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More gender differences observed in obesity

Differences in the distribution of excess weight have been generally observed for some time. For example, men often store excess body fat around their stomach and chest ("apple" shape), whereas women store it around their hips, bottoms, and thighs ("pear" shape).

The April issue of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism features the results of a study that examined obesity in relation to income and education among Canadians, as well as lifestyle choices such as fruit and vegetable intake, leisure time physical activity (LTPA), and smoking. The results put forward in the article "Socioeconomic patterns of obesity in Canada: modeling the role of health behaviour" suggest that social and behavioural links to obesity are easier to identify among women than among men.

Social patterns of obesity in women more clearly defined than in men

Authors Heather Ward, Valerie Tarasuk, and Rena Mendelson report that their analysis of the national Canadian Community Health Survey data indicates that education is associated with a decreased likelihood of obesity in both men and women. Consistent with this result, education is indirectly associated with obesity among women through lifestyle behaviours such as fruit and vegetable intake and levels of LTPA. Income was not directly associated with obesity among women. However, contrary to women, the likelihood of obesity was directly associated with men's income level, and indirectly with their smoking status.

This study demonstrates that obesity is a very complex social and physical reality requiring continued research and public education.

The complete article is available in pdf format.

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