Vaccine FAQ
How can I separate Fact from Fiction?
Vaccines have saved the lives of more babies and children than any other medical intervention in the past 50 years.
Most parents have questions about vaccines, so here is a list of common questions - and their answers. For vaccine questions specific to a particular disease, see the Vaccine-preventable Disease FAQs.
Vaccines boost immunity
- How do vaccines work?
- Can natural infection or a healthy lifestyle be effective alternatives to vaccines?
- Do vaccines weaken the immune system?
Vaccines are effective
- Do vaccines work?
- Why can't I take a chance that my child won't get sick, as long as most other people are vaccinated?
- Why do we need vaccines if we have better hygiene and sanitation to help prevent disease in Canada?
- Why do we still need vaccines if the diseases they prevent have disappeared from our part of the world?
- What would happen if we stopped immunizing?
Vaccines are safe
- Are vaccines safe?
- How are vaccines made and licensed in Canada?
- Do vaccines contain toxic ingredients?
- Can vaccines transmit animal disease to people?
- Will my child have a reaction?
- What about reports that vaccines are linked to chronic diseases or problems such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
- I've heard that MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine can cause autism. Is that true?
- I've heard that thimerosol can cause autism. Is that true?
Vaccines work best on time
- Does my child have to be immunized?
- What are the recommended vaccines for children?
- Can giving a child several vaccines at the same time overload the immune system?
- Are there any other vaccines or shots my child should get?
- Are there any reasons why someone should not be vaccinated?
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