Public Health Agency of Canada
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Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men

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Abuse in Gay Male Relationships: A Discussion Paper




Abuse in Gay Male Relationships: A Discussion Paper
by Kevin Kirkland, Ph.D.

This discussion paper provides an overview of available knowledge on the nature and extent of abuse in gay male relationships. It situates the issue in a cultural context, examining myths surrounding homosexuality and gay relationships as well as the obstacles that victims may face when seeking help to deal with or escape from such relationships. The paper identifies risk factors and abusive patterns and concludes with suggestions as to where helpful resources and services may be found -- by individuals as well as professionals who work with victims and/or perpetrators. 2004, 21 p.

Directory of Services and Programs for Abused Men in Canada




Directory of Services and Programs for Abused Men in Canada
by the NCFV

Grouped by province and territory, this 2008 directory lists programs and services across Canada. Each organization is listed with a brief description of its services as well as current contact information. Where possible, the description identifies the type of service provided, relevant fees, and whether services are available in English and/or French. 2008, 59p.

Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men - Overview Paper




Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men - Overview Paper
by Dr. Eugen Lupri and Dr. Elaine Grandin

This document provides an overview of the available research findings on the nature and extent of abuse committed by women against their intimate male partners, as well as an examination of the various methods that have been used in that research. It identifies risk factors and the physical and psychological effects on victims. Finally, it considers issues relevant to prevention and offers suggestions on what individuals (victims, friends and professionals) can do and what resources and services they can access for help. 2004, 13 p.