Abuse is wrong This booklet is for anyone who is suffering from abuse in a relationship or in a family. It provides information on many aspects of family violence, including: 2009, 28p. |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2001 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2002 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2003 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2004 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2005 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2006 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2007 |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2008 This is the eleventh annual Family Violence in Canada report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada, as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues. |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2009 This is the 12th annual Family Violence in Canada report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues. This year, the focus of the report is a profile of shelters that provide residential services to women and children fleeing abusive situations. Data for this profile come from the Transition Home Survey, a biennial census of residential facilities for female victims of family violence in Canada. In addition, using police-reported data, the report also presents fact sheets, data tables and figures examining spousal violence, family violence against children and youth, family violence against seniors (aged 65 years and older), and family-related homicides. 2009, 62p. |
Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile This is the thirteenth annual Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada, as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues. Each year the report has a different focus. This year, the focus of the report is on self-reported incidents of spousal victimization from the 2009 General Social Survey on Victimization. In addition, using police-reported data, the report also presents information on family violence against children and youth, family violence against seniors, and family-related homicides. 2011, 51p. |
Family Violence and Homelessness: A Review of the Literature This literature review summarizes current knowledge about the relationship between family violence and homelessness. More specifically, it provides data on the high rates of family violence in the histories of homeless people – particularly women, children and Aboriginal people – and discusses the correlation between abuse experienced in the home and the use of shelter services. This review will provide policy makers, program development officers, researchers and front-line service providers with information on how to best respond to the varied and unique needs of homeless people in Canada. 2006, 52p. |
Family Violence Hurts Promotional card describing the new Justice Canada website designed for youth. |
The Family Violence Initiative Performance Report 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 The Family Violence Initiative Performance Report 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 provides an overview of the federal government's investments, progress and results in family violence prevention and intervention for the fiscal period April 2002 through March 2004. It provides information from case studies, departmental performance reports and reviews, as well as evaluation studies. In addition, the Report outlines priorities for future activities under the Family Violence Initiative. 2005, 46p. |
Family Violence Initiative Performance Report for April 2004 to March 2008 The Family Violence Initiative Performance Report for April 2004 to March 2008 presents performance results of the federal government’s Family Violence Initiative (FVI) for the four year period ending in March 2008. It outlines key progress and achievements and showcases promising and innovative work that has been supported through the FVI. 2008, 38p. |
The Family Violence Initiative: Year 5 Report The Family Violence Initiative: Year Five Report is a summary of the most notable accomplishments achieved by the Government of Canada during the first five years of the current Family Violence Initiative (1997-2002). It provides information from case studies, departmental performance reports and reviews, as well as evaluation studies. In addition, the Report outlines priorities for future activities under the Family Violence Initiative. 2004, 67p. |
Family Violence and People with Intellectual Disabilities - Overview Paper This overview paper presents an introduction to the unique experiences and considerations of people with intellectual disabilities who are dealing with family violence. The document also includes a list of suggested readings. 2002, 12p. |
Health Effects of Family Violence This overview paper presents a range of research that demonstrates both the impact of family violence on an individual’s well-being and the indirect consequences such as smoking, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and other health-related conditions. The document is intended to expand discussion on the issue and is targeted to health and social service providers, researchers and the general public. 2003, 8p. |
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence -- Bookmark |
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence -- Pamphlet This pamphlet provides a brief description of the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, its role, services and resources. 2009, 3p. |
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE 2006-2007 An up-to-date guide to National Clearinghouse on Family Violence publications. 2006, 36p. |
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence Video Catalogue 2005 This latest edition is an annotated guide to Canadian videos about family violence. This collection of videos is managed and maintained in a joint venture between the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence and the National Film Board of Canada. The catalogue is useful as a personal or professional resource. Information on how to borrow or purchase videos is included in each description. 2005, 45p. |
Nursing Education and Violence Prevention, Detection and Intervention This paper is intended to provoke discussion on the education of nurses in the area of violence prevention, detection and intervention. It addresses the theoretical and conceptual basis for nursing education and research, the importance of experiential learning and the integration of concepts from a variety of disciplines. 2002, 36p. |
Parent Abuse: The Abuse of Parents by Their Teenage Children This publication explores the issue of parent abuse. It provides general information as well as a description of the consequences and implications for the family. It includes suggestions for helping the abusive youth and ending the abuse. 2001, 55 p. |
Parent Abuse: The Abuse of Parents by Their Teenage Children - Overview Paper This paper provides a general summary of information available on the issue of parents who are abused by their teenage children. Topics addressed include the types of parent abuse, contributing factors and effects on the family. Guidelines to service providers and parents dealing with abusive situations are also discussed. 2003, 10p. |
Psychological Abuse: A Discussion Paper This discussion paper provides a review of research on psychological abuse which occurs in family relationships. It includes a general discussion of approaches to the issue as well as definitional information about the tactics and behaviours involved. The paper also provides statistical data and information on risk factors and indicators for psychological abuse in different types of relationships (e.g., intimate partner, child-parent and other relationships of trust), as well as a discussion of legal remedies and suggested actions for dealing with this form of abuse. 2008, 32p. |
Spousal Abuse Policies and Legislation – Final Report This report identifies three key objectives of any criminal justice response to spousal abuse: criminalizing spousal abuse; promoting the safety and security of the victim; and maintaining confidence in the administration of justice. It recommends the retention of pro-charging and pro-prosecution policies in spousal abuse cases as well as the development and enhancement of supporting programs, services and structures. 2003, 137 p. |
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