Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse - Overview Paper
revised by Thomas Wilken
This overview paper summarizes information on child sexual abuse and its impacts on adult survivors. It outlines some of the relevant terminology, identifies characteristics of male and female survivors and explores stages of recovery. The overview paper also explains how family and friends can help and provides a list of suggested reading material. 2002, 9p. |
Available electronically only.
Child Sexual Abuse - Overview Paper
revised by Kathleen Babcock, M.S.W., and Arijana Tomicic, M.S.W.
As an update of the Child Sexual Abuse - Overview Paper (1997), this paper explains what child sexual abuse is, presents prevalence statistics, and identifies risk factors and possible symptoms of child sexual abuse. Included are strategies for sensitive intervention and prevention initiatives in addition to a list of resources and contact information for individuals requiring more information. 2006, 15 p. |

Directory of Services for Adult Survivors
of Child Sexual Abuse
by the NCFV
This 2009 directory provides a listing of programs that address the needs of adult survivors of child sexual abuse. The organizations listed provide a range of services, from group and individual counselling to crisis intervention and individual advocacy. Each listing identifies whether services are available for women, men and/or children, if there is a fee for services, and whether these services are available in English and French. 2009, 119p. |
Handbook on Sensitive Practice for Health Care Practitioners: Lessons from Adult Survivors of Childhood
Sexual Abuse
by Candice L. Schachter, DPT, PhD, Carol A. Stalker, PhD, RSW, Eli Teram, PhD, Gerri C. Lasiuk, RN, PhD, Alanna Danilkewich, MD, FCFP
This handbook is designed to help health care practitioners address the needs of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. It provides background information about childhood sexual abuse and illustrates how childhood sexual abuse can adversely affect health care encounters with all types of health care providers. The principles and guidelines of Sensitive Practice presented in the Handbook are the product of dialogue between survivors and health care practitioners, and outline comprehensive, practical suggestions that all health care practitioners can incorporate into their clinical practice. 2009, 122 p. |
Available electronically only.
National Inventory of Treatment Programs for Child Sexual Abuse Offenders
In this 2002 directory, treatment programs across Canada are listed by province and territory. Each listing contains a brief description of services and current contact information. Where applicable, the description also indicates referral requirements, relevant fees, and whether services are available in English and/or French. 2002, 48 p. |
Sexual Abuse Counselling: A Guide for Parents and Children
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
Intended for adults, this booklet explains how counselling can help people recover from sexual abuse, either their own or the abuse of a family member. It describes the effects of sexual abuse and identifies the role of counsellors and of parents in overcoming the experience. 2008, 10p. |
Sexual Abuse - What Happens When You Tell: A Guide for Children and Parents
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet is designed to help children who have experienced sexual abuse. It outlines why a child should tell about the abuse and who should be told. It explains how family members might react and what social workers and police do when they are told about sexual abuse. It also briefly describes the legal process when charges are laid against the offender. 2008, 11p. |
Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Parents
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet introduces the issue of sibling sexual abuse and is intended to help parents understand and prevent it. The document outlines some of the factors that contribute to sibling sexual abuse and describes the effects on its victims. 2008, 16p. |
When Boys Have Been Sexually Abused: A Guide for Young Boys
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet describes the experiences and feelings of seven boys who have been sexually abused. It emphasizes that sexual abuse is wrong. The booklet explains how to get help and what to expect from a parent or sexual abuse counsellor. 2008, 14p. |
When Children Act Out Sexually: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet outlines the stages of normal sexual development and describes how to recognize and address sexually aggressive behaviour in children. It provides answers to commonly asked questions about sexual abuse and inappropriate sexual behaviour. The booklet explains how parents, teachers, and others can help a sexually aggressive child. 2008, 11p. |
When Girls Have Been Sexually Abused: A Guide for Young Girls
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet describes the experiences and feelings of seven girls who have been sexually abused. It emphasizes that sexual abuse is wrong. The booklet explains how to get help and what to expect after disclosing the abuse. 2008, 12p. |
When Males Have Been Sexually Abused as Children: A Guide for Men
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
This booklet addresses some of the most common questions and concerns of adult male survivors of sexual abuse. It includes information about how to recognize sexual abuse, how to get help, what to expect from counselling, and how to tell a partner. 2008, 15p. |
When Teenage Boys Have Been Sexually Abused: A Guide for Teenagers
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
Designed for teenage boys who have been sexually abused, this booklet provides an overview of sexual abuse and its effects, focusing on the stories of teenage boys who have been abused. It explains some of the laws about sexual activity and highlights what can be accomplished through counselling and support groups. 2008, 17p. |
When Teenage Girls Have Been Sexually Abused: A Guide for Teenagers
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
Designed for teenage girls who have been sexually abused, this booklet provides an overview of sexual abuse and its effects, focusing on the stories of teenage girls who have been abused. It explains some of the laws about sexual activity and highlights what can be accomplished through counselling and support groups. 2008, 16p. |
When Your Partner was Sexually Abused as a Child: A Guide For Partners
by the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre
Designed for partners of those who have been sexually abused as a child or teen, this booklet addresses the effects of abuse on the partner as well as on the relationship. It addresses a variety of concerns through the use of questions and answers as well as personal vignettes. A suggested reading list is included. 2008, 16p. |
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