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Joe Dion

Joseph Francis Dion (1888 - 1960) was born in Onion Lake Indian Reserve in July of 1888. Dion was a devoted leader of the Metis people throughout his lifetime. He Married Elizabeth Cunningham of St. Albert in 1912 and three years later opened a school on Kehewin Indian Reserve. At this school he taught for twenty-four years where he loved to work with native children. Dion's time at the school gave him a chance to write a book titled " My Tribe the Crees".

Joe Dion will also be remembered for his work with the Metis nation of Alberta, which began under his self and the "Big Five". He began his work in 1930 and held his position as President till his passing. In the same year he began a Metis Dance Group that traveled across eastern Canada. Dion began a column in the Bonnyville Tribune about the History of the Cree Nation. In 1957 Dion was awarded a gold medal called "Benemerenti" by the Pope Pius. Joseph Dion passed away on December 21 of 1960.

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