Vaccines are safe
Vaccines are safe, with huge benefits to children's health - all through their lives. Severe reactions from vaccines are extremely rare and are reported immediately to the Public Health Agency of Canada so that any problems can be dealt with quickly.
Safer than diseases they prevent
Vaccines in Canada are effective and safe--much safer than the 13 diseases they prevent. These diseases can lead to pneumonia, deafness, brain damage, heart problems, blindness, paralysis and carry a risk of life-long disability or death.
Rigorous research is ongoing
Vaccines are continuously monitored and tested around the world and in Canada before they are approved for use. Canada has several systems in place to keep a watchful eye on any reports of unusual, adverse side effects following immunizations.
False fears about harmful effects
All parents have questions about the risks associated with immunization. Some people worry that vaccines can cause health problems, such as autism or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Expert research committees in Canada and around the world have investigated reports of serious effects over many years. They have found no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism or any other illnesses.
Should you experience an adverse event following immunization, please ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to complete the Adverse Events following Immunization (AEFI) Form.
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