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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Bulletins 2009

Bulletins are the CCA's frequent information updates on current events affecting the cultural sector. Members can subscribe to receive directly via email by e-mailing info@ccarts.ca.

CCA Bulletin 30/09

Musical Diversity Funding

(December 14, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 29/09

2010 Pre-budget consultations report

(December 11, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 28/09

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: Update on CCA Activities

(December 1, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 27/09

CCA urges CRTC to regulate cable and satellite rates

(November 3, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 26/09

Privatized Culture in Bad Times: Evaluating the American System of Cultural Patronage(October 29, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 25/09

CCA urges investment in musical diversity and development

(October 28, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 24/09

Cultural Policy Workshop: The Politics of Arts and the Art of Politics

(September 30, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 23/09

CCA in front of the Standing Committee on Finance

(September 21, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 22/09

2009 Budget Analysis

(September 10, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 21/09

Pre-Budget Submission - The CCA urges Ottawa to make strategic investments in the creative economy

(August 17, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 20/09

A Review of Summer 2009 Consultations

(July 16, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 19/09

Renewal of arts funding for five years and the Heritage Standing Committee report on the TV Industry

(June 30, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 18/09

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: News from the Canadian Conference of the Arts (June 29, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 17/09

CCA Covers Federal Review Processes

(June 11, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 16/09

Provincial Initiatives to Help the Arts Weather the Recession - An Overview

(May 20, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 15/09

Marquee Tourism Event Cash Starts to Flow - Next deadline May 8, 2009!

(May 1, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 14/09

Focus on Arts Funding: a Report from the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and another one on Cultural Infrastructure

(April 29, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 13/09

Waging Culture: Canadian Visual Artists In Focus

(April 20, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 12/09

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: National Cultural Strategy Workshop Final Report

(April 9, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 11/09

Canadian Cultural Exports: A Growing Success Worth Investing In

(April 7, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 10/09

American Arts Organizations Hit Hard by Recession

(March 24, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 9/09

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: 2009 Chalmers Workshop: Building Consensus

(March 19, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 8/09

The New Canada Media Fund: A glass half full, or half empty?

(Marc 12, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 7/09

The 2009-2010 Main Estimates Provide an Imperfect Picture of Government Spending

(March 2, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 6/09

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: The CCA publishes its Report on the Regional Forums 2008

(February 26, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 5/09

CCA Urges the CRTC to Create a Fund for New Media Productions

(February 19, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 4/09

More Budget Details: Where is the $335 million going?

(February 9, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 3/09

The 2009-2010 Federal Stimulus Budget and Culture: More Status Quo than Economic Stimulus

(January 27, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 2/09

Speech From The Throne - Prelude to the Federal Stimulus Budget

(January 26, 2009)

CCA Bulletin 1/09

Research at the Canadian Conference of the Arts

(January 16, 2009)


Bulletin Archive






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To obtain bulletins produced before 2004 please write to us at info@ccarts.ca.