The Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS), is a transaction-based electronic billing system for interlibrary-loan (ILL) and document delivery. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is committed to working with the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) EFTS staff to expand the system on a national basis to National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) member libraries.
EFTS is a joint effort between the National Library of Medicine, the NN/LM, and the University of Connecticut Health Center/Lyman Maynard Stowe Library, which manages and maintains the system.
The EFTS is used by health sciences libraries for processing payment of inter-library loan transactions. It centralizes this activity by electronically billing participants, which greatly reduces the need to create invoices and to write checks for reimbursement for interlibrary loans and document delivery amongst participants.
EFTS virtually eliminates the need to create invoices and write cheques for reimbursement for interlibrary loans and document delivery between participants.
Other advantages of participation include monthly detailed transaction reports, the ability to handle charges for rush or fax service, the ability to vary charges to members of special groups, and the ability to handle non-DOCLINE transactions.
As EFTS coordinator for Canada, CISTI provides technical assistance, answers questions, and disseminates information about the system.
Promotional materials are available. If you have any questions about EFTS or need any help relating to EFTS, you can always contact the DOCLINE Group at CISTI at
EFTS is used by health sciences libraries for processing payment of interlibrary loan transactions. It centralizes this activity by billing participants electronically, reducing the need to create invoices and to write cheques for reimbursement for interlibrary loans and document delivery among participants.
Other advantages of participation include monthly detailed transaction reports, the ability to handle charges for rush or fax service, the ability to vary charges to members of special groups, and the ability to handle non-DOCLINE transactions. Although all deposits and transactions in EFTS are handled in US currency, the recent introduction of currency conversion allows Canadian libraries to bill and to collect payment from each other in Canadian dollars.
There are no fees if you are using the system only to pay for interlibrary loan charges.
If you use the EFTS system to collect interlibrary loan fees from borrowing libraries, you are charged 5% of the fees you collect.
You open a deposit account with as little as $US 100.00. You can use a credit card to make payment, or you can download an invoice from the web site. All charges are deducted from your deposits.
There are more than 1,100 member libraries in North America. The first Canadian library joined EFTS in 2003. As of April 2007, 11 of the 1,100 are Canadian libraries.
Complete list of participants.
When you borrow from a charging EFTS library, your account is debited for the cost of that ILL by the supplier.
If you are a big library, you can upload a batch of ILL charges. DOCLINE now makes it easier for you by providing all the necessary details for EFTS charges generated in DOCLINE and allowing you to create a file for easy upload to EFTS.
The EFTS system then charges the borrowing libraries and that amount – less 3% - is deposited back into the EFTS account of the supplier.
You fill out the application form, sign the Memorandum of Agreement and make a deposit (by cheque or credit card) of $US 100.00 (or more).
All forms can be found on the EFTS web site
Electronic Fund Transfer System
Lyman Maynard Stowe Library MC 4003
University of Connecticut Health Center
263, Farmington Avenue
Farmington CT 06034-4003
Phone : 1-860-679-4500
Toll-Free : 1-866-561-5045
Facsimile : 1-860-679-1305
Email :