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CCA Bulletins 2010

Bulletins are the CCA's frequent information updates on current events affecting the cultural sector. Members can subscribe to receive directly via email by e-mailing info@ccarts.ca.

CCA Bulletin 32/10

Of this and that and other things: A pre-holiday wrap up (Part 2)

(December 20, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 31/10

Of this and that and other things: A pre-holiday wrap up (Part 1)

(December 16, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 30/10

Why Bill C-470 should be defeated

(November 17, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 29/10

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: A follow-up to the 2010 National Policy Conference

(November 15, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 28/10

The Economic Update: what does it mean for the cultural sector?

(November 8, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 27/10

After 30 years, what has UNESCO’s Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist achieved?

(October 26, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 26/10

Copyright: the Parliamentary debate is about to begin

(October 25, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 25/10

The CCA Publishes its Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget

(September 14, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 24/10

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: A Summer Roundup

(September 7, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 23/10

Arts Education and the CCA

(August 31, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 22/10

Remuneration for charity staff: the CCA joins chorus of concern over Bill C-470

(August 23, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 21/10

CCA urges the government to keep investing in arts and culture beyond Canada's Economic Action Plan

(August 16, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 20/10

The Long-Form Census Controversy and the Arts

(July 20, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 19/10

What are the Department of Canadian Heritage's Priorities for 2010-2011?

(July 19, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 18/10

Arts, Culture and a National Digital Strategy

(July 12, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 17/10

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: CCA's year in Review

(June 25, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 16/10

The House of Commons is off for the summer

(June 22, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 15/10

Amending the Copyright Act: What's in it for Artists?

(June 3, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 14/10

Harmonized Sales Tax: What does it mean for the arts?

(May 25, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 13/10

Towards a Canadian National Digital Strategy?

(May 13, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 12/10

CCA to CRTC: Put Communities Back in Community Television and: The Canada Prizes for the Arts and Creativity Resurface

(May 4, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 11/10

Telecoms: Is Canada Selling its Cultural Sovereignty Through the Back Door?

(April 6, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 10/10

Is the CRTC "dreaming in technicolour"?

(March 26, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 9/10

Canada/EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement : What are the cultural implications?

(March 22, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 8/10

Copyright: Opposition Parties First on the Ice!

(March 18, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 7/10

2010 Federal Budget: The Action Plan Winding Down, but Administrative Reform Ramping Up

(March 4, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 6/10

Speech from the Throne: A Stronger Canada. A Stronger Economy. How it Affects Arts and Culture

(March 3, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 5/10

Is a Change in Foreign Ownership Rules for Cultural Industries on the Horizon? (February 9, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 4/10

The rules of the new Canada Periodical Fund: the impact on arts and culture magazines

(January 28, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 3/10

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: CCA talks culture to federal Liberal caucus

(January 22, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 2/10

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: CCA call for Awards Nominations

(January 11, 2010)

CCA Bulletin 1/10

Parliament's Prorogation

(January 6, 2010)


Bulletin Archive







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To obtain bulletins produced before 2004 please write to us at info@ccarts.ca.