
plus image Atlantic Council of the United States
plus image Brookings Institution
plus image CATO Institute
plus image Center for Global Security Research
plus image Center for International Policy
plus image Center for International Security and Cooperation
plus image   - International Disease Surveillance and Global Security
plus image Center for Strategic and International Studies
plus image Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
plus image Council on Foreign Relations
plus image Federation of American Scientists
plus image Henry Stimson Centre
plus image Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
plus image Kim-spy site
plus image National Military Intelligence Association
plus image Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
plus image Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
plus image RAND

plus image Stockholm International Peace Research Institute:
plus image   - SIPRI - Chemical and Biological Warfare Project
plus image   - Joint SIPRI-Bradford Chemical and Biological Warfare Project
plus image World Policy Institute
plus image American Pharmaceutical Association
plus image Association des pharmaciend du Canada
Toxic Substances
plus image Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
plus image American Association of Poison Control Centers
plus image EXTOXNET InfoBase provides a variety of information about pesticides
plus image Home Page for the California Poison Control System
plus image National Library of Medicine Toxicology Tutor
plus image ToxNet
Training & Educational Materials
plus image Advanced Hazmat Life Support Program Emergency Medicine Research Center University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
plus image Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
plus image American Medical Association
plus image American Public Health Association
plus image Arizona Public Health Association
plus image Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
plus image Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Learning Resources
plus image Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response News and Events
plus image California Emergency Medical Services / Training
plus image CBRN Anti-Terrorism
plus image Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, Johns Hopkins University
plus image Center for Disaster Preparedness
plus image Center For Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Training Site
plus image Chem-Bio Training
plus image Chemical Education Foundation,
Education and Training References
plus image Department of Health & Human Services, OEP consolidated training list
plus image Department of Justice Office of State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support training courses
plus image Distance Learning Web Sites

plus image Domestic Preparedness Campus
plus image Emergency Education Network
plus image Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership Forum
plus image Emergency Management Institute
plus image Evidence-Based Practice Center
plus image FEMA
plus image FEMA's Integrated Emergency Management Course
plus image First responders
plus image Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System
plus image HC/ Office of Emergency Preparedness, Planning, Training
plus image Louisiana State University
National Center for Biomedical Research and Training Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education
plus image Medical Department, links to training sites/conferences
plus image Medical Effect of Ionizing Radiation
plus image Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense training list
plus image   - Chemical Casualty Care Division
plus image National Disaster Medical System
Response Team Training Program
plus image National Emergency Rescue and Response Training Center,
Texas A&M University
plus image National Fire Academy, compendium of WMD courses
plus image National Health Information Center
plus image National Laboratory Training Network
plus image National Laboratory Training Network, CDC
  National Technical Information Service
plus image National Terrorism Preparedness Institute
plus image Office of Domestic Preparedness Courses
plus image Office of Domestic Preparedness. Weapons of Mass Destruction Training Course Catalog
plus image Office of State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support exercise support
plus image Office of the Fire Marshal, Ontario, Canada

plus image Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
plus image Public Health Service Noble Training Center
plus image Public Health Training Network
plus image Resources for Bio-Terrorism Prevention, Response & Recovery
plus image Terrorism consequence courses
plus image The Center for Domestic Preparedness. Department of Justice and American Military University
plus image The Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
plus image The Public Health Foundation
plus image The Rapid Response Information System
plus image U.S. Fire Administration
plus image University of Findlay, Center for Terrorism Preparedness
plus image University of North Carolina School of Public Health
plus image Us Army
plus image US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
plus image US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Training List
Vaccine Safety
plus image Allied Vaccine Group
plus image Anthrax Vaccine
plus image CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
plus image Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research US Food and Drug Administration
plus image HC/ National Advisory Committee on Immunization
plus image Institute for Vaccine Safety / John Hopkins University
plus image National Network for Immunization Information
plus image National Vaccine Program's Office
plus image Recommendations of the ACIP
plus image Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System:

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