The Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, in accordance with its mandate to facilitate the storage and transmittal of scientific and technical information, has maintained a system since 1964 for the use of Canadian authors and publishers (and others at the discretion of the Depository), to accommodate material that may be considered as supplementary to journal articles. Detailed calculations, numerical data on which graphs are based, detailed descriptions of methods, or extensive tabular material not essential to the text are examples of material suitable for deposit. A footnote or text reference indicating availability of such material from NRC-CISTI permits interested readers to obtain this material.
When submitting manuscripts for publication, authors should indicate those portions of the text that could be deposited. Journal editors on review of a submission may also suggest data for deposit. DEPOSITS MUST INCLUDE A FULL CITATION TO THE ARTICLE INCLUDING ALL AUTHORS, TITLE OF ARTICLE, TITLE OF JOURNAL, VOLUME, ISSUE, YEAR, AND PAGING. There is no deposit fee but charges are levied for copies in accordance with NRC-CISTI's Document Delivery prices.
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Document Delivery
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