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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Resource Links (CBRN)

Journals/Magazines/Periodicals/Newsletters & Publications

External hyperlinks

Links to other Web sites are provided for information and education, but should not necessarily be considered as endorsements of the information or opinions. The Public Health Agency assumes no responsibility or liability for material on linked sites.

CBRN Resource Links

Table of Content

  1. Canadian Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  2. US Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  3. International & National Health Organizations related to CBRN
  4. Web Resource Centres /Librairies /Networks /Portals /Databases
  5. Journals/Magazines/ Periodicals/ Newsletters & Publications
  6. Universities/Schools of Public Health & Others
  7. Governments
  8. CBRN Quick References
  9. Guidelines/ Regulations / Contingency Plans/ Procedures/ Protocols/
  10. Guides/ Fact Sheets/ Handbooks/ Listings/ Booklets/ Documents
  11. Upcoming Events of Interest

The development of this resource is on-going and we need users to help us build it. We welcome your suggestions for any new useful links and to the present document. Please send your ideas to:

Journals/Magazines/ Periodicals/ Newsletters & Publications
plus image American Journal of Epidemiology
plus image American Journal of Public Health
plus image Annals of Epidemiology
plus image Archives of Family Medicine
plus image BMC Infectious Diseases
plus image Bristish Medical Journal
plus image Bulletin of the World Health Organization
plus image Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness Newsletter
plus image Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases
plus image Canadian Medical Association Journal
plus image CDC, Emerging Infectious Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases
plus image CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
plus image Clinical Infectious Disease
plus image DHHS / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Newsletter
plus image Disaster Recovery Journal
plus image Domestic Preparedness
plus image Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership Newsletter
plus image FEMA IMPACT newsletter
plus image FEMA News Listing
plus image Hazardous Technical Info Newsletter
plus image Homeland Security
plus image International On-Line Publishing
plus image Internet Scientific Publications
plus image John Hopkins University Biodefense Quarterly
Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies
plus image Journal of Civil Defense
plus image Journal of Homeland Defense
plus image Journal of Pediatrics
plus image Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence
plus image Journal of the American Medical Association
plus image Journal of Epidemiology
plus image Lancet
plus image Magazine articles
plus image Merck site
plus image Monterey Institute of International Studies
plus image National Fire and Rescue Magazine
plus image Nature Medecine
plus image New England Journal Of Medicine
plus image New Scientist Journal
plus image Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support Bulletins
plus image OSHA Job Safety and Health Quarterly Magazine
plus image PBS Nova On-Line:
plus image Science Express
plus image Science Magazine:
plus image Scientific American
plus image St- Louis University Newsletter
plus image Terrorism Awareness Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Part I, Chemical Agents
plus image Terrorism Awareness: Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Part II, Biological Weapons
plus image Time Magazine
plus image US Army: CB Quarterly, US Army Soldiers and Biological Chemical Command
plus image US Army: CHPPM News Bulletins, US Army Center For Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
plus image US Army: Hazardous Technical Information Service Newsletter
plus image US Army: Military Medical Technology Online
plus image US Army: The Chemical and Biological Information Analysis center Newsletter
plus image Vaccine

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